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Everything posted by andy

  1. PM's aren't automatically put into your Sent Items Folder. You need to tick the box above "Send Message" if you want to save a copy. I'm looking into having PM's saved automatically as a few folk have asked for it. I can, however, guarantee that the message was delivered.
  2. Fife guys - remember roadworks are back on at the Forth Bridge and it's causing chaos on the approaches to the Kincardine Bridge. Allow some extra time for that.
  3. I've got 40-odd pre-stapled. I had no stapler. Had to fire a load from my staple gun and then bend them with pliers
  4. I think we've cornered the market in black ribbon. I've got shedloads too so don't worry if you can't get any in time. There will be more than enough to ensure every car carries one.
  5. Okay, this has been mentioned by Phil as a possibility for Kent. We discussed this with the Scottish community and feedback was very favourable as giving the Scottish area of the Club a sense of individuality We put it in place for the Scottish Scoobies, but it was literally on the day the sad news broke about Colin McRae so we've temporarily pulled it. Apart from being very disrespectful, it was the last thing on people's minds. It will be put back once we've paid our respects next Sunday. The way it will work with Scottish Scoobies is they can pay, entirely optionally, via the membership system, an additional £10 per year over and above their SIDC membership fee. It was agreed with Phil that any income from this would be returned to the Region with the Club taking nothing from it. The only deductions would be the commission charged by PayPal or WorldPay. It was agreed with Scottish members, that funds raised would be split equally amongst the various Scottish Regions running Santa Cruise events. The Scottish Scoobies Supporters get this logo beneath their username: to show they're supporting the Scottish Scoobies. There are various ways this can be set up if you wanted to go for it. What you must first decide amongst you is how much is acceptable to pay. The question was put to the Scottish community and they decided £10 was fair. It can be whatever you want, but you must have agreement from the majority on it. You then need to find your local photoshop guru to design you a logo. I believe we have raised the bar with the upgrade not only in terms of functionality, but also the look of the SIDC website. Any logo would have to be of a high standard. Something like this: would NOT be considered suitable! Everything is done automatically through a users membership control panel. They simply select the upgrade they want, pay and their account is upgraded automatically and instantly. Note that this scheme is in addition to SIDC membership. i.e. only open as an add-on to existing SIDC members. Any policy change on that, I'd have to discuss with Phil. You really have to decide as a region if this is something you'd be interested in doing to raise local funding and let Phil know. Feel free to reply with any questions and I'll do my best to answer them.
  6. I'll explain later how a regional "Supporters" scheme would work in terms of the membership system and give you some options.
  7. That's on the to-do list. It is part of the membership system, just not got round to it yet
  8. Start New Topic then "Poll Options Click here to manage this topic's poll" near the top.
  9. Typing "insurance" into the little box then reading the thread titles to pick the relevant ones too much for you then Douglas?
  10. If the owner of the images decides he's had enough of people leeching his bandwidth and replaces them with Goatse or Gay porn, who's going to end up "pwnt"? S3ph3n" or the guy who leeched the photos?
  11. That is unbelievable. Not even watched it yet, but was skimming my music collection not 10 minutes ago and came across the Braveheart soundtrack. Thought "Hmmmm. Maybe a photo-vid might be in order". Appropriate music. Spooky beyond belief, but I'll bow to the skill of Squirrelvision. UPDATED: You've never let us down before, but have excelled yourself. Touching beyond belief. Tears in my eyes, but probably not as many as were in yours putting it together. Nothing else I can say.
  12. Indeed - the sheep are virgins down this way.
  13. I'm an Aberdonian and I control the ban button. Some respect is called for. Both for us and our sheep
  14. If anyone asks, I never saw this topic, right? It's copyright photos and it's leeching bandwidth I know nothing... Oh, and I stand by my original statement on this car - you can't polish a turd
  15. First bit of your sentence - not true! Second bit - absolutely true. I'm already considering splitting the SS For Sale and Wanted into two Forums as it is in the General Forums with no restrictions on non-members placing Wanted Ads. I just haven't had a chance to chat to Phil about it yet. I'm wayyyyyyyy behind on another website project (which is paying work and will pay for getting a spoiler fitted to my naked Scoob and a few other choice cosmetic modifications!) so that's taking priority!
  16. The site is attracting very high levels of traffic at the moment from all over the world because of the little tribute we carried out last Sunday and the subsequent global Media coverage. I think something needs clarifying - not so much for the community, but for the many thousands of guests that are hitting the site. What we did last Sunday was the result of a very late night appeal that happened on Saturday night. I think/hope I can speak for all who attended when I say it was a spontaneous gesture by like-minded individuals who were deeply shocked by the news and who wanted to pay their respects to a fellow countryman, a fantastic ambassador for our small nation, someone they all admired and who they had the utmost respect for. The level of Media coverage that followed was not anticipated by any of us and has surprised us all. Yes, I daresay we have "done the Club proud", but that played no part in our reasons for going to Jerviswood on Sunday. I think we were all so stunned at the time we didn't even think of ourselves as a "Club" or anything else. We were just a small group of Scots united in our feelings, disbelief at what had happened and with a common mind. We had the opportunity to pay our respects and took it.
  17. Photo at Motorsport Show (stolen from user mckelvr because I can't find mine) What I would really like to see is a Colin McRae Commerative Limited Edition Die-Cast of L555 BAT produced by SWRT/Prodrive. I've got the limited edition Tommi Makinen die-cast, but I think one of L555 BAT would be a fitting tribute.
  18. Forgot he's an Essex boy. Won't have a Scooby what a Saltire is. It's one of them St. Andrews Cross Scottish flag thingys - you know the sort we don't stick on little plastic poles on our cars when there's a football tournament on
  19. Not as OTT as I was expecting! Could I have a Saltire on mine please - just below the 1968-2007 will do.
  20. If anybody is going to go, PLEASE add your names to that topic and not any other topics making your own plans. It's important that Scottish Scoobies liase with the Police on this. The Police have asked us to. It also means the Scottish Scoobies guys can liase with you to meet you and use local knowledge to guide you to the right place (we don't know where that is likely to be yet) Thanks in advance.
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