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Everything posted by andy

  1. Would that have been where you were on your way to last night? I'll need to keep an eye out for the new beast
  2. This has been ongoing since my car was delivered in July! It's not a new thing. Okay, the initial problem lay with the dealer who supplied me the wrong Reg. It was out by one letter. W instead of Y. I notified KM as soon as I knew (and before I even had the car) and was assured details would be updated. Temporary certificate came through with wrong Reg and permanent form had wrong Reg. Phoned KM, and advised again of wrong Reg. Got new temporary certificate with correct reg. Completed form (as you have to legally) correcting the error and returned it. I didn't sign it as obviously it was not for my car. Thought all was cool at that point. Had temporary certificate with correct Reg, had returned paperwork highlighting the mistakes. Next thing I got a recorded delivery no-nonsense and rather nasty letter from KM saying my policy was being cancelled as I hadn't returned my policy documents (despite them taking dosh from my bank account!) Once more onto the phone. I've given up trying to contact Gary directly as he's always "on another call" or "away from his desk" and not once over the past two years has he returned any of my calls - it's always been down to me to chase him. Nor has he or anyone ever asked for my SIDC membership number to gain SIDC member discounts, but that's a different matter... Spoke to a very helpful bloke who had to go look into it, but eventually said they'd received my policy document, but couldn't process it as I hadn't signed it Errr, I'm not about to sign a policy document for a registration number that doesn't match my car! He did say he'd cancel the cancellation notice on my temporary policy, but who knows if he did or not? I've had no correspondence to say so. I did get a new policy document through a couple of weeks ago with the correct reg and details for me to verify. I checked it, signed it and returned it as requested and heard nothing since. That was at least 14 days ago. I'm still awaiting my permanent insurance certificate and now I'm thinking am I insured or not? I remain unimpressed and wish I'd taken up A-Plan's invite to re-quote. They were spot on.
  3. I presume you're talking Gary at Keith Michaels here. Thanks for reminding me. Must phone them tomorrow and make sure I'm actually insured as my experiences with them recently have been a total fiasco to the point I don't know from one day to the next whether I'm insured or not. Totally unimpressed as things stand right now.
  4. Few years ago I bought a house and "inherited" a black tom cat by the name of "Bob" (for Bob is a goodly name for a cat) </blackadder> It was actually in the missives my solicitor recieved "It should be noted that the curtain poles are not included in the sale. It should further be noted that Bob the cat is included in the sale". Had my solicitor in stitches - never seen anything like it! Anyway, I digress.... Bob had a little hobby and that was to "spray" in the front grille of any vehicle that parked outside the house. Never did it to my car or that of my ex, but anybody parked a car, van or whatever outside the house they got a squoosh of cat pee in through the grille. Now if you think human pee smells bad, think tom cat pee and then think HOT tom cat pee....
  5. Members don't see Ads. It's picked STi up and given an Ad for Sexually Transmitted Infection
  6. I read that as "One more sheep for Welsho". Must be an automatic reaction to seeing "Welsh" on the screen
  7. It would cost him more than that to go from Glasgow to Norfolk and back...
  8. Note that roadworks commenced again on the Forth Bridge this weekend. The southbound approach to the Kincardine bridge was chaos. Traffic was tailed back beyond the roundabout and onto the A977 towards Kinross. Didn't seem too bad northbound though, but the new bridge roadworks are slowing things down anyway. I believe Squizzel has an alternate route for those headng up from Weegieshire.
  9. No surer way to encourage post wh****g!
  10. It's an experiment. If it doesn't work, we'll go back the way things were, but it does prevent those commercial sellers who aren't sponsors from touting their wares.
  11. If I'd sussed this was on I'd probably have come along as I wasn't doing much else, but my brain is still a bit kerfuddled with all that's gone on and all that's still going on.
  12. Hands up everyone who thinks Imy should get a job with the United Nations Peacekeeping Force?
  13. Thanks folks I'm going to add a bit onto the member control panel that will display your membership number as I've found folk have a tendancy to forget it and / or can't be a***d walking to the car to find out
  14. I should probably have my SIDC "corporate" head on since I'm now supposed to be "management" and do something about how this topic has degraded, but it's just too funny.
  15. Now that things have settled down after the migration, there's one little thing still remaining that requires some action from each of you. I'm going to sort this on a regional forum-by-forum basis starting with my fellow Jocks. With the new membership management system you have a membership control panel you can access to check membership details, renew etc. Most of you don't have access to that right now as I have to manually sync your Forum account to your membership account before it will work properly. If I have already told you how to renew online and you have had access to the membership control panel then you can ignore this as the work is already done. However, if I haven't told you and you are a current SIDC Member, or even if you are an ex-member who has lapsed, please log a support ticket by clicking here. All I need is your real name, your forum user name, your current email address and if you are a member, your membership number. In the box where it asks you to describe the problem, just put something like "Membership control panel access" If you do that, I'll do the sync between your forum account and your membership control panel and you'll then be able to login to it at any time and check membership status and renew etc. It's just a one-off thing, but is pretty much the final piece of the jigsaw.
  16. I just phoned the police to report somebody had stolen all the punctuation from your post. It hurt my brain reading that.
  17. andy


    I'm not clued up on the history. Before taking this job on I rarely ventured outside Scottish Scoobies, but thanks for the insight and explanation. Re the chat threads - I'm probably going to clear them down every three months or so. It won't affect post counts or anything like that and you're free to start another, but with the current one running at 500-odd pages and the long time it took to convert the forums, if I can keep on top of huge topics then it helps if we ever need to recover after a disaster.
  18. My first experience with them wasn't great, but they were totally new to the Scoobie scene then and they sorted things pronto. Must admit, I booked my car in for a service there two weeks ago failing to realise it was when I was doing this website migration and never turned up. Gonna have to call and apologise for being a no-show, but hopefully they'll understand.
  19. andy


    I'd have to agree. I really can't understand the fixation some people have with post counts. I run a very successful website outside the SIDC with busy Forums where post counts have never even been mentioned - either for individuals or for Forums. Folk just post as and when they feel they can make a contribution. I'm genuinely intrigued to know why the post count thing is such a big deal on here. Quality, not quantity is what counts.
  20. Because the old forum data was imported, the answer is yes I won't publish exact figures but may give some screenshots of the relevant bar graphs once I've got a bit more data on the new solution to make the comparison
  21. PM's aren't automatically put in sent items as sent items are added to your overall message quota. If you want a message you send copied to your sent items then you must tick the box to do so above the send button. One of the major drivers in going for this forum solution is around PMs. I know the pain PMs caused previously and I KNOW this solution works 100%. If you send a message, I can guarantee the recipient will receive it. The stats indicate a large upswing in the use of PM's since we switched. I think folk are starting to have confidence that they do actually work now
  22. Editing the title won't work. The system is deliberately set to do that to prevent SHOUTING in topic titles. i.e. "READ ME!!!!!!!" will be turned into "Read Me!" The goat thing has me creasing myself BTW every time I see it
  23. It's not that I have a dislike for it, it's because we now have a PM system that works properly with instant notification and there is absolutely no need for YHP etc... type posts or threads. In fact, the OP should have done his bit by PM or email rather than start a new topic so blame him...
  24. This subject is covered in the Tutorials Clicky link
  25. Aye, but he's all luvved up these days. I've not really spoken to Stephen about this as yet (for reason, see above!) but I have my own ideas on the SS presence on the site and how we should move it forward. www.scottishscoobies.com (and .co.uk) just point to this Forum at the moment. That's a start, but it's not ideal. I'd like to see them point to their own area within the front page system with news, reports, discounts etc from the various Scottish regions (with a main menu link to Scottish Scoobies). Stuff would still appear as part of the main site, with news appearing on the main front page and RO's etc appearing in the main RO list, but with the ability to "drill down" to Scottish-specific stuff. I'm probably not explaining this too well, but I'll talk to the ginger ninja (when he takes a break from being all luvved up) and see if we can put something together that's a bit more than just a Forum presence and shows more of the Club in Scotland, but is still very much part of the SIDC main presence.
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