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Everything posted by andy

  1. I'll be placing my order for my next Scoob within the next 3-4 days. Don't like the Hawkeye in blue, but that wagon looks more than a bit tasty and after struggling to fit 17 packs of flooring into my scoob today because the bloody back seats don't fold down a wagon is looking more and more attractive.. Prices need to come soon though and they need to be competitive or it will be the import route for me again.
  2. In Blair's Britain they were no doubt picked up on CCTV anyway.
  3. Phil has posted a topic here about a forum clean-up. I have agreed, along with st3ph3n to help out with this. You might receive emails stating you have had topics deleted and wonder what the hell they are about. The current forum solution means we MUST give a reason when deleting a topic and the creator of that topic is automatically sent an email with the reasons for deletion. It's not ideal, but it's the way it is...for now. We are ONLY deleting old topics that consist of "I touch goats" type content and topics in the "For Sale" and "Wanted" forums that are older than three months. We are NOT deleting topics that are of value to the community (even if they started off as I touch goats threads) Please don't worry if you get an email saying a topic has been deleted. We're starting with oldest first and some of them go back to 2001 so if you get an email it is probably about a topic you started so long ago you forgot you even posted it! []
  4. Perth is still reasonable to do the Central Santa Cruise. Falkirk ain't that far in a Scoob [] It was my first one last year and the faces of the kids... would bring a tear to a glass eye.
  5. I thought illegal tints were a £30 fixed penalty and was non-endorsable???
  6. As a regular at EDI, I'm now going to make a complete a*** of myself by approaching personnel saying "Are you Boris?" []
  7. Phil - give this guy moderator status and get him tidying up all the old forum topics! []
  8. As mentioned in my thread here I went ahead and ordered the top clamp on this page . It arrived yesterday and I gave it a good workout last night both mounted on a door panel and on the windscreen. The grip is amazing with no loss of suction ever over seriously bumpy roads. I bought it for covering road-based motorcycle trials (specifically the Scottish Six Days Trial next week to get some scenic stuff and video of the riders on the road) If anybody ever wants to borrow it for Knockhill then it's available for a donation to Santa Cruise. I live in Kincardine so en route for many and easily picked up/dropped off. (video camera not included [])
  9. The ginger ninja is going to have a hairy fit at this one! []
  10. Must admit I don't like red cars, but that looks the dogs danglies. [H]
  11. Exclusive pic of new Scottish Scoobies Marquee
  12. I have no objection to cameras in places such as outside schools or where children are likely to be playing etc - common sense places. The cameras you talk about, at the Laurencekirk junction, yup I agree they're needed as there have been some nasty accidents there and there is plenty warning about them, BUT, it would be better if the local authority (not the police, BTW) took the attitude Tayside Council have taken and replace the dangerous junctions with proper ones with flyovers. One thing I have found from being a regular lurker on Pepipoo and 5ive-o is that most cops agree with the average driver. They are against speed cameras in general and favour a return to proper road policing. However the overwhelming opinion I've seen is that they are so tied up in paperwork, targets and bureaucracy they couldn't even if it were possible. I saw an unmarked Volvo estate on the A90 today (Tayside car). Few years ago I used to see their unmarked Vectras somewhere en route pretty much every time I travelled the road. That's the first Tayside unmarked car I've seen for at least two years.
  13. Did you give them the goat induction ceremony? [] Seriously - well done guys. Proves what they say about us Jocks being the frendliest nation in the world. []
  14. T&C serviced my import no problem. I don't live in Aberdeen, but am from there originally and happened to be in the area when it needed a service so used them. No issues at all - apart from them adding me to their junk mailing list, but every dealer does that!
  15. Blimey - that's a blast from the past. Still sends a wee shudder down my spine.
  16. That screams out "I better be doing something tomorrow or you're in trouble big time!" []
  17. Brings to mind the old joke... Q. Why does the bride smile when she walks down the aisle? A. She knows she's given her last b******b []
  18. Indeedy - especially as it was me what first came up with the airfield thingy [] At one point I found a website that listed all his UK concerts, but ain't clued up on the whole Santa Pod thing so never realised it was an airbase [:'(]
  19. Poddington Airfield (Santa Pod) was a USAAF base in WWII. Glenn Miller joined the USAAF in 1942. Still can't find the connection, but we're getting closer Edit: Oh bugger.
  20. Santa Lager Both AndyF and Glenn Miller liked drinking Santa Lager!
  21. So do I, but the current forum solution doesn't support animated GIFS. Who knows. We may have one that does sometime soon...
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