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Everything posted by andy

  1. Saw probably the same RB320 just outside Alloa last night. If he's on here he'll have noticed the guy in the blue Scoob straining his neck for a look.
  2. Can we just clarify something? Is this a friendly visit from the US Navy or are you invading? Just a bit nervous as we know what Dubya is like with countries that have oil. []
  3. PMS? Isn't that what women blame when they go honey nut loops?
  4. Nice. However, I don't see any of Alizee* [] *Okay, it was just an excuse to post a pic, I admit it [:$]
  5. Perhaps I was being overly analytical... TUNES!
  6. According to a mate... Autocar this week, there's good news & bad news... Good news - they will almost certainly import the WRX Bad news - the diesel WRX, that is..... 160bhp or thereby.
  7. I went down the WWII Airfield route due to Elvington where Mr. F seems to regularly break records being an ex WWII base. Thinking along the lines of his final flight took off there, played last concert there etc. No connection found. The base he did take off from shut down in 1945 and is now farmland. No other WWII base connections found either. Good question though and I've managed to waste a good hour on it so far []
  8. Righty - he's just finished [] BEFORE: AFTER: BEFORE: AFTER: Some more "after" pics. It's very difficult to show properly because of the reflections and the light, but I'm very happy with the work. Would I recommend? Yup. []
  9. Well I did say the job could be done either at my home or at my office in Edinburgh. The guy said he didn't want to tramp on anybody's toes by moving out of his territory.
  10. You missed one. Bleedin' cowboys. Do half a job etc []
  11. Ahhh - you mean this pic The size must have made it appear black, but she is definitely blue!
  12. Dunno where you guys got that from. I've been talking recently about replacing my motor in the next couple of months with a hawkeye and have said I would only have a hawkeye in black, but I've been in this since new in '04
  13. The quote seemed decent to me for what are four nasty scores on the bumper - and done at my home too. No hanging round bodyshops, courtesy cars or being without a car. Your mate might be great, but if we don't know about him then we can't approach him. That's part of the reason for this topic. People have asked about ChipsAway and are they any good. By posting before and after pics of what is pretty serious damage, we can all find out whether they are or not. On that sort of note, I've suggested to Phil a Business Directory for the site so that small businesses and specialist individuals who cannot afford full-blown advertising can advertise their services at a low cost. He seemed keen on the idea. []
  14. As I mentioned elsewhere, I have ChipsAway coming tomorrow to deal with some nasty scratches on the car caused by trying to navigate a lane in Edinburgh that was just a wee bit too narrow. [:$] The guy came out and looked at it last week. Reckons 4 hours at a cost of £188 inc. VAT. These are the "before" pics. I'll post "after" pics once he's done (obviously!) []
  15. Personally, I'd go for sack, stone, fast slowing river, but being realistic... take a look in the "Animals" section of the forums at www.gardenlaw.co.uk The cat thing has been done to death there and there are some tips on getting rid of them. Also some very funny posts like " I have a couple of very well behaved stick insects. They don't bother anyone and I have never received any complaints about them. It was a close call at the weekend though, we thought we saw one of them move but realised it was just one of the leaves falling in their pot they call home. The kids love them. Last year one died but it took 3 months for it to fall off its branch so we didn't know it had expired. I think the government should legislate for all cat owners to hand in their cats and receive replacement stick insects. THEY ARE GREAT." []
  16. Still laughing. I can see that making it onto YouTube before I'm done. Going to have to find a decent editing package though. Moviemaker keeps crashing on me. []
  17. OMG. Tried it and it fits so well! [] Clicky Link Not finished version. Just me messing about and it made me laugh loads. []
  18. Trying to find a suitable soundtrack. With 17000+ MP3's in my little collection there's plenty to choose from. So far considered: "My Way" - both the Sinatra and Sid Vicious versions. "Seasons in the Sun" seemed kind of apt in places- "Goodbye my friend it's hard to die" and "we had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun" is nice, but the rest of it doesn't fit. "How Much Is That Doggy In The Window?" made me laugh [] "Who's Sorry Now?" but I can see that becoming the Mitsubishi Company Anthem in the non-too-distant future Still browsing...
  19. Video captured and converted into a format I can use. I think 4hero's pic may just make it into my plans too [] Watch this space []
  20. All should work fine. The links deffo work. I've been having some DNS issues with my web server tonight so that might explain it. Try again tomorrow is about all I can suggest [:S]
  21. I'm extremely bored tonight and have been doing a tidy-up of my website stuff. Came across this lot so, for the newbies and for a blast from the past for those who remember them... The original - I've been playing (and still, IMO, the best) The follow-up - I've been playing again RB Run - This momentous event could not go unmarked - hard to believe it's only a few weeks till the first anniversary. Scottish Scoobies Santa Cruise Events 2006 - Tribute to the organisers of these awesome events Finding these (I'd forgotten all about the second "I've been playing"one) reminds me what a great community we have [] Enjoy - be it for the first time or as a blast from the past []
  22. I found that out this afternoon! Never mind, it was the cheapest of the three things I bought so effectively was free.
  23. Popped in past Halfrauds today for upholstery cleaner and T-Cut. They're doing 3 for 2 on all cleaning products. Given the price of some of that stuff there's a few quid to be saved.
  24. That video reminds me of The Simpsons where Homer designs his ideal car... The Yank marketing bollocks reminds me too much of why I hate working for a US company... The claim you will be able to pick up one of these (in two different videos) for less than $25,000 (£12,600) reminds me why I hate this rip-off country we live in. Tell me something positive about this news - please!!! [:S]
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