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Everything posted by andy

  1. Nah, mine was in on Tuesday. 50k service and brakes were shagged. Been sadly neglected because of work.
  2. What a day... All four wheels taken off and Wonder Wheel'ed (first time for about a year so they were pretty bad [:$]) Hand wash (despite having been returned washed from Hypertech just the other day) Chamois dried AutoGlym Super Resin polished. I was going to also give it the Autoglym Extra Gloss protection as well, but was too bleedin' knackered! Inside gutted, hoovered, all glass polished, all sills and awkward bits washed and all trim cleaned and polished. Exhaust polished and rust spots removed (I found out Brasso is brilliant for this BTW. Exhaust looks brand new) Motor looks almost as new apart from the stone chips and the blistering on the alloys [] (oh, and the four parallel scratches on the rear bumper, but Chipsaway are coming to sort them next week. I'll take before and after photos so we can see how good they are) One thing's for sure. I'll NEVER be one of the show and shine brigade. Yes, I got a lot of satisfaction out of seeing the end result, but blimey - it was a lot of work! I'd rather drive it than clean it! []
  3. I was off on one of me jaunts this weekend so missed this. Hope you had a good one. []
  4. Since Mr. Mac added the overnight part I did a bit of a tidy and moved all those who said they were up for a two-day event into that group. I was bored [:$] Feel free to move yourself in/out/shake it all about Saturday 2nd June Sunday 3rd June RS Grant 4hero Corsa Sammot Jamis WRX Haz COLZO Playsatan Fai 17 and family imy CYP_rock pugpaul Either, but a one day event only the blue dragon euan_r Gus Irish Al Dtabbit77 James M Tosh 32 st3ph3n Craig (CR51ALG Two-day fling with overnight camping G.Mac (will be there with coolbox and beer...mmmmmmmmm beer) Squirrel andywrx Sc00bar00 Higgy d19yda Ac!d (if home) Double Zero Ally-b Nanaki
  5. Nice. Love those black wheels. Fantastic backdrop too []
  6. Never done the Cairn O' Mount? Better known in the traffic news as the Banchory - Fettercairn and along with the Cockbridge - Tomintoul one of the first to be blocked by snow. One of the best driving roads in Scotland and one of the few you can feel your ears pop as you climb it. Just got to watch it though if you don't know it as there are some nasty twists and several places to get yourself airborne - one of which you don't even realise till you see the sump marks ahead of you and by then it's too late []
  7. Looks great. Was never really taken with the grey, but looking at the pics the lines look more clearly defined than on the blue and looks cool. Might just be the light, but either way - nice one. []
  8. Shameless bump. Too soon for this to drop to page 2.
  9. Cool pics. That's my normal route to my folks and I never fail to end it grinning from ear to ear. []
  10. That's my take too. I don't leave the keys obvious, but sure as hell don't keep them under my pillow.
  11. Now this is what you call a flamer.. F1 Engine testing
  12. Well that buggers up the all-blue Central Santa Cruise for '07! []
  13. I'm probably being a complete muppet, but what are these things for?[:$]
  14. So you want hi res video? Download here. 56 MB but worth it [] Click to download Please - to save my bandwidth and to make sure you have the video saved on your PC to view again, select "Save" if using Internet Explorer or "Save to Disc" if using Firefox. If you're using AOL then God help you because I won't! This time I hope it will work. This forum software sucks. Took 5 attempts just to get the clicky link to work [8-)]
  15. Even if it was just a few of us who did both days I'm sure we'd have a laugh and feedback etc could well set a precedent for a two-day summer event every year. []
  16. "Windows Media Player encountered a problem while playing the file. For additional assistance, click Web Help." Clicking help takes you to a Micro$lop 404 error [8-)]
  17. I can definitely make this one. Parents will be moved, no mothers day crap to get in the way. In fact I'd be happy to make it a two day thing - maybe a blast for those who wanted to on the Saturday with camping somewhere overnight and barbecue etc then those who want to do both days hook up with the Sunday runners. Saturday 2nd June Insert name here Sunday 3rd June RS Grant 4hero Corsa Either Squirrel andywrx
  18. As much as I hate to type it - Squirrel - I touch goats - Arghhhhhhh!!!! I'll have the ginger one on my case now []
  19. Dunno about anybody else, but I'd like to have the hi-res one downloaded for offline viewing. Even though I wasn't there it's great viewing [] If the Squirrely type one is prepared to upload it to my web server I can host it. Space and bandwidth not an issue.
  20. Probably not a problem sending the original, but if it gets lost in the post or they then turn round and tell you to sod off you've no proof you paid. I'm just a cynical old sod who doesn't trust the Gestapo.[^o)]
  21. You should be okay with this. Send them a photocopy of your ticket - NOT THE ORIGINAL!!! - along with the parking ticket and a nice letter of explanation. It's happened to me a couple of times (although admittedly not in Weegieland) and both times they've dropped it once they had proof of payment.
  22. I'm of the opinion that they will shaft me no matter what I do. You only live once and you have to live to the max. I'm looking at an 07 STi to replace my 04 WRX and **** the consequences and expense. If they don't take it off me in road tax, they'll take it off me in some other way. Be as well have fun while I can. []
  23. Hope he's not a knob with it. With youth comes inexperience...
  24. St3ph3n got his through them. He's got exams right now so not around as much as usual, but he's best placed to advise. Mine is the same as his (or was before he went mod crazy!) - Maltese import though I didn't get mine via Motorpoint. Differences are - no alarm, no locking wheel nuts and missing an additional layer of underseal compared to UK spec cars. You will have hassles getting the warranty book and have to register the car with Subaru UK in order to get the pan-European warranty, but the warranty is valid. I saw no increase in insurance for driving a European import. Join the SIDC and get your discount with Keith Michaels. It's well worth it for that alone. I'm replacing my 04 WRX later this year and looking at an 07 STi (and sod the increase in road tax. You only live once and they'll shaft me no matter what I do.) Whilst I'd like to support my local dealer, UK pricing just can't compete with the price of imports. That is something only Subaru UK can address.
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