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Everything posted by andy

  1. 1) Not true. The NIP must be served on the Registered Keeper within 14 days unless there is good reason for that not to be possible (eg Registered address with DVLA is incorrect or out of date). If the driver is NOT the Registered Keeper (eg company car) then the 14 day rule does not apply to any subsequent NIP sent to them. 2) There is no recorded delivery "rule" anywhere in the UK. As I said, the only force known to regularly use Recorded Delivery are Dumfries & Galloway, but then they can afford to with the fortune they're raking in from their cash cows on the M74 - one of the quietest motorways in Britain. 3) This is true and nobody on Pepipoo with any knowledge would advise anyone to use the PACE approach in Scotland. As for a lot of bad information on Pepipoo, there is bad information on every website that has a forum. It just depends on who you choose to listen to. There is a wealth of information and advice available there, none of which involve using "loopholes". Rather the tactic is to use the law to fight the law. We are expected to obey the law and the establishment must also (though sadly they very often don't)
  2. You misunderstand me totally. I absolutely agree with road policing, but believe it should be done by the Police, not by some Scamera partnership that is purely driven by revenue who mislead and pressure Joe Public who may just have lost concentration for a few seconds into coughing up for their pension fund. It is these "partnerships" and the tactics that they use that are turning motorists against the average copper such as yourself - through no fault of your own, but through the fault of the establishment. IMO, you've made a good, unbiased and valid contribution to these forums and you have a good choice of car []. I'm not directing this at you personally, I do NOT hate the Police and absolutely support the job you do. I do, however, hate the way drivers are the target of the establishment and nothing but another source of taxation. Bring us back traffic cops with powers of discretion rather than electronic cash registers and we'll be happy []
  3. If other forces are using registered/recorded delivery than that's a first to us Pepipoo'ers. Are we talking Grampian? Are we talking initial NIP or subsequent summons/communication?
  4. The only force in the UK known to use registered post or recorded delivery for speeding NIPs are Dumfries & Galloway. A little venture onto Pepipoo will show many cases where credible witnesses have proved non-service within the 14-day limit. In laymans terms "served" = delivered or received. It does not mean posted.
  5. Bzzzzzzt. The NIP must be SERVED within 14 days.
  6. Link to BBC news story Durham -> Falkirk is more that 150 miles. That is a bloody long way for a risk assessment run. I smell a great big stinky rat. He will, of course, get away with it.
  7. If it's a 20 with green border signage then it's not enforcable. Red border signage is.
  8. Maybe a sheep appeared just out of shot [] Being serious, it doesn't matter if you help one or a hundred. It's about making a difference and you did just that. Well done
  9. According to Wilky it will be long since empty by the time you get anywhere near it []
  10. 1) PaulC555 2) rallye 6 3) santa tommy t cut. 4) Fraz.A + poss Liam 5) dtabbit (possible) 6) Golfdaft ( I'll pop out from work to show my support Paul - ) 7) CYP_rock 8) andywrx
  11. I went to that last year. First and only rally I've ever had time to go to. Great day out in a beautiful part of the country.
  12. Bet he takes part in the last letter game []
  13. All I can do is repeat what everyone else has said. Good to put names to faces and to meet Wilky properly - shame he spent all night being distracted by "I love you and miss you" text messages from the gummybear [] I was very impressed with both Grant's compering and also his fantastic "Rice Cocket" work of art [] I didn't win anything either, but as I always say, I'm so unlucky I could fall into a barrel of t*ts and come out sucking my thumb. Never mind it's all for charidy [] Felt a bit sorry for Pete (for at least three nanoseconds!) having to work when we were all enjoying ouselves .Well done to him and all his staff. Finally, kudos to the non-SIDC diners who donated.
  14. Sorry to hear that mate. With the strong winds recently, it's quite possible the wind has pulled the door out of someone's hand hence such a serious dunt. Still no excuse for not contacting you or leaving details, but if there's paint missing then that paint has to be somewhere. I'd be having a wander round the works car park having a wee shufty at my colleague's motors. Any CCTV at your work that might cover the car park?
  15. Absolutely. Been far too long since I've been down. Really looking forward to it. BTW, can't you put Gumball in the Gents toilets? It's where he spends most of his "leisure" time anyway []
  16. As the news breaks that two firefighters were killed today doing their job and protecting the safety of others this hits home particularly hard as most of my family are or have been in the fire service. I have the utmost respect for them and those who serve as paramedics and ambulancemen. I used to share a flat with a guy who worked in major trauma in A&E at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary and have heard the horror stories in far more detail than I would have liked...
  17. Great photos. Looks like a miserable day out, but well worth while []
  18. I'd suspect that is more because of the attraction of the marque to thieving scum than because they suspect you're a boy racer. Quick number plate check, not reported stolen and they move on to other things.
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