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Everything posted by andy

  1. Now I'm pissed off. Checked the properties of the image and it's called "_42318358_boyracercar66.jpg". [:@]
  2. Shame they used a Scoob to emphasise a story on "boy racers" Story: So-called boy racers will be given free access to Knockhill Racing Circuit in a police scheme to curb problem driving. Fife Constabulary said they have teamed up with the race venue to try to deter young drivers from speeding along Kirkcaldy's Esplanade. The drivers stopped by police will be given information and free entry to events at Knockhill. Pc Paul Thomson said the initiative would allow drivers to show off their cars and test skills in a safe setting. He added: "With this generous offer from Knockhill Racing Circuit we are able to show our commitment to the problem by liaising with our target groups and show them that there are better places than the Esplanade to show off their cars. "It also demonstrates that driving can still be fun in the proper environment whilst putting across our message that anti-social driving is unacceptable in the local community." Councillor Alice Soper, whose constituency includes the Esplanade, said the scheme was part of the ongoing work to "find a solution to the boy racer problem". Looks like all you have to do to get free entry to Knockhill is drive like a knob round Kirkcaldy...
  3. From the BBC website... Police are investigating the thefts of several high-value cars in the Falkirk area over the past week. Expensive vehicles including a BMW, an Audi and Subaru were stolen from Bonnybridge and Dennyloanhead. In every case, the owners' homes were broken into and the car keys stolen, Central Scotland Police said. Officers have now warned the public to ensure that they do not fall victim to opportunist thieves by leaving car keys in obvious places.
  4. Not that I really like saying complimentary things about the cheese-eating surrender monkeys, but one thing to notice is how freely the traffic is flowing. If that had been here it would be clogged for miles both ways by folk slowing down to rubberneck...
  5. As I speak on the outside of this, I can totally understand Iain's partner's frustation, concern and initial anger. Heat of the moment and all that. She must have had a helluva scare so I can understand the reaction. I think we'd all be the same in that situation. I don't know Steve, but from what I've read on these forums he comes across as a decent bloke and not the sort who would knowingly leave a mate behind if he knew something had happened. It's easy for us to sit at home, be judgmental and make comment on others, but unless you were there you can't possibly know. Iain (who I don't know either) is, thankfully, fine although understandably a bit shaken. The car is a bit fecked, but can hopefully be fixed. Personally, given the replies to this topics and the number of close shaves experienced by Scottish Scooby drivers today I'm glad I sat on my a*se at home []
  6. Hello darkness my old friend... Top night out. Paul Simon @ the SECC, many of your earth-lagers and mucho vino collapso afterwards, but I'm not as think as you drunk I am. IMO, a moderator-type-person should have deleted this topic as soon as it appeared as it serves no purpose other than to cause friction. Might p*** off the original poster and there may be screams of "censorship", but... What everyone should remember is that anyone new who happens to stumble across, find or see a link to www.scottishscoobies.co.uk is taken DIRECTLY to this forum. What a great intro to the community in Scotland - a bunch of blokes fighting amongst themselves. That's really going to encourage them to join in... Think about it. < gump > And that's all I have to say on that subject. < /gump >
  7. So I'm in my local on Monday night (RIP Matt []) and the conversation with my mate goes... "So when you replacing the Scooby?" "Probably next summer. I'll have had it three years then" "What you going to get?" "Well I didn't like the '06 model when it first came out, but it's grown on me. Saw a nice black one in Grieves when the car was in for a service. Might go for an '06, but it would have to be in black and possibly an STi depending on finances" "Another Scooby? I thought you'd have got that out of your system" They really just don't understand...
  8. Sorry, but every time I see this topic back up the list I keep thinking how different it would be if you replaced the word "a" with "the". Gumball topic then, fer sure []
  9. Your avatar shows exactly why you need a Scoob []
  10. Throw in a bottle of Jamiesons Irish Whisky from me. Got it as a gift last weekend and I don't do spirits.
  11. Good reason not to sell your motor - if you did then your pics on here would be spam, surely? [] Keep it!
  12. Getting CSS to be cross-browser compliant across IE (all versions from 4.0 onwards), Mozilla, Opera, Netscape, Camino, Konqueror etc etc is a nigh-on impossible task. Until there is a standard that all browser providers meet and comply with then yes, nested tables are a (bloated) necessity.
  13. Given there's a fair chance they're now scanning the DVLA database for Subarus in ABZ, you could get a list of your registrations and contact the Police as part of the SIDC stating they can cross all those off their list. Make you look nice, responsible drivers and citizens and all that...
  14. From today's Evening Express: A Teenage cyclist injured his arm after being involved in a hit and run. The 15-year-old was crossing Leslie Road with his bike when he was involved in a collision with a blue Subaru Imprezza. The teenager was taken to Aberdeen Royal Infirmary where he was treated before being discharged on the same night. The car drove off without stopping down St Machar Drive towards Seaton. Today Grampian Police appealed for witnesses and described the car as "very distinctive" with tinted windows, blue neon underside lighting and various stickers on its bodywork. The incident happened yesterday at around 8.45pm near to the roundabout junction with Great Northern Road Blue neon underside lighting???? Ugh.
  15. Norwich Union through Keith Michaels, but you got to be an SIDC member to get the discounts. Was with A-Plan, got an SIDC members quote from Keith Michaels for renewal. A-Plan asked how much to keep my business and admitted they couldn't come close. That alone - even leaving out the SIDC discount from Ian Grieve on servicing made the SIDC membership pay for itself three times over. Membership is a no-brainer, IMO.
  16. You've possibly seen this and it may well have already been posted, but I've been away. Don't even know if it's real, but found it quite amusing nonetheless...
  17. One for Fee, Vicky, Imy et all. Funny as fsck, but I'll put on the body armour now as I suspect it will be needed... [] Know your limits [][][]
  18. Every time I see a DHL van I have to check out the driver. Had some funny looks. [:$]
  19. Was doing some PC tidying tonight and came across the awesome MP3 of Mrs Bus from a while back. It's lost nothing and still makes the spine tingle. Well worthy of a repost for the newcomers, IMO Mrs Bus Gus - I hope you don't mind. Just found it and thought it so good it needs another airing [:$]
  20. If it's a Scoob and got a scoop I wave. Get some funny looks, but when you get a wave in return it's more than worth it.
  21. Sounds like you passed the "attitude test". Cops, unlike scameras, have discretion and the "attitude test" is well known. I know of someone who failed the attitude test and was smug as f*** as he was in a newish car so thought when they started their walk-around he was in the clear - working lights, plenty tyre tread etc. They did him for no fluid in his washers...
  22. I'm gonna sneak round and nick yer wheels! []
  23. Blimey -you learn something new every day. Never knew the Froggies had a word for "challenge". I thought their vocabulary was restricted to "surrender", "collaborate" and "run away".
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