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Everything posted by andy

  1. I certainly wasn't complaining. Watched it over my morning coffee. It was a good start to the day []
  2. A few additional thoughts on this... As Scoobyseller has intimated, there is willingness from other dealerships to get involved. It would only take a couple to get a bit of a bandwagon rolling and hopefully get buy-in from all dealerships. However, what is their ROI? (Return On Investment for those lucky enough not to work for a Yank corporate.) If dealerships are to invest in the SIDC then they are not going to do so for no return - or at least not for any length of time. Apart from what the dealerships can offer the SIDC, I think we have to look at what WE, as a Club, can offer them. Scoobyseller makes a valid point in "their (sic) has always been negative vibes on these forums regarding the dealer network in some shape or form". I know I've been guilty myself of declaring my feelings publicly so am hardly whiter than white, but if we want to establish and grow relationships with the dealer network, would it not be better to have either: 1) An SIDC named contact within a dealership where any issues or problems encountered by SIDC members could be discussed directly with that person and (hopefully!) resolved without having to go to public forums. 2) An SIDC Dealer-liason representative from within the SIDC Community. One person per region who handled issues from the Community, takes them up with the regional dealership by way of regular meetings and acts as liason. Both options have their advantages... Option 1 gives dealerships the ability to prove they're willing to work with the SIDC, take any issues on board and hopefully resolve them. Option 2 gives the SIDC the ability to prove we're willing to take the initative and work with the dealerships thus giving them return on their investment in the SIDC and, hopefully, happy customers and repeat business which, at the end of the day, is what they all want. Where this goes from here is anybody's guess. These are just my thoughts, but Craig's commendable efforts with T&C prove that the relationships are there to be built.
  3. Coool. Wish I had the balls to try it. Shame I spent 10 minutes looking for a software reason for having no sound then discovered I'd kicked my speaker cables out
  4. Cool pics. I especially like the "rainbow" in the first one. First time I've ever seen anyone have to use artificial rain in Scotland []
  5. Ahhhh...but did you have carnal knowledge with a sheep? You can't go to Wales and not try the local customs. [] Welcome back, BTW. Been quiet around here with the Potatoshop requests []
  6. I've got a Toad on mine. Never had any problem with it -well not since the second guy from Toad came and fixed the balls up the first guy had made installing it!
  7. The case set a precedent that denying a person use of their vehicle via clamping is theft by appropriation. I would suggest your college take legal advice before clamping. I'm no legal expert. I just like reading about little guys taking on the big guys and booting them in the nads [] A quick Google: Lord Allanbridge said that: "It is a question of fact whether there is appropriation by the alleged thief. In this case...when the accused clamped the wheel, he intentionally deprived the complainer of the "ownership" of the car by rendering it immobile." Although expressing some initial doubts, Lord Cowie said that: "However, there is no doubt that amotio is not a necessary element in every form of theft...The crucial matter which the Crown must prove is that the accused intended to detain the cars from the owners....and it is not necessary to prove that they intended to do so permanently....I am satisfied that there are sufficient facts set out in the present charges from which such an inference of intention can be drawn, always bearing in mind that it is the owner's loss and not the accused's gain that is important."
  8. The case centred around "theft by appropriation"... "...the essential feature of the physical act necessary to constitute theft is the appropriation, by which control and possession of the thing is taken from its owner or custodier. In principle, therefore, the removal of the thing does not seem to be necessary, if the effect of the act which is done to it is its appropriation by the accused (the clamper)... There is no suggestion that it was intended by the motorist that they [the accused] should have control over the car for any purpose, or that by parking the vehicle in the car park he intended that anyone else should have control over it." (Black v Carmichael) Clamping was judged as theft.
  9. Clamping in Scotland by private firms has been illegal since 1992 (Black v Carmichael 1992 SCCR 709). You can only be clamped in Scotland on a public highway and even then only by the Police or someone with Statutory authority. I knew reading all this crap on traffic law would come in useful some day []
  10. There are sooooooo many get-outs on parking tickets it's unbelievable. Shoulda posted here when you got it rather than after parting with your hard-earned wonga! Mind you, it was probably worth the money to avoid being caught up in a situation like this []
  11. 1) Was it issued by the council or a private company? 2) Does the ticket display two dates - date of offence and date of issue? 3) What signage was on display. Did that signage display times of regulation?
  12. Cool vid. Went out with a lass who had a lad with Aspergers. Whole new learning experience, but a fantastic kid. Been doing some digging into the father and son thing. They have a website here Achievements to date: 206 Triathlons, 6 Ironman distances20 Duathlons 64 Marathons, 24 straight Boston Marathons 7 18.6 Milers 78 Half Marathons 1 20K 34 10 Milers 27 Falmouth 7.1 milers, 1 Falmouth in the Fall 8 15K 204 10K 143 5 Milers 4 8K 15 4 Milers 92 5K 6 20 Milers 2 11K BTW, the father is 65!
  13. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
  14. Kill the wabbit! Kill the wabbit! []
  15. Truly inspirational. Not ashamed to admit it brought a tear to the eye Click here
  16. I think I've replied to all that have responded. If I've missed anyone then the plan is to arrange a weekend for folk to have a "rake" through what's there. That will most likely be the weekend of 9th/10th September as it's the only weekend I'm free for the next few weeks. That doesn't mean the end of it though as there is no way the amount of stuff there is will shift in one weekend! I'll arrange other viewings for those who can't make it that weekend. There have been a lot of very kind words expressed by people. Thanks guys - it's very much appreciated []
  17. Firstly - good on you for organising this and good on T&C for having the meeting and showing willing to work and move forward with the SIDC. T&C did my first service, but purely because I was staying at my folks at the time. They're outwith my normal area, but how about (and I thought this about all dealerships) flyers or leaflets on the counter for the SIDC. Perhaps a couple of "posed" framed photos from local meets etc up on the wall.
  18. I missed the last one. I'm not missing this one. 1. iggy and Nikki 2. st3ph3n 3.imy 4.Marty. 5.Gus 6.Russ & Jackie 7.Dale(thefastone) & Nici 8.Harvey and Dawn. 9.G.T. 10.bigbadboab 11.STi_Bandit & April 12.coulty & shona 13. andywrx
  19. Contact me via PM. For obvious reasons I'm not prepared to give out exact location!
  20. Okay, I've got what is literally an Aladdin's cave to clear out. Bit of a story so bear with me... I've just come back from a weekend at my folks place in rural Aberdeenshire. Up until last year my father was a compulsive collector of stuff - mostly engineering stuff. Unfortunately he suffered a stroke which left him severely paralysed so no longer has use for any of the tools and other stuff he's amassed. There is a barn that is literally stuffed full of all sorts of things including, but not exclusively: 1) Lathes - both 13amp and 3-phase 2) All sort of lathe tools and bits that I don't understand - mostly metalwork type stuff I think... 3) Welders and welding bits that I don't understand 4) Large Compressor (may be more than one - there's so much s***e in there that I can't tell!) 5) Socket sets - bloody hundreds of them 6) About 15 trillion nuts and bolts in various boxes 7) Tap and die sets - Loads again (at least I think that's what they're called - can you tell I'm not mechanically minded?!!) 8) All manner of power tools - both mains and air-powered 9) Antique iron horses with assorted tools (old cultivators for you heathens out there!) - ideal for restoration That doesn't come close to covering it all. I work in computers, not engineering so don't know what even a tenth of the stuff that I saw is for. I spent 20 minutes today standing in his workshop just thinking "How can one person collect so much crap in so short a time?" The objective is to clear the barn, not to make loads of money so there are bargains to be had. I know a lot of you are into all that mechanical and engineering stuff that I know sod all about so if you're interested in having a browse, contact me - PM or Email: andy AT trialscentral.com Note: For obvious security reasons, if you're not well known within the SIDC community then don't bother contacting me. Viewing would be by appointment only and as it's painful for the family to see this have to happen, sensitivity to the situation would be appreciated.
  21. I think he's realised the whole world (on t'internet anyway) takes the p*** so he's at the "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" thing. Just remember - he didn't just drive a car with swooshy lights. He also played a major part in the Berlin Wall coming down - or so he'd have us believe... Long live the Hoff!
  22. Could have been far worse - a few months later you could have been called England, England, England, England, England, England, Football, Football.... []
  23. Enjoy! Note guys - no Potatoshop requests for the next week.
  24. Thank God we don't all do that or Gumball would be called Westlife []
  25. Blimey!I was just sat there thinking "right, how can I swap his wheels with mine so he won't notice" []
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