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Everything posted by andy

  1. I don't hate the English - far from it. I hate the media hype. Besides, the lads I work with fully EXPECT me to turn up in the T&T top []
  2. DEFCON 5 Normal peacetime readiness DEFCON 4 Normal, increased intelligence and strengthened security measures DEFCON 3 Increase in force readiness above normal readiness DEFCON 2 Further Increase in force readiness, but less than maximum readiness DEFCON 1 Maximum force readiness. Hope that helps []
  3. Yes. My next door neighbour lets his cat s**t in my garden.
  4. Guys, Any idea where I can get a Trinidad & Tobago top? I've got a meeting in Reading next Thursday/Friday and we're knocking off early Thursday and going to the pub so my colleagues from south of the border can cheer on Engerland. A T&T top is a must [] Edinburgh/Glasgow or Central belt preferred.
  5. Ditto. Error about being unable to download codec for them.[]
  6. Makes my situation look pretty good. My motor is covered under a private warranty by the company I got it through. Because they screwed up and gave me a Maltese import instead of the UK Spec car that I ordered I've got the warranty for as long as I keep the motor []
  7. Something to do to relieve the boredom of all channels showing Engerland playing football in the coming tournament. Listen to to the biased commentary and cross off each of the following phrases []
  8. Another of those "what do you say" scenarios. It's times like this that prove what a great community really exists on these forums. If you draw some small consolation at a difficult time from the words written then our job is done as intended []
  9. I don't think we've met, but happy burpday anyway []
  10. BBC News Article - Tayside clamping down. Obviously no real criminals to catch...
  11. Not much you can say at a time like this. Please accept my condolences.
  12. lol. Just had a choke on beer moment []
  13. 01. Paddy247 - Scooby. 02. RS Grant - No Scooby 03. Oz *sti* - Scooby 04. dtabbit77 - Scooby 05. Shaun_O'Donnell - Scooby 06. scientific steve - Scooby 07. mctwistuk - Scooby 08. P1ggm - Scooby, plus about 6 wee scoobies (do they count too) 09. lescazscoob - Scooby 10. 4hero - Scooby (+ 1 Nitro r/c, 1Electric r/c, 4 18th scale models and a 76th scale one on keyring ;o) 11. boxerboy - Scooby 12. micra_wrc - Scooby 13. G.Mac - Scooby 14. TheWelsho - Scooby 15. Vicki - Scooby 16. DrewG - Scooby 17. FastScooby - Scooby 18. baldyadonis, 2 scoobs...both broken hahaha 19. RabMcD - Scooby 20. GusTheBus - Scooby 21. DanTerzo - Scooby 22. Fai17 - Scooby 23. Mo - WRX Import Scooby 24. NKWRX-Scooby 25. Dougster-No Comment... 26. Finnie-BMW M3 27. Frank c - Scooby. 28. Seafar99 - Scooby. 29. bigbadboab - Scooby 30. scoobymark - Scooby 31. cosmic-no scooby 32. slo2-2 big ones lots of small ones 33. STi_Bandit - Scooby 34. Kloon - Scooby 35. Mako-2 scoobs, 1 for road, 1 for track 36. Higgy - Scooby 37. WRXMANIA - Scooby 38. John Mac - Scooby 39. RubyTheScooby - Scooby 40. bigdavie-Scooby 41. Ally-b - Scooby ... No2 42. Jcscoob - Scooby 43. Mrs Jcscoob - Scooby ... No2 44. scoobykev- Scooby 45. MY94 - Scooby 46. A11YKF - Scooby 47. Andy - JDM SCOOBY 48. ScottySTI-JDM Scooby 49. Carl Davey - Cavalier Turbo.... and a Scooby. " src="/emoticons/emotion-4.gif"> 50. G.T. scooby 51. andywrx Scoooooooooby
  14. I really couldn't explain the past week. For a superpower it is a third world country in parts. Cute waitress about 19-20 in a restaurant opens her mouth and her teeth are rotten stumps. It's surreal beyond belief.
  15. I always thought rednecks were an invention of Hollywood till I spent the last week in Tennessee. Blimey - that was an eye-opener. Went out to cover a world Trials championship round and spotted the General Lee in the car park of a local restaurant. Couldn't find Daisy Duke, but there was a real redneck country & western karaoke night going on. Thing is, these guys think they're cool knowing the lyrics. Rest of the week consisted of taking the piss out of the locals, but they're so daft they don't even realise it. Gawd bless 'merica.
  16. From the Scotsman: "CAMERAS that calculate the average speed of vehicles over a set distance are to be used during year-long roadworks which start on Monday on the A90 between Perth and Dundee. Transport Scotland said the Speed Enforcement Camera System (SPECS), nicknamed "yellow vultures", will cover a 40mph limit during the work to improve junction safety over a five-mile stretch of the dual carriageway. SPECS is currently being used over a 29-mile stretch of the A77 in Ayrshire and over a one-mile section of roadworks on the M74 in Lanarkshire." Let's be careful out there...
  17. Glasgow- 1. Gumball (South Side) 2. Dougster (Old Kilpatrick) SIDC MEMBER Ayrshire- 1. Central- 1. Edinburgh and Lothians 1. WRXMANIA Borders and Dumfrieshire- 1. Fife- 1. sheep 2. andywrx SIDC MEMBER Tayside- 1. scoobykev 2. Col666 Aberdeen and North- 1.
  18. Seller is from Aberdeen too. "In the time I've had it, there has only been one ginger in it, and no confirmed gays". ROTFL. Any Takers? []
  19. Sorry - I meant the 06 shape [:$]
  20. The more I see of it the more it's growing on me. Wasn't convinced to start with.
  21. My pleasure. Speaking of which - I feel another nosh at Pete's coming on. When does the Gummybear emigrate? Maybe a farewell meal would be in order? As far as the logo goes, I kinda like the one we've got. It's a wee bit hard to read the URL, but other than that it works for me.
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