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Everything posted by andy

  1. Question on that front. Is the radio aerial built in to the back windscreen (MY04 WRX)? I picked up an IPod transmitter in the US and the quality is pish. I bought one of those cassette jobbies that plug into the IPod, but the cassette player just constantly ejects it.[:'(]
  2. Which reminds me - I must renew. What I saved last year in discounts well outweighed what I paid for membership, plus you get the Mag (which I think is always very well put together) and that "feel-good factor" that you're contributing something back. It's a no-brainer IMO.
  3. Blimey - are folk still watching that?!! I really enjoyed putting it together, the feedback was awesome and made it well worth while. After throwing my toys out of the pram and stomping off in a huff it was coming across that and watching it that made me come back. I guess I realised there was more to it than forums and website bollocks. At the end of the day it's about people with a common interest and nothing should come between that. Anyway - apart from being pleased that folk are still looking at it - I've said I'll do another one for the Richard Burns event, but I need photos and lots of them so bear it in mind if you're taking part. I can't, unfortunately. I'm also open to suggestions for a soundtrack.
  4. I'd be up for this if you'd be willing to be a guinea pig for me. I've just dumped my Canon 10D and bought an EOS 1D MKII N. If you were prepared to help me develop my motorsport photography skills by letting me go ahead then take muchos photos of your motor as you went past several times throughout the route I'd be up for the experience. It's awesome on the Trials photos, but I'd love to do more with some real speed involved... [] PS - Hurt = awesome song.
  5. One of the funniest topics I've seen on a car forum for yonks. http://www.pistonheads.com/gassing/topic.a...=255686&h=0
  6. I've been on my jaunts so only just catching up. Good call on the moderating front. Be firm, but fair and don't put up with any goat-smoking nonsense []
  7. You have done an AWESOME job on this whole project. I, unfortunately, can't be part of it due to other commitments, but I salute you for your work, efforts and dedication to this from day one. It will be a success, of that I have no doubt and I hope you sit back in John O'Groats with a beer and think "Job Well Done" - you deserve to. I look forward to hearing the stories, seeing the photos and being green with envy.
  8. You're too young to know that! You Googled - admit it!
  9. I talk to the trees But they don't listen to me I talk to the stars But they never hear me The breeze hasn't time To stop, and hear what I say I talk to them all In vain [8o|] Two squares of chocolate to name the film and the singer
  10. It concerns me I live in Fife and it doesn't bloody say WHERE.
  11. Nasty one, but at least the Scoob is okay. When we had the bad snow a month or so ago, I was kinda shocked to see footprints right round my motor in the morning that had been left during the night. My car is parked pretty tight against my house and as the pic below shows (and you can see the footprints), there is NO reason anybody would have cause to walk round it unless they were casing it. Bloody freaked me out. The CCTV is on order.
  12. Left my car in Scotpark at Edinburgh Airport while away over the weekend. Came back to find... Apologies for shatty photos. Taken with my phone as I wanted evidence before I moved my motor. Fortunately there was no damage, but the twunt must have known he'd dinged me so God knows why he didn't back off. He/she will come back from their holiday in twuntsville to a rather nice note under their wiper containing words I couldn't possibly mention on a forum [] As a word of warning - if you ever see Stay well clear as the driver is clueless.
  13. Do it. You won't regret it. Top nosh.
  14. Chevrolet Corvette. Guess I can live with that! I'd fix the clicky, but Firefox and these forums don't like each other. []
  15. Can't wait till Gumball tells us what his is [][][]
  16. Blimey - bloody well done. Yes, Ive read the other thread, but couldn't give a damn. Great job, well executed and good result. Congrats to all behind this effort.
  17. I guess I picked the wrong time to throw my toys out of the pram and miss this [:'(] However, I think the overwhelming thanks need to go to you Pete. You gave up the chance to make money for your business for a night and organised, from what I've read from the feedback, a top night for all who attended. You raised shedloads by doing so and I raise my hat to you (or would do, if I actually owned a hat), but you get my drift! Well done!
  18. I went for F1's too after recommendations on here and wouldn't try anything else now. I noticed very quickly when you hit standing water (as you tend to do on the M9!) there isn't that "surge" when you first hit. They just seem to run right through it without any feeling of change at all. EDIT: I paid £360 for all four at Jims, fitted.
  19. Went out in Edinburgh last night - with a colleague of Gumball's, strangely enough. Instead of the usual 20+ (emphasis on the +) while on the lash, I smoked 4 - and it didn't bother me in the slightest. Cheers Jack, this is gonna save me a fortune and put less in the Government coffers for you lot to waste.
  20. I'd say, having sat in the inevitable dead-slow and stop queue for the Haudagain Roundabout in utter frustration while the bus lane alongside him sat empty, he celebrated his freedom from finally getting across it and put the foot down. Thereafter -what Gumball said!
  21. I had to google to find out WTF the Jeremy Kyle show was. Guess what you did on your sabbatical!!
  22. Oh I dunno. The norkage isnae bad. Couple of bin liners ower the heid and 10 pints of Stella and it's a possibility. [6]
  23. Oh c'mon guys. You're not really being fair here. You should never read a book by it's cover. I think Gummy should be equally attracted by her intellect... "***i enjoy chatting 2 strangers*** i like chatting to random people on buses*** i like telling random fit guys tht they r fit*** especially in edinburgh*** coz there is loads of fit guys there***" DISCLAIMER: Regardless of the quote above, it is never wise to talk to strangers. Charlie says....
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