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Everything posted by andy

  1. Where you getting it done? I'm still sporting the crack I picked up on the photoshoot run. Must get it replaced.
  2. This one works a treat... "Hello, this is Mandy from XYZ Double Glazing company...." "Hello Mandy. What colour panties are you wearing?" Guarantee you'll never hear from them again
  3. That's poopy. On my route to work too. Inevitable though given that both it and the BP one just before the bridge are bang in the way of the new bridge approach road.
  4. Good luck! Something that's worked in my favour a couple of times is a tip I once got for the bit when they ask if you have any questions - pull out a sheet of paper with your questions pre-written down. Twice I've got jobs where the interviewer commented afterwards they were impressed by that as it showed I'd prepared. fingers crossed for you anyway
  5. I'm liking those wheels too. Very smart.
  6. << in a manner of speaking >> And our nosh was great, but not what you military boys expected
  7. << BTW Did you enjoy your meal? >> I already gave you a plug or two Great meal and good to see Pete and Imy again and be introduced properly to G. Mac - still finding my way around folk!
  8. Yay - Happy New Year Pete. Never realised I was there on your Hogmanay. If it were a Scottish restaurant on Hogmanay you'd have been too pished to talk to us
  9. I certainly wasn't tail-gating. I came up behind, sat there for a while at 60 at a reasonable distance and then he braked. I did flash his braking as it was obviously antagonistic, but didn't close up to tail-gate. He was obviously a numpty and I didn't want him slamming on the brakes and me being blamed for an accident because an invisible rabbit had crossed his path. I'm afraid it's just typical of the attitudes on the roads here these days. Anywhere in mainland Europe you come up behind someone and they pull in to let you past, but not in Britain. The general opinion is "I've got my space and I'm not giving it up for anybody". In saying that, I've tailed Gummy Bear and Robbo and been the bone shaking passenger of The Squirrel and they all follow the same rules I do - drive on the left except when overtaking. Maybe having real cars makes us appreciate the rules better.
  10. Having had a good old rant at The Squirrel tonight during out excellent meal at Peter's about the standards of driving on Scotland's roads, my point was made perfectly en route home. I'm heading up the A80 and finally after the 50/30/50/30 speed limits it becomes 70. Here's matey in his Volvo V70 doing 60 up the outside lane. Not a car in sight in the inside, but he's sauntering up the outside oblivious to the rules of the road. I saunter up behind him doing somewhere between 70 and 75 - certainly nothing scary and nothing I'd get done for. Instead of thinking "Hmmm, I should really be in the inside and let this guy pass, matey in his Volvo thinks "This is my lane, how dare he try and pass me" so he brakes to 40mph - in the outside lane of a 70mph stretch of road. Now I'm thinking that I drive that road often and those who stick to the limit are rare. If anybody approaches fast and I'm doing 40 in the outside lane because the twat in front of me won't pull over then I've got a pretty good chance of being rear-ended so I pull in, and without any danger and not exceeding 55 mph, I undertake aforementioned twat - who proceeds to jam his hand on his horn and gesticulate that I may partake of masturbatory pleasures on the odd occasion. Once safely past said twat, I speed up to national speed limit (or thereabouts) only to have said twat close right up behind me - still in the outside lane, presumably with the intention of noting my reg number. I fully expect a wasted visit from the old bill over this. The law states I am in the wrong for undertaking. My view is that 40mph in the outside lane of a clear dual carriageway when the speed limit is 70 is driving without due care and attention.
  11. You just get the slightest glimpse as the camera pans along, but it does look like it could be an SIDC tax disc holder. Reminded me of me playing PGR on Squirrel's XBox 360 today
  12. << Thank you for the welcome folks. My mate told the people on this website were more friendly than on scoobynet,and i can tell you all he was 100% correct >> Very friendly - in fact so friendly, if your name had been sammygirly instead of neilyboy you'd have had at least 30 pages of replies by now
  13. "iron my shirt" doesn't bring back the wanted result, but is interesting nonetheless
  14. No problem. Glad to help and thanks for the feed-up at Pete's. Another recommendation. Food was great
  15. Blimey. How much practice must that take? Scary.
  16. Ahhh - Viz! One of the best ones I ever read was: "Micra drivers - replace the aerial on your roof with a sparkler. You drive the things like they're f***ing dodgems anyway"
  17. Well said Billy. That's the precise reason I've said all along that www.scottishscoobies.co.uk should point to an information site and not directly to these forums. There's a lot of great banter and knowledge here, but there's a whole ton of crap too and it's not encouraging for new members (or potential members) to have their first experience of the SIDC being a bad one.
  18. << i heard they have a special package called "3rd party in a row involving goats at the weekend" >> I'm from Aberdeen FFS. We don't do goats. They have horns. Sheep are far more gentle and accomodating.
  19. Just ran my details through and £1212. Must do discounts for teh gayers.
  20. On the subject of unmarked cars, a little bird tells me that the Scottish Forces have started moving the unmarked cars around amongst themselves to prevent them from getting too well known in any force area.
  21. << That was when a morris marina was a good car >> Having been thrown 30 feet out the back window of a Marina due to the front axle snapping and only around today because there were no trees between my departure from said car and me hitting ground, I'd disagree with your "good car" sentiment.
  22. Great post and so, so true. Sad reflection of the modern world.
  23. No hassles. Squirrel, I touch goats. I've set up four wireless networks for friends/family all using Belkin kit. Living in Kincardine even named my own wireless network as "Tulliallan Police College Private WAN" for a laugh and though many have sniffed and tried, none have managed to breach My only tip would be - NEVER set one up for your parents. The phone won't stop every time they break it
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