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Everything posted by andy

  1. Spent 10 mins thinking I want to reply, but don't know how. You got it in one -"Nothing else needs to be said".
  2. I don't even know you and I'm pleased to hear this news!
  3. Cooooooooool Thanks guys. It wasn't part of the plan, but we're not complaining! Expect photos on Monday.
  4. Spent all night trying to find a hotel for a weekend away in Coniston this weekend with little luck (it's me birfday) I eventually found availability and the guy said it was because there is a rally on. He didn't know exactly what it was, but said they'd various classes including one for Evos and Scoobys. Given that I've got me WRX and the young lady accompanying me has a P1, this was indeed good news - However, we still don't know what the hell it is! Anybody more clued up on the rally scene give me any pointers?
  5. << Lord Lithcfield you are nae!!! >> I should hope not. He's pan breid!
  6. I was just looking at my website stats for something else and noticed the vid has been viewed 975 times so far. Blimey.
  7. Explanation Edit - for anybody disatisfied with their provider, I'm with Pipex and they've been fantastic. Great speeds and only a couple of hours offline in over a year. Oh, and unaffected last night.
  8. The scene... Operational Control, RAF Leuchars, Sunday 27th November 2005.... "Ummm sir, we seem to have an inbound hostile" "Can you confirm?" "Yes Sir, definitely an inbound hostile travelling at high speed" "Do we have a fix on that?" "No sir, but it's in Fife and inbound fast" "Do we have an ID?" "Ummm... it appears to be a Classic Red Impreza WRX" "A what?" "Erm, a Subaru Sir. And it's airborne and incoming." "Subaru? They make cars boy, not airplanes" "Yes sir, but we have a positive ID. Subaru Impreza - airborne and incoming" "S**t"
  9. << Andywrx..could you pm me an email address please? >> Nice pics - and I touch goats!
  10. Arghhhhhhhh! Every time you post I get Ruby Tuesday in my head and wind up whistling it for hours afterwards.
  11. A few that won't be repeats of anything Ian posts...
  12. Good to meet you and your other half Spooks. As I said to Gumball earlier, for a n00b like me, today was perfect. Relatively small number of people, good run on great roads and good banter. Last weekend was great, but a bit intimidating for a newbie (still glad I did it though). Today was absolutely spot on from start to finish. Where's Ian with his pics? Hope he didn't get lost PS - lol at that photo NightOwl - know exactly what you mean! How did your wee lass cope with that? Giggles or tears?
  13. What he said! Great day, great roads, great run and good to meet those I haven't met before. Thanks Ian. I've got some pics, but will let Ian post his first (well those he's going to share ) as he organised it and mine will be pretty much the same.
  14. Count myself and the Gumball in on this. Kinda hooked after last weekend
  15. << Neither have i got a clue. Must be missing something. So is it just the Glasgow SIDC area thats a problem ? Or the Scottish section as a group. We're all here to support each other, so it would be nice to get these things sorted. >> I've been around for a wee while, albeit on the fringes. I went on the run last weekend - my first meet. I had an absolute blast and although I didn't talk to everybody, those I did talk to were very friendly and welcoming (and thanks to them for that) so I was a bit taken aback by the recent hostility. Looking at it from the outside, there seems to be an issue where people feel they can't approach the RO - which is beyond me because judging from the posts I've seen in almost a year of lurking and then posting bollocks, Billy has always come across as nothing less than approachable and dedicated to the job in hand. Because for whatever reasons people seemed to think Billy was unapproachable, things went through Gumball who then asked the collective questions. Offence was taken at that and things erupted. My question is - WHY? I was a total n00b last weekend and saw a lot of guys (and girls) have a lot of fun. I was dead chuffed to be part of that. THAT is what it's all about - common enthusiasm for the MARQUE. If there are cliques then forget them. If there is bitching on MSN then forget it. Personal agendas - bah humbug. It's about enthusiasm for the marque and that seems to get lost along the wayside sometimes which is sad. There are flyers out there that people have put serious effort into that are now being actively distributed and lead newcomers to this very forum. What the hell are they going to think when they drop by and it looks like a pie fight in kindergarten? Think about it.
  16. << nice one pandy >> Sorry mate - a rather cute P1-driving blonde (nobody from here) just sent me that and I couldn't resist.
  17. << My days of serving in the army >> We know
  18. Ach poetry's easy. There was a young man from Nantucket, Erm..... I'll get me coat.
  19. Nothing really I can say that hasn't already been said. I have a new wallpaper on my pooter tonight. My own wee tribute.
  20. I've lubed up the revolving door (But ONLY the revolving door!)
  21. You have the best job in the world.
  22. This is doing the rounds at the mo so apologies to those who have seen it, but... Clicky
  23. God knows what any newcomer to this site must think! The flyers look great, they're tempted, they look, total chaos! lol
  24. << when you and IF YOU EVER DO ORGANISE ANYTHING FOR THE CLUB which i doubt i am going to trash the thread big time >> Sorry mate - just doing anything to detract from having to put another photovid together!
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