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Everything posted by andy

  1. I work for Symantec, yes, but that's through acquisition/merger. I don't actually know that much about the AV side, TBH. Our Security Response Centre has these instructions for removal of apropos c. Bloody spyware.
  2. lol. That rocks! So easy to park too!
  3. << For now although im sure you could manage to arrange that Andrew >> What happens out of work stays out of work. Dem's the rules.
  4. You'll probably find he's the kid of one of your customers and your sig will appear on an agreement tomorrow for £250K's worth of kit at the discounted price of £2.50.
  5. << The Hawaii Five-O have been spotted in an unmarked beemer on the '74 in recent days. >> Spotted them on the 74 about a year ago in a dark blue unmarked beemer. Didn't catch model or plate. This was a funny one though. Was driving through Grangemouth the other night and they'd pulled somebody into a bus stop. They were driving a white unmarked Skoda Octavia
  6. I guess I picked the wrong day to develop Parkinsons.
  7. Anybody doing that speed approaching that junction deserves the upcoming ban.
  8. Beware of the one they call Gumball! Welcome (and I'm another Fifer - although they call it Clackmannanshire for some reason)
  9. Ey oop lad, To save you ploughing through that thread, you need this. It's for folk who want to produce Flash stuff, but are too clueless (like me!) to learn Flash. The vid was produced using that. You can download it, but the Trial version (if I recall correctly) puts logos on your animations. you have to pay to lose them.
  10. Nice photos of the master at work, however... If you're going to do the old Starsky and Hutch bit, I find a real police light works better than
  11. The flyer Spooks posted with the casual, friendly approach combined with the look of Cal's one - slick and professional seems the way forward IMHO.
  12. I have a buddy works in graphic design. His Co. do all the marketing stuff for Guinness. He's bloody good and he's the sort of guy that would help for free. Email idea stuff etc to me andy AT trialscentral.com and I'll see what he can do.
  13. This story is so funny it has to be shared... Although I'm a techie, I'm closely aligned to salesmen and provide technical backup to them. As a result I need to have access to our sales forecasting system which has just changed and the training course was today. The daft sods that set it up set my training login to the production system, not the training system. As a result, the live global sales system for them what does the Anti-Virus in the yellow boxes showed for several hours today an almost closed deal for $1.2BILLION with a customer contact named George Bush, email address dubya@whitehouse.gov and a contact position of "Warmonger". Oopsie
  14. JC - I gotta ask - WTF is that avatar?!!!!
  15. Somebody posted that on my website this morning - it is bloody hilarious (and no, it's not cruel - that's just the way they are!) Well worth a view or ten
  16. << Every time its on the radio @ work, i can see all the cars in order to the music, sad eh ! >> Not sad at all. I do the same and I made the bloody thing!
  17. << Andy, who is that girl in your avatar? >> Alizee Fwaptastic
  18. I'm only messing. Those of us that work in IT invariably get into situations helping others. We don't mind it, but do like to joke about it.
  19. Hehehe. At a meeting with aforementioned Robbo today he said he was your IT bitch
  20. That's amazing. you don't realise just how much work goes into these things. Good post
  21. I'm just back to Kincardine from Aberdeen. Overhead signs at Friarton Bridge said A876 was closed, but traffic through Kincardine towards the bridge is moving fine now.
  22. And don't touch the sheep - she probably has a steady boyfriend
  23. I'm with Zeolite. Born and bred, but left in hmmm..... 1988 (Bloody hell - was it that long ago...). Still up there regularly on business and love a night out there, but don't fancy living there again - though i do take a stock of butteries back every time I'm up
  24. GROUP 1- usual pace- WILKY 1. Wilky 2. WUZ (looking to play with Wilky!) GROUP 2- middle of the road pace- THE SQUIRREL 1. The Squirrel 2. scoobykev 3. RubyTheScooby 4. Paddy247 5. Jc scoob 6. st3ph3n 7. karps GROUP 3- Family Group, relaxed pace- CORSA (TBC) OR GUMBALL 1. Gumball or Davie Corsa 2. Ed-209 3. WRXMANIA 4. PaulC555 + Wife and Little un.... GROUP 4 - See you there, Close to the Lecht than Perth 1. Catherine and Ken Ross 2. andywrx What I've suggested to Chris is I take up last position as I'm taking photos. By the time I get there the earlier cars should be pretty much arranged. I then suggested I leave the Lecht first on my own, about 5 minutes ahead of everybody else and park up at a good position to take more photos as the groups go by. I'd then re-join as tail-end Charlie.
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