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Everything posted by andy

  1. << Besty went at 12:55 GMT. I had 12-1 in the sweep too! Get in there. >> Blows your sig completely out of the friggin' water!
  2. Harry's pan breid? NO WAY. Next thing you'll be telling me Bestie's bought it.
  3. << whos dead >> What? All of them? Even Roger Daltrey? RIP.
  4. << i cant speak for these guys but im not no. >> Methinks he doth protest too much!
  5. << stephen, your gay >> You can't say that! It's not PEE CEE!
  6. << And matching Avatars doesn't? >> Class response. Sheer class.
  7. Was thinking that today listening to all the roads blocked. Good call mate. You might even get a photo vid for good planning PS lol.
  8. << Had to give up earlier this afternoon. Driving from Airdrie to Livingston , only got as far as Harthill and turned back ! Took nearly an hour to get just to Harthill !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >> Got to big it up for the moron in the WH Malcolm wagon who tried to overtake another wagon stuck on the hill on the M8 just after the Livvy exit then got stuck himself leaving both lanes blocked. Nice one. Still amazing and quite amusing to watch how many people think red-lining in first gear will get them through.
  9. Sorry - the sun's shining on your post. Could you move it 3 feet to the left? Serious kudos to you for travelling all that way.
  10. 2 hours bloody 40 to get from Edinburgh to Glasgow this afternoon
  11. Just started at Edinburgh Park
  12. Sorry to hear about your cousin Chris. As you know, Im only too well aware of the after affects of Stroke. However, it is amazing what the therapists can achieve these days. There is certainly hope.
  13. From today's Press & Journal: Police caught more than 40 people driving illegally-modified cars in a special operation around Angus recently. Tayside officers worked alongside the Vehicle and Operator Services Agency in Operation Full Bore between November 18-21. They issued 32 conditional offers, reported two people to the procurator fiscal and handed out 10 prohibitions. Inspector Gordon Milne said the force received a significant number of complaints about modified cars - particularly concerning excessive noise from exhausts. "A considerable number of drivers modify their vehicles in a bid to improve the look and performance, without realising that they are obliged to notify their insurance company of the changes and that by failing to doing so, they invalidate their insurance cover," he said. "We are particularly concerned that the people who often carry out such alterations are unqualified and the alterations they make drastically change the handling characteristics of the vehicle."
  14. The Cabrach at the weekend was cracking. It's a road I drive regularly. The Cairn O' Mount aka Banchory to Fettercairn is a must. Cracking road. Your ears pop driving up it and there's a great place to stop at the top.
  15. Mate of mine got pulled a month or so ago for dodgy spacing on his number plate. After talking to him they told him he'd passed their "attitude test" so they weren't going to give him a penalty and gave him 14 days to get the plate sorted. He got into a bit of banter with them (Lancashire Lad - has the patter) They told him they'd pulled a guy a few days previously who was dead cocky and didn't pass the "attitude test". Fairly new car - they checked tyres, lights etc etc. He was so sure they'd find nothing wrong. "Turn on your wipers sir" - worked fine. "Now your washers sir"... Oops - empty washers. £30 fixed penalty. The moral of the story is if they want to have you, they'll have you.
  16. Mate phoned me a wee while ago making sure it wasn't my blue Scoob in a four car prang on the M9 just after Newbridge
  17. << All the photos are brilliant. >> Oops - I didn't pick out Peter to the detriment of any of the others - they're all great. Just that he asked me what these numbers meant on the screen of his camera (I didn't know! lol)
  18. Rest of mine online here PS. Some great shots there Peter - whatever those numbers meant on your camera display, they obviously didn't affect performance!
  19. Good idea to keep them all the photo stuff in the one thread: Three panoramic shots from Glenshee. Pixelated out the number plates - I think I'll stick to Trials Bikes - they don't have bleeding number plates! Panorama 1 (381KB) Panorama 2 (1.25MB) Panorama 3 (1.8MB) Note - your browser may resize these to fit your screen. If so, hover towards the bottom right and click on the splodgy thing that makes it display in original size. And finally... The Right Reverand Gumball of the Parish of Ibrox leads Britain's Most Wanted in a suitable Sunday Hymn... Clicky (wee file this time) Rest of my pics tomorrow.
  20. That's me just home. Talk about a long day! Car filthy, six inch crack in windscreen, tired, but grinning from ear to ear. First run and loved it. When's the next one? Many thanks to all involved in the organising - Gumball, Squirrel, Imy (I thought the route guide was very slick) and the Group leaders - especially the guys who led us back from Tomintoul. I sure as hell didn't fancy being on point for that! Happy Kincardine.
  21. [wakes up] [stumbles out of bed] Hang on a sec.....It's Sunday....No hangover?? WTF???
  22. 'night JohnBoy. Drive safe. See you on the other side.
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