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Everything posted by andy

  1. Thanks for your kind words folks - thought it might go down well Spince - The soundtrack is David gray - The One I Love. Not sure if it's his latest single, but it's been getting a lot of airtime. Jodi - The snow pic was intentional! That's my motor after I got cocky and thought I was invincible last January! St3ph3n - Sorry mate, you're only in it once now. It was (rightly) pointed out that one of the pics is copyright (well they all are, but I'm assuming nobody else minds!) It was kept to a downloadable size, but I could put together a bigger one that could be used as a rolling display on a laptop for events if it was thought worthwhile???
  2. << I had a quick look at the package, i see you can save it as a screen saver. I'm sure there are a few folks that would like that (myself included!) >> Your wish is my command! Screen saver now done. Clicky linky. I've taken off the soundtrack for it as that would really get on yer tits after a while!
  3. << no worries mate it's a cracking video. What did you use to make it? >> Your motor now included (You may have to CTRL-Refresh to get the new version) I'm not talented enough to use raw Flash so use a package called StillMotion Creator
  4. << Nice one mate Shame my car never made it though >> It was supposed to be included. I remember blanking the number plate.
  5. I have to admit - when I posted the topic looking for your favourite pic of your car, I had an ulterior motive. I regularly put together photo vids for Trials events and they go down very well. I fancied doing one for the Scoobs, but a lot of the photo links on here are dead. The nice fresh ones on that topic gave me the content I needed. This is the end result - hope it was worth while! Probably going to take a while to load on dial-up, and may stutter on broadband first time round, but once loaded it should be fine. Click me If you want to view this offline then there's a self-executing video here. It is a .exe file, however it is fully virus checked and purely a self playing video. Gumball will verify I work for the biggest anti-virus company in the world so you're pretty safe! I was going to credit every photographer, but got the photos from so many different topics I lost track.
  6. << I thought I'd post this one because it epitomizes every single thing my wife hates in me! >> The photo of your todger didn't work mate
  7. No sniper rifle? That blows my MOHAA and CoD practice out the window
  8. I don't Christopher. I'm thinking of all the sinners who do.
  9. The camera vans on motorway flyovers are a no-no in my book. Motorways are the safest roads in Britain. At the speeds people tend to do, a last minute spot of one of them and a slam on the brakes could cause not just serious, but fatal accidents. It's only a matter of time, IMO I'll give Tayside their credit. They use vans, but always put vinyl signs up well in advance.
  10. 2 out of 3 in East Kilbride yesterday
  11. And just heard from a mate that there's a camera van sitting on one of the flyovers on the M9 around the Kincardine turnoff.
  12. Silver 3 Series, Reg No: RJ52 CHN. Was out on the M9 this morning. Pulled someone over just inside the 50 limit on the Newbridge underpass. Let's be careful out there...
  13. Spiders are great little critters. They eat flies and other bug-type things that walk on dog-poo and pass on nasties. Never kill a spider. They may look scary, but they're the good guys!
  14. Professor from Glasgow Uni does a study of bestiality habits with sheep in Northern Scotland. First of all he heads to Shetland. "What's the best way to make love to a sheep?" The reply is "stick their back legs in yer wellies and take them from behind." Next he heads off to Inverness. "What's the best way to make love to a sheep?" The reply, again, is "stick their back legs in yer wellies and take them from behind." Finally, he heads to Aberdeen. "What's the best way to make love to a sheep?" "Lay them on their backs and take them from the front" "That's strange", the professor replies, "Everybody else I've surveyed says the best way is to take them from behind." "Fit?", says the Aberdonian, "Nae Kissin?" and before anybody complains, I'm a born and bred Aiberdonian Loon. Cairncry Road if the truth be told!
  15. << I got a hand gesture today from a BMW driver >> I give lots of BMW drivers hand gestures. Admittedly though, they tend to be a bit more
  16. I regularly swap waves with somebody in a green classic around Kincardine.
  17. There's a car in those photos?
  18. Audi A3 Turbo. Linky Note: Requires Powerpoint or Powerpoint Viewer
  19. When I first got the Scoob, I wasn't aware of the tradition. I was a bit WTF? at folk waving at me. Once it clicked I thought it was a great thing. In today's "me,me,me" society with everybody looking out for nobody, but themselves, I love the fact total strangers can acknowledge each other. Vive le wave!
  20. << HYJACK ALERT "EVERYONE REMAIN CALM" >> You'd better tell the Captain we've got to land as soon as we can. This woman has to be gotten to a hospital. A hospital? What is it? It's a big building with patients, but that's not important right now.
  21. It's like everything else. As soon as someone comes up with some new gadget, someone else comes up with a way to hack it. This is not only unworkable, but the civil liberties mob will have a field day.
  22. Was having an argument with a Jag owner tonight elsewhere who reckoned his car was the dogs danglies. We both posted photos which gave me the idea... What's your favourite pic of your car? This is mine (so far!) Taken up the top of Glen Nevis.
  23. Poop. If I wasn't due my soul to the taxman right now, I'd have that.
  24. For the Rangers fans, there's a ticket for their match against Inter Milan on 6/12 up for grabs on EBay. Absolute bargain.
  25. I can handle the mistyping and poor punctuation as we're not all perfect, but this is a genuine email received today in response to something for sale... "hi how r u wer u from and wat type of money r u looking for pls" BLOODY TEXT TALK! Absolute pet hate of mine. It's just sheer bloody laziness with a full-size keyboard in front of you and a poor reflection on modern communication. I've even seen it on bloody motorway signs. Arghhhhhhhhh...... (gets off soapbox) Ahhh...feel better now. Nothing like a good rant.
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