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About dougster

  1. Cheers Ed. EDITED - Un-necessarily antagonistic comment - as previously warned Gimme a shout if you need some detailing done for the winter cruises. Doug.
  2. Chav
  3. When does the show start?
  4. Mondeos rock!
  5. "You have been banned from this server for " No notification in the chat room either.......
  6. Really excellent pictures and I would like to improve on my night shots which you seem to have in the bag. I will be looking at your settings closely. And I'm up all night too but SIDC's blocked at work.
  7. I still think Leon Cupra.
  8. The Andy in the STFU disaster is Oobster and he knows what I am talking aboot. The other one, who has told me stays out of the moderating side should do so until he learns HOW to.
  9. Finally an answer to my questions. How long did it take with the INTENTIONAL posts to get one. Well done Andy. Give yourself a pat on the back for being sooooooo clever. St3ph3n, I apologise but you are quite chunky. Back to you Andy, the ball is ALL yours, play with it how you like. pr**k
  10. "I also had Andy map in a backfire" That makes me smile.
  11. Alan, you know I do but when targeted and moderated without communication, it tends to get on ones nerves. Yes I am passionate and will speak up. I wonder why most of the traffic is on SIDC these days............
  12. Seeing as I am being moderated randomly by a bitter bigot, can I at least have notification as to WHY my threads and posts have been deleted. I have approached Phil by PM and MSN and have had no response. If I am again 'being given enough rope to hang myself' then keep it coming as I am being baited into responding by the lack of communication.
  13. "cliquey" Never. "drivel" Oh yes. Posts being deleted and swept under the SIDC carpet with no answers. Definetely.
  14. You took that serious? I'm actually trying to get back on here......... And ANOTHER post gone............
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