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Everything posted by andy

  1. Email received tonight: You are coming to the Pole Mecanique of Ales Cevennes for the Trial world championship. To discover this unique French site we are pleased to propose you a series of activities linked to the mechanical sports. These activities will take place on Friday 24th June from 3 to 5 p.m. Will you please register before the 21st of June to the following address: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Those taking part in the activities shall meet in at 2.50 pm in the press conference room. Name:??????????. First name:????????. Media:?????????? E-mail address:??????.. wishes to take part to the following activities proposed by the mechanical pole. Choose the activities you would like to take part in. ( 2 maximum ) karting 1st driving on the speed circuit 1st driving on the rally circuit 1st driving on the "all road" circuit (Audi) Gone for the Audi All-Road circuit and the rally circuit. Please let it be a Scooby. Please Please Please
  2. 20k service done there last Friday - £165. No complaints. Was impressed with the 05' 2.0GX wagon they gave me as a courtesy car. Was expecting something small and crappy.
  3. From A90 17. Bear left into A956 (Wellington Road). (47.6 miles,76.5 km) 18. After 1.3 miles take the 2nd Exit off the Wellington Road (A956) (Roundabout) into A956 (Wellington Road). (48.9 miles,78.6 km) 19. You are entering ABERDEEN. 20. After 0.5 miles take the 3rd Exit off the roundabout onto Hareness Road. (49.4 miles,79.5 km) 21. After 347 yards take the 2nd Exit off the Hareness Road (Roundabout) onto Hareness Road. (49.6 miles,79.8 km) 22. Turn left onto Minto Avenue. (49.8 miles,80.1 km) 23. Bear right onto Minto Drive. (49.9 miles,80.3 km) 24. You have arrived your destination "Minto Drive, ()". (50.1 miles,80.6 km) From RAC Route Finder.
  4. Who is it that's got the "555" decals? I passed you on the A90 last night. I was southbound around Forfar as you were heading North. Another blue Scoob passed northbound a couple of minutes later. I figured it was folk heading home from KH.
  5. CENTRAL REGION HI SOOB ---- Perth aarongr - stirling Wilky----- Stirling, but soon Texas Sti-Zlv Matt Dunblane rallye 6 - stirling area. Weeb - Falkirk sheep - Kincardine CAZ1562 - Falkirk PaulC555 - stirling area eastfifetyke - st.andrews area andywrx - Kincardine Okay, I've not actually been to owt yet but I'm kinda shy and have been tied up doing photography stuff for bike sport most weekends anyway. I will appear at Knockhill at some point with camera tho'
  6. << Je**s Ch***t !!! Are you breaking those teeth in for shergar??? >> Actually, I find that comment quite hurtful...
  7. << Thanks for that, no I wasnt an offender but if it comes to that let he who is free from sin cast the first stone. Your not coming on the next run? Why? because I stated my opinion to someone who stated thiers? Now your going to say, "Here we go again, we dont need this on Scottish Scoobies...." I have never started a fight online, and I have never posted goading people, on the contrary I have tried to solve matters on more than more occassion when its got silly. Im not going to take a huff, and I certainly wont be apopogising, I talk straight and shoot from the hip, if you want to take this further then PM me and we can talk privately. >> I'm not going to say "We don't need this etc etc" because I don't consider myself enough of a participant in the community either online or offline to do so. I've paid my dues and carry my SIDC stickers with pride as I see a great side to this community - the flashes, the waves etc. I'd love to get more involved - particularly in charity events, but antagonism just puts me right off. I'm here for fun, nowt else.
  8. << Who are you to come onto the SIDC forum and pass comment like you are the road god? Dont want to start a war? Why post on a Subaru forum if you dont want to start aggro? >> It's a better man who walks away from a fight than the one who walks into one. To go on such a vitriolic offensive suggests you are one of the offenders the poster was talking about. I followed this thread with great interest, loved the photos, the feedback and was tempted to join the next one, but I won't do so now. It seemed like fun, but you've brought it down to a scrap even though most took the guy's thoughts on board. That's not my idea of fun.
  9. < unlurks > Any more photos? Not been on one of these things and unsure if I ever would, but I love the pics of the Scoobs in convoy < lurks >
  10. << Does anybody know if anything's happened with this? It's service time and I don't fancy a jaunt to Perth/Penicuick or Glasgae! >> S'okay -I found it. Ian Grieve are doing servicing out of their place in Stirling at the mo.
  11. Does anybody know if anything's happened with this? It's service time and I don't fancy a jaunt to Perth/Penicuick or Glasgae!
  12. I was offline for 48 hours so missed what may have been said. No offence taken - just wondered
  13. Doesn't the law state that they are subject to the same laws as the rest of us except when responding to emergency calls and clearly showing blue lights and sounding sirens? Judge was clearly a mason...
  14. Why my topic "Amuses me greatly" relating to boy racers and their taking my Scoob as some kind of challenge appears to have been deleted? It was (as far as I'm aware) totally inoffensive.
  15. Not first right as that takes you out well before the BP station. Keep going past Burgoynes garage and you'll see Airth Golf Driving Range on your right. Turn in there, but instead of turning into their car park just keep going. Once round the first corner you can see for a good distance - just beware theres a serious hump-back bridge just after the ruins on the left with a 90 degree right just after it! It eventually takes you out beyond the BP station, literally just before the bridge.
  16. << yeah its a good road but its often used my walkers, cyclists and farmers >> It's flat land. Once you're round the first corner you can see to the hump-back bridge and anybody in-between.
  17. For anybody who's used this road as a shortcut when the bridge traffic is heavy, but has avoided it lately because of the seroiusly nasty potholes that appeared over winter, it's been fully repaired. If you've never driven it, it's worth the short detour from the Bowtrees roundabout for a great blast on an empty single track road, just turn towards Airth off the M876 then right into the Golf Centre and put the foot down
  18. << i got the sarrazin decals which are quite unique i think/hope. >> You mean that bloke wot's on my desktop? Nice choice, shame he's French
  19. GOOD NEWS! This will be released by DEFRA shortly: Draft News Release Single Payment ? Updated Guidance on Non-agricultural Land Use Announcing a revision today to the rules governing the use of agricultural land for motor sports during the 10-month qualifying period under the Single Payment Scheme, Lord Bach, Minister for Sustainable Farming and Food, said: ?Defra received a number of representations from motor sport interests following the issue of new guidance on 29 March. Having considered these, I am happy to announce the publication of updated guidance which now provides for motor sports to take place on up to 28 days during farmers? 10-month eligibility period on land used in support of 2005 Single Payment claims. Guidance for 2006 and beyond will be reviewed in the light of experience of this first year of the Single Payment Scheme. ? Notes for Editors 1. News Release 161/05 covered the original guidance note on non-agricultural use of land. 2 The updated guidance note is available on the Defra. 3. It remains the case that all vehicle activity is forbidden on waterlogged soils, and on land that is not in agricultural production under the Good Agricultural and Environmental Condition requirements already published in the Cross Compliance Handbook for England. 4. The restriction on non-agricultural use in the guidance note only applies during a 10-month period of the year chosen by the farmer himself. Farmers should not include land used for more than 28 days in the 10-month period for motor sports or other restricted non-agricultural activities on their 2005 claim for payment under the Single Payment Scheme.
  20. If it's somebody on here I swapped waves with around 1pm then that's a damned fine sounding motor you've got. Heard you before I spotted you
  21. Haynes Manual Terminology Translated into Common English Haynes: Rotate anticlockwise. Translation: Clamp with molegrips then beat repeatedly with hammer anticlockwise. Haynes: This is a snug fit. Translation: Clamp with molegrips then beat repeatedly with hammer. Haynes: This is a tight fit. Translation: Clamp with molegrips then beat repeatedly with a hammer. Haynes: As described in Chapter 7... Translation: That'll teach you not to read through before you start. Now you are looking at scary photos of the inside of a gearbox. Haynes: Pry... Translation: Hammer a screwdriver into... Haynes: Undo... Translation: Go buy a tin of WD40 (giant economy size). Haynes: Retain small spring... Translation: PINGGGG - "Jesus, where the hell did that go?" Haynes: Press and rotate to remove bulb... Translation: OK - that's the glass bit off, now fetch some good pliers to dig out the bayonet part (and maybe a plaster or two). Haynes: Lightly... Translation: Start off lightly and build up till the veins on your forehead are throbbing then clamp with molegrips then beat repeatedly with hammer. Haynes: Weekly checks... Translation: If it isn't broken don't fix it. Haynes: Routine maintenance... Translation: If it isn't broken, it's about to be. We warned. Haynes: One spanner rating. Translation: An infant could do this... so how did you manage to **** it up? Haynes: Two spanner rating. Translation: Now you may think that you can do this because two is a low, teensy weensy number... but you also thought the wiring diagram was a map of the Tokyo underground (in fact that would have been more use to you). Haynes: Three spanner rating. Translation: Make sure you won't need your car for a couple of days. Haynes: Four spanner rating. Translation: You're not seriously considering this are you? Haynes: Five spanner rating. Translation: OK - but don't ever carry your loved ones in it again. Haynes: If not, you can fabricate your own special tool like this... Translation: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Haynes: Compress... Translation: Squeeze with all your might, jump up and down on it, throw it at the garage wall, then find some molegrips and a hammer... Haynes: Inspect... Translation: Squint at really hard and pretend you know what you are looking at, then declare in a loud knowing voice to your wife "Yep, as I thought, it's going to need a new one" Haynes: Carefully... Translation: You are about to suffer deep abrasions. Haynes: Retaining nut... Translation: Yes, that's it, that big spherical blob of rust. Haynes: Get an assistant... Translation: Prepare to humiliate yourself in front of someone you know. Haynes: Turning the engine will be easier with the spark plugs removed. Translation: However, starting the engine afterwards will be much harder. Once that sinking pit of your stomach feeling has subsided, you can start to feel deeply ashamed as you gingerly refit the spark plugs. Haynes: Refitting is the reverse sequence to removal. Translation: Yeah, right. But you swear in different places. Haynes: Prise away plastic locating pegs... Translation: Snap off... Haynes: Using a suitable drift... Translation: Clamp with molegrips then beat repeatedly with hammer. Haynes: Everyday toolkit Translation: RAC/AA Card & Mobile Phone Haynes: Apply moderate heat... Translation: Unless you have a blast furnace, don't bother. Alternatively, clamp with molegrips then beat repeatedly with hammer. Haynes: Index Translation: List of all the things in the book, bar what you need to do.
  22. I'm so glad somebody raised this. Please, please, please sign this petition. I own the largest English speaking motorcycle Trials website on the Net and our sport is already seeing events cancelled left, right and centre because of this. There is also a fighting fund at LARA (Land Access And Recreation Association). This legislation is an ill thought out move by DEFRA, is way in excess of what European law called for and was sneaked in with no consultation. Even the farmers it affects are so confused by it they're just putting a blanket ban on motorsport just in case it jepoardises
  23. There's a "T" with a dotted square next to it in Acrobat that's the text select tool. Click and drag over the text you want then right click and copy. Pasting doesn't always work properly though as you lose formatting. If you've real hassles then email it to andy AT trialscentral.com and I'll host and linky.
  24. We're sat in the office debating whether to phone her or not
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