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Everything posted by andy

  1. << I think im gona have to buy gokart's >> In a few years, this could be you
  2. Saw it last time. Folk queuing to fill their little plastic cans with a couple of quids worth. Moronic in the extreme. At the time I was driving a diesel that would go weeks without a refill. Now? Sod it - I'll just work from home and let the "top-up" panic-monkeys queue.
  3. Hey Gumball - how much not to pass that round CC?
  4. << daz ----- wish you would post some more ....... your avatar is >> More than a little hypnotic. I could watch that all day....
  5. << Hopefully it won't be long now and remember the IT guys do this for the club and don't get paid!! >> Wasn't a criticism Doug. Hope it wasn't taken that way. I run more than one busy website and know it's a thankless task!
  6. It's still throwing up regular SQL errors though. I appreciate the guys give up their time to look after this and I KNOW only too well how much work looking after a website is. It's hard to be objective without sounding critical, but with the membership the Club seems to have, it should have something a bit more robust. I use Invision and they're top notch. £40 for serious forum software including first year support. No-brainer when I was looking.
  7. Paypal will do a chargeback. Only had one dispute on EBay, paid by Paypal and was impressed by how quickly they sorted it considering the size of the organisation.
  8. Oobster's summed it up. Lost count of the number of times I've cruised past somebody on the motorway at 75-80'ish (i.e. not gunning it or being a tw@t) only to have them blast past me at 100+ 5 minutes later - often grinning at me inanely as if to say "I smoked a Scoob". They don't understand that having a fast car doesn't mean it's compulsory to drive fast 100% of the time.
  9. I'm with Gumball on this one - just Google for "failure" and see the top result. In the US earlier this year they were whinging it had gone over $2 a gallon. Yes, they're not the same, but: US Gallon = 3.785 litres UK Gallon = 4.545 litres Not a huge difference. 800ml. Big wows. At $2 a gallon that means they're paying roughly £1.09 at current exchange rates for almost 4 litres of fuel. For our gallon of fuel (4.545 litres so a bit bigger) assuming £1.00 a litre, we're paying £4.55. Rip-off Britain? Too bloody true.
  10. Company cars for 17 years, the bulk of which were Maestro/Mondeo type motors. Changed job in 2001 to a company with a VERY generous car allowance. Was up for a WRX, but it looked too much like a Toyota Corolla for my liking so opted for the Mitsu Galant 2.6 v6 Sport. Gorgeous looking car, fast and pretty rare so a real head-turner. Once the three years was up on that and Subaru had made the car look decent again I got my MY04 WRX. Love it. Until I get old and incontinent I can see myself having a Scooby somewhere - even as a second car just for fun.
  11. << whats the crack with this? is it good? >> Top day out. Clicky me Worth it just to see the Battle of Britain Flight. The Spitfire sounds sweeter than any Scoob
  12. Do it every year, but once you get off the M90, it's solid traffic right through. Nightmare getting in and even worse getting out. Mate & I do the Scotrail package. Train & show entry bundled. We go from Inverkeithing. His missus drives us down and picks us up which means no driving and a coolbox full of beer
  13. << Is this sidc no much better when it busy like this ?? >> As a relative newbie, I was initially put off by some of the fighting I saw. It seems to be much more settled now with more of a "common goal". I like it this way. BTW, how do I change my status from "Regular" to "Supporter"? I saw a thread about this not long ago, but can't find it now. I am a member.
  14. The question is, given that 80% of fuel revenue goes into Gordon Brown's pot of loot, how long before people say enough is enough and the protests start all over again. Going to happen sooner rather than later, I think.
  15. Oob - any hassle with them with the dump valve? Can't see it making any bloody difference, but after your previous post...
  16. Sat in my chair, rocking back and fore. I feel like Joey Deacon. (sick)
  17. My mileage is high, but my take is if you're spending a large part of your life on the road, you might as well drive something that's fun! £50 will get me 220-250 miles. Did a 1700 mile boys roadtrip across the US in July in an RV. Averaged 7 miles to the gallon and it still cost us less than $150 (£90ish) each between 4 of us.
  18. << You'll need to make it go woosh next time you see me passing Andy. >> Oh I will! Several kids in Clackmannan got a whoosh tonight. Boys and their toys
  19. I've no intention of telling them. They're ripping me off as it is due to 17 years of company cars and no real no-claims history. BTW, My mate's suggested this as my next Mod. It's jealousy, I'm sure
  20. Company fuel card - not a problem for me so not voted.
  21. << Was it easy to fit? I should be getting mine in the post middle of next week. >> It would have been if I could have found my mole grips. That spring grip on the hose is bloody strong. With a set of mole grips and a spanner, it shouldn't take more than 10 mins - if that. On another note that I never thought of - mentioned to a mate I'd done it and his response (apart from "poser"!) was "Have you told your insurance company?" That's something I never even considered. Given they use any excuse not to cough up, at what point do you tell them you've modified the vehicle? Dump valve doesn't increase performance, but strictly is a modification to the standard spec of the vehicle. What do the rest of you do? (Excuse my ignorance here. Every car I've ever had until the Scoob has been a company car)
  22. Received, fitted and well chuffed. Nice sound - not at all overpowering and noticable reduced turbo lag My first ever mod. Me happy - though I can see how it could easily become addictive (shuffles off to EBay to look at those STi strut braces)
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