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the squiggle

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About the squiggle

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  1. Are you still alive? Trying to resurrect the Scottish contingency.


  2. A. 800 bhp - 1200 bhp 1. B. 600 bhp - 800 bhp 1.Braveheart - JDM STI VER 2 - 2.35 - 641bhp 600 lbs/ft 2.Fai17 - Blob eye Sti 2.5 627bhp 550lb/ft 3.ANDYJDMSTI - GT-R 3.8 - 600Bhp 600Lb/ft C. 400 bhp - 500 bhp 1. Wilky - Dodge Challenger SRT 392 - 470bhp 470lb/ft 2 14N-FR Hawkeye STi 2.5L 452bhp 498lb/ft 3. DaveylWRX. JDM Hawk, 2.0, 400bhp 400+ilb/ft 4. badbaz - best looking one - only 2.0 - 400 ? 5. RA Dunk-STI Type RA - 2.35 - unmapped! D. 300 bhp - 400 bhp 1. LewisScoob - STI RA - 2.0 - 395hp 350lb/ft 2. Scooby222 - blob eye, 2.0, 390ish bhp 3?? lb/ft (havent got proper figures but enough to make me grin - for now) 3. SpecT - Hawkeye WRX, 2.5, 358.2 bhp, 380 lb/ft Enginetuner remap 4. Paul555sti - blobeye sti 2.0 355bhp 350lbs/ft ( best looking and best colour baz ) 5. Kennyuk300 - Bugeye Wrx UK300 - 2.0 347bhp 333lb/ft 6. Klinck - Hawkeye STi, 2.5, 337bhp, 370lb/ft 7. Wagonwheels- Hawkeye wagon 2.5 323bhp 340lb/ft 8. MattyWR1 - WR1 #429 - stock - 320ps/316bhp and 310lbs/ft 9. Reako- wrx bugeye/blobeye ;P 310bhp 305lbft- andy f remap 10. Wrx Kenny - bugeye - 2.5 - 311bhp 365 lbs/ft E. 200 bhp - 300 bhp 1. boyward - Standard Hatch STI 2.5 - 296bhp, 300lb/ft (or at least it should do ) 2. big dell- wr1 135- 296.3bhp 282.4lb/ft at the wheels 3. NKWRX- Hawkeye saloon 2.5 285 bhp 361lb/ft 4. Boab type ra- classic type ra- about 280 ish but will be about 340 when mapped 5. joshuajames - hawkeye 2.5 PPP - 270bhp (estimate with limited mods), 310 lbs/ft 6. highlandflyer blob wrx 2.0 ppp 265bhp 257lbft 7. mk1cos- mk1 escort 2.0L 260BHP ?lb/ 8. adz-wrx - blobeye wrx - 2.0 - 235bhpish and no idea lol 9. Midnight21..WRX wagon 2L,Catalunya 2L, Forester 2L, and oops Series McRae 2L altogether 800+ lol F. >100 bhp 1 Squiggle About 65 bhp and 40 odd lbs/ft
  3. Crossford is about the size of a packet of Wotsits and the Clyde Valley Park with its ickle railway is the only thing in it. Coming from Lanark, enter the village and turn right over the single track bridge then right after the bridge into the park. The noisy Legacy is coming along for the day as well just hope the weather holds up
  4. Trust me big chap all yours needs is a duster and a Subaru badge on the grill and it will be fine
  5. Based in the south side of Glasgow now, car is parked in an underground carpark. Car is drivable to where ever it needs to be as long as it aint snowing of foggy Will be in touch next week to sort some suitable dates with you Grant
  6. 1st, 2nd and 3rd of July It really is petrolhead nirvana Everying internal combustion powered from The Wacky Racers to F1 machinary from a bygone era is not only on show but put through thier paces up the hill. The rally paddock has every notable rally car ever made from Hopkirks old Mini to Grp B S4's to fire breathing Quattros that Mr Rohrl used to peddle up the Col d Turini Even if i was not helping out i would certainly be making this an annual pilgramage, it is that good
  7. How you fancy a look at the banana to see what can be done using your magic spell. Based on Chris's and other results i would like someone like yourself to have a look at what is possible and what is not
  8. 1 for me and 1 for you and i dont fancy yours much 3 ex-Colin cars out today and 3 came back home intact, 97 and 98 Impreza and 99 Focus all sounding superb
  9. Yeah shut the door on the way out you lump of wood
  10. Well done John,prize for you shall be sorted Just need to narrow down what 1 out of the 3 it is. ...........and yes i did try and pester said engineer with technical questions about the new Mini project
  11. The link i am getting is chairs and dressing tables
  12. Can i just say something I like coconuts That is all and thank you for your time
  13. Statistically the first 3 years of any charities existance is the toughest. I am pretty sure no one on here wants the Colin McRae Vision to be one of the charities that fail within that period. The money raised goes directly to causes around the world relating to children. Examples of donations inc a kitted out ambulance for Yorkhill, an X-Ray unit in Argentina, a Forester Paramedic response vehicle for Fife region, a substantial donation to a childrens charity in Czech Republic and many others. The Ayrton Senna foundation started off by selling t-shrts at kart tracks around Rio and is now a global charity that has been going since Ayrton's untimely demise. Imy and myself do this to help the charity get to a point where it can carry on into future growing stonger and stronger, personally i will carry on till my health dictates otherwise. We receive no payment for attending these shows and even sometimes pay our own way as every little bit helps. What we need is likeminded fans to help us achieve what we all want and that is for Colins legacy to live on and to benefit children around the world as well as local causes One thing that would help enourmously is to join the Flat Out club. The benefits from joining are worth the joining fee alone and if you raise money for charity benefits get better and ranging from a unique club clothing, a limited print of Colin in his Subaru or Focus by Fran Healy to the top benefit of a run in one of Colins many cars the charity have at its disposal For information on what events the charities retail unit will be at and if we will be bringing any cars along will be posted here by either Imy or myself. Any other information about future plans will be posted on colinmcrae.com Next event is the Borders rally down in Jedburgh. If In Doubt.............Flat Out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JisYzYC57U4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kli07_qcaOM&playnext=1&list=PL1C9B905F62C1A8C4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HzDJarUL6NU&feature=related I just need to watch these videos amongst others to remond myself why i carry on helping the charity establish itself Yours very sincerly Grant
  14. Best of luck Mr Cowspeed
  15. The best camera equipment will be available for hire to those that dont own a set up or would like to try a V-Box system Give me a shout if anyone is interested
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