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Everything posted by andy

  1. How many, like me, are going to be washing their motors on Saturday - even though it's probably going to be a wasted effort!
  2. All this talk of "conflict" started over one silly wee thread that may or may not have been justified. I don't know. For that one thread I've watched these forums today and seen threads spring up "Aberdeen meeting place for weekend run", "Fife meeting place for weekend run", "Lothian meeting place for weekend run", "Glasgow meeting place for weekend run". THAT to me is what it's about. A meeting of kindred spirits.
  3. I'll be the ugly fecker with the camera If I get enough decent shots, I can feel another photo animation coming on. I think "YMCA" would be a suitable soundtrack in honour of the organiser
  4. My name is Andy and I am an alcoho........ Damn....wrong meeting.... I'll be meeting up with you at Stirling Services so will make a point of introducing myself.
  5. I would just like to add, for the record, I'm not in any clique. I've met Gumball once about 9 months ago and am still in therapy
  6. << Andywrx's response proves that point I think. >> Cal's thread is good. It gave me the outlet to speak my mind without getting involved in the original and possibly stirring up more crap. I wanted to say something, but thought posting there would add fuel to the fire (which seems, thankfully!, to have died).
  7. GLASGOW EAST SHOWCASE CINEMA- 0730-0800HRS LATEST 1. gumball Stirling Services-0830-0845hrs 1. sharon 2. andywrx
  8. << If this pish continues it'll be like a scene outta Braveheart up @ The Lecht this weekend. >> Laying my cards on the table as a "meet virgin" this coming weekend, I've really been looking forward to it for ages. I'll admit that thread did put me off a bit to start with when I read it, but then thought "sod it". I'm not into politics, fighting or any of that crap. The Gummybear has put a lot of effort into organising this weekend, I was one of the first to commit to it, offering to take photos, and I'll be there.* (*Disclaimer: Assuming Grieve's don't tell me there's any serious problem with the Scoob when it's in for it's 30k on Friday!)
  9. You're not about to burst into You've Lost That Loving Feeling are you?
  10. << How about this for a heap o junk >> LOL - "I have since changed the gear knob to one with 6 flashing (or not flashing depending on your mood) blue LEDs".
  11. At the risk of blowing myself wide open to gayness and ridicule.... Any Medal of Honor or Call Of Duty players on here (PC, not X-Box)? Just completed Call of Duty II and although I'm not seriously into online playing - thus pretty crap at it - I do love my WWII shooters and reckon it could be quite amusing to get together with any other players for an online session some night.
  12. << Me myself a worry about the unmarked 300brake skodas going about. Usually dull grey or off grey colour. >> I mentioned this in another thread. White un-marked Skoda had somebody pulled in a laybay in Grangemouth the other week. Almost had a close one tonight if the old eyes hadn't been open. A90 just south of Forfar. Spots somebody closing from a mile or so behind VERY fast with nothing in the inside. Eased off and sure enough the Volvo Estate went flashing past me. Thought they could only speed lawfully in blue light situations otherwise they're same as the rest of us. I wasn't complaining though, they did pull the Jag that was almost in my boot earlier.
  13. Gives a whole new meaning to "Car Phone"
  14. << >> I get the impression it's those who are featured in it that are saving it
  15. << Once the IT guys have implemented the new forum software perhaps they could discuss this with you >> I'm not sensing the vibes of enthusiasm here that I'd expect from the SIDC Chairman to look at something to move things onwards and upwards. If I'm wasting my time, say so and I'll drop it totally.
  16. << With respect we have to limit the number of people editing the website >> I think you need to see what I have in mind. I have a site that allows Club representatives to post their own news as and when they want, but I have overall editorial control and can delete/edit articles as I deem appropriate. The upside is they can post their own news which means a lot more content to my site, regularly updated with zero effort on my part. I occasionally edit articles to correct blatant typos, but have never had to delete anything. They're keen and take it seriously. It's a totally new mindset compared to the old way of only a webmaster or him and a few others updating a site, but it really does work. I get 10-15 new articles on a Sunday/Monday after weekend events and I don't even have to get off my lazy ass. It just happens.
  17. Looks cool as f***, but totally open to a right b***ering from the first speed bump you come across
  18. << As for the Website www.scottishscoobies.com can point to a home page if you wish . BUT DEREK NEEDS CONTENT >> Okay - Whilst we have some momentum on this front, let me throw a couple of ideas into the pot... 1) www.scottishscoobies.co.uk points to a site with information relevant to the scene in Scotland rather than just to this forum. That site uses a Content Management System to allow RO's (and anyone else authorised to do so) to post news simply by filling in a web form. No knowledge of HTML or web design required! Fill in an online form, click submit, job done. 2) It contains an explanation of what the whole Scoob scene in Scotland is about - including a gallery of photos from events which users can upload their own photos to in order to further show what it is SIDC members in Scotland get up to. Neither of the above would be particularly hard to set up. Couple of weekends work - if that. My idea is that NOTHING would detract from the fact that the Scottish scene is very much part of the SIDC and the SIDC would be heavily emphasised, but a little bit of individuality and more detail on us Jocks. This is, of course, only my opinion and I'm totally open to being told it's bollocks and things are fine as they are or to any other suggestions, but in my experience I think it could be an awful lot better than it currently is and give newcomers something that would make them want to be part of the community. I've got a website I use for test & development and am quite happy to put something up there for review/approval. The one thing I'm not good at is graphics - the only thing I'll ever draw is my pension! If there was somebody willing to help out on the photoshop front it would make things easier.
  19. Well they do say that impersonation is the most sincere form of flattery. However, I wouldn't be seen dead in that!
  20. << Ebay Scammers Revenge --------> VERY FUNNY READ !! I emphasise in CAPS lock as it IS worth a read >> Thanks. Just had a coffee spraying moment at "floppy donkey c*k". Excellent stuff
  21. << How incredibly sensible andywrx Could do with more like you >> First time I've ever done that on ANY website! Usually I just type my drunken bollocks and then next day think "Oh ****. Did I really say that?" However, I do think this is kinda important and wanted to get my response right. Before I start, I've not been to meets (yet!) - my first will be Gumball's photo run (who I admire for organising it, sticking with it and putting a lot of effort into making it happen. It just goes to show what can be done with a bit of effort), but I am a paid-up member so feel I'm entitled to my say. I agree with a lot of what's been said in this thread - particularly some of the points made by st3ph3n. However, I do a lot of website stuff and have a fair bit of experience in the area and, in my opinion, all the flyers in the world are not going to encourage new members to this site as it stands. The URL www.scottishscoobies.co.uk takes you to this forum. As we all know, this forum has a lot of great content and banter, but - apart from the fact it's not a link to something that tells you anything about the Scottish Subaru Community, these forums are unreliable to say the least. It can often take several minutes for the homepage to load and regularly returns SQL errors. That's fine for those of us who are used to it and expect it, but stats show your average internet user will not wait more than 30 seconds for a page to load. They'll move on. That discourages newcomers who won't even give the site a chance because it takes too long to load. Even those who do stick around are going to see people chatting who know each other (whether just online or in real life) and will find it difficult just to dive in. In my opinion, www.scottishscoobies.co.uk should not point to a poorly performing forum, but to a well-presented site with links to a forum that performs properly. Without that, I feel flyers would be a wasted effort. I totally appreciate that the guys behind the scenes on this site have real-life jobs and this is secondary, but a re-vamp has been promised since the day I first posted which was heading on for a year ago. Put up or shut up? Sure. Say the word and I'm onto it. My two main websites are now off-season so I've a couple of months free. Will work for Optimax - or free if Optimax isn't available
  22. Remember if you go down the Beemer route, it's obligatory to drive with your front foglights on. It looks cool or something (Sorry - pet hate of mine and Beemer drivers are the worst closely followed by Peugeot drivers.)
  23. Try A-Plan. Got me a good deal through Norwich Onion. I had zero no-claims due to being a company car driver all me life, but with letters from employers proving no claims had been mate I got an introductory discount. I'm about £800 a year, private & business. Don't worry they don't have Scottish branches. It was Swindon I dealt with and they were great.
  24. Reply typed and then copied and pasted elsewhere for review when not under the influence of falling-down juice prior to posting.
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