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Everything posted by andy

  1. I'm up there Monday/Tuesday next week mate. Tell me where to get it and it's done. Can meet up next week or drop off at your Edin office. Up there regularly - an Aiberdeen loon born and bred.
  2. << It's "their standards" >> and now the office are looking at me funny for bursting out laughing.
  3. << It's the chronic lack of punctuation, and any attempt to break up long paragraphs into sentences, that gets to me. I end up feeling breathless after reading half the posts. >> I understand what you're saying and where you're coming from this is a constant problem for me too where I feel like I have to take a deep breath or several to be honest just to understand a post I'm glad I'm not alone in this and that someone else shares my problem it's particularly frustrating when someone is describing a problem with their car and looking for help and although im not that technical when it comes to engines and such compared to most on here i struggle to even understand the problem let alone the diagnosis and rectification so i totally agree with your frustrations and why you get worked up about this I'm just so glad I don't post messages like that on these forms because then I'd start to do my own head in and that would't be good in fact I'd be completely lost and dont think I'd be alone how do you feel about this?
  4. Only met the dude once so far and it was the Scottish Scoobies stickers on his motor that found me this site - so blame him! Did hook up with Robbo the other day though through work - another IT guy. Our alleged business meeting consisted of nothing other than talk about what Andy Forrest had done to his car the previous weekend
  5. Damn! Sussed! My Steve,16, from Bury is out the window. PS. My colleagues are all gay - 100% fact.
  6. I have absolutely fallen in love with that soundtrack song. Had some Greenday stuff, but not that one - love it.
  7. VERY nice. I have a contact for promo girls if anybody wants to stump up Came across (not literally!) this bunch of beauties in Belfast earlier this year: Eye Candy (And no, I don't know what the bloke on the right is doing or where his hand is!) Or the Hawkstone Girls: More Eye Candy Perhaps lycra at Sheffield? Hmmmm... But the Swiss do it best... Cor Blimey Busted!
  8. Thanks for the replies guys. Can't make this weekend as I'm in Kinlochleven for the final round of the Brit Trials Championship - love that one for the run up through Glencoe The Cheviot Stages sound like a distinct possibility though. As for marshalling - having never been to a rally I think I'd like to find me feet first!
  9. Just back from the pub (so excuse the talking bollocks!) Was talking to my mate about the Beef tribute vid and how I'd have to send him the link. He's not been to a rally since he was a kid (now 45!) and I've never been to one. I do loads of bike photography, but would love to try my hand at rallying pics so we've decided we're up for a day out - thing is we don't know what's on. Anything coming up that's worth a visit?
  10. << I was meaning that pic was wrong Chris. >> [sigh] It was a joke. (Why don't we have a rolleyes smiley? I want a rolleyes smiley. I've lent you mine but it's only temporary like.)
  11. I can exclusively reveal the reason behind Gumball's move. It's to fund his next project
  12. Shudder down my spine at the end of that. Nice tribute.
  13. As someone heavily involved in bike sport, it's always sad to hear this kind of news. Like the many, I didn't know Paul, but my condolences go out regardless.
  14. << Sounds fair to me Andy! Folks can then leave with a pic on the day!and some cash towards Santa Cruise too! >> Couldn't do it on the day I'm afraid - an A3 print takes a good 10 mins printing plus 10 mins drying time! I'd do what I do with my Trials pics and put them online for folk to order (except I charge them £15 for A3!)
  15. << Will large prints be available for us to purchase of this day >> I have a high quality photo printer and can do up to A3 in Matte or Gloss. If I get good shots I'll print for cost (about £4 a print at A3) + £1 per print towards Santa Cruise. That sound fair?
  16. Names: 1. Gumball 2. RS Grant 3. Andywrx The photographer in me says the lawn in front of Scone Palace, but I can't see that happening somehow!
  17. If the Bowtrees is closed, take the Larbert turnoff on the M876, head straight through the roundabouts following the main road past the old Bellsdyke hospital. Just after you've passed over the motorway, turn left towards Airth Castle. Turn left at the T junction at the end of that road then right into the golf centre and follow the single track road I've mentioned previously - takes you out just before the K bridge, but there's a right turn there available into the waste ground/BP garage. Hope that helps!
  18. I was out covering a Bike Trial at Spa Francorchamps. Awesome circuit and there was a classic car rally on too. When asked how much his Ferrari was worth, one guy replied "One million and a half of your English pounds" Saturday they had a track day on. Different class! Just wishing I'd driven out and not flown. Maybe next year...
  19. << Scottish Scoobys Calender would be a good idea ... profits could go to Santa Cruise ? I'm sure we could sell plenty >> I'm having Trials photo calendars made at the moment. Let me know if this is a goer and I'll get pricing.
  20. << How cool would a full 360 cars parked in a circle panorama be? Very cool. Loving the work Andy. Did you stitch it with a particular bit of software or are you a hands on with the airbrush in photoshop kind of guy? >> Hell no! I installed Potatoshop, couldn't master it in 5 mins and uninstalled it again! Canon cameras come with cool stiching software.
  21. What Grant said! I'm definitely up for this - partly for the opportunity to take pics myself (Canon 10D at the mo, but hopefully also a 20D by then). I'm quite into me stitch photography (clicky (Warning: big file)) and think a panoramic shot would look cool as... Downside: Blanking out 60+ number plates Cool with a run after too.
  22. I feel I would legitimately be within my rights to invoice RBOS for my additional time taken getting to work because of the traffic delays caused by their new HQ being on my route. Let's see how Fred The Shred reacts!
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