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Everything posted by andy

  1. WAV sound file. Not for in front of the kids or at work! Click me
  2. << But I was him I couldn't live with the guilt of killing people. >> Many years ago, my uncle was driving along Anderson Drive in Aberdeen when he hit and killed a cyclist. Turned out the cyclist had been stung in the eye by a wasp which caused him to swerve in front of my uncle. Although it wasn't his fault, the thought that he'd killed somebody (he was a fireman at the time and in the business of saving lives) destroyed him. Turned to the booze and it almost killed him.
  3. Over the limit too. Twat. No sympathy for drink drivers.
  4. I saw five Scoobs today and all of them were gleaming - mine included (although I'm an Autoglym man). The slightest fine weather and it's out with the polish
  5. I'm selling the Scoob. It just can't compete with this
  6. andy


    Cheers. I'll give him a call.
  7. Coming up for the first set of replacements. Currently has Bridgestone Potenzas on (as supplied). What do you guys recommend and where's a good place to get them? Falkirk/Stirling area although I'm in Edin/Glasgow/Aberdeen a lot through work
  8. Received this today from a different guy. Sound of serious backpedalling: Having looked at the problems, and appearing to have a ridiculous level of co-operation from Subaru themselves with never ending broken promises, I now wish to take full control of the problem, and resolve it this morning. Bearing in mind the problematic time you have had in securing confirmation of your vehicles warranty, we will (free of charge)upgrade your cover and organise a 'Lifetime Warranty' to be processed on your car - this means that as long as you own the car (be that 1 or 20 years) you will have Warranty Cover for the complete duration - we will issue a new Warranty / Service Booklet for you this week, which I will ask our Aberdeen Office to raise and post out to you over the next few days. Please ensure that the new Service / Warranty book is stamped at the appropriate Manufacturer recommended intervals, as this will ensure the continuous Warranty Cover for you. Please accept my apologies for the delays in resolving this for you, but having had such a dis-service from Subaru, this has resulted in a significant drop in our service level to yourself. Now I, personally, have had only one dealing with Subaru and that was Town and County in Aberdeen carrying out the 10,000 mile service and I thought they were bloody great. No complaints over service, pricing or anything else. I did, of course, reply to this latest message: I appreciate you getting in touch, but you can now put this on hold pending clarification from Subaru UK and legal advice. Clark Autolease did not supply me with the necessary documentation to have services carried out at the manufacturers specified intervals at the time of delivery. Clark Autolease subsequently supplied me with incorrect information regarding the servicing of my vehicle. I have confirmation admitting liability of that in writing from your Managing Director. Clark Autolease subsequently invited me to partake in falsification of documents relating to my vehicle by having the service book stamped saying that an initial service had been carried out to manufacturers specifications in the full knowledge that was not the case. How you can blame Subaru is beyond me. However, a more serious issue has arisen - When I sent my cheque for the deposit on this vehicle to yourselves, I attached conditions on the cashing of that cheque. One of those conditions was that the vehicle to be supplied was of UK specification. Having done some research with the Subaru Impreza Drivers Club it would appear that my car, being an import, is NOT to UK specification and that one of those failures to meet UK specification may invalidate my insurance. (This is around the alarm system fitted to the vehicle). If this is the case then it is obviously a serious matter. In cashing my deposit cheque you accepted you would supply me with a vehicle to UK specification (and my legal advice confirms this). I appreciate that the other advice I have had is from Subaru drivers, albeit drivers with a dedication to, and a lot of experience of the marque and that they cannot answer officially for Subaru UK. As such have now written to Subaru UK explaining the situation fully and asking them for clarification.
  9. Spooky - I got one this morning too. An exact copy of the one I got two days ago.They screwed up my car tax a couple of years ago and have hounded me since they found out. They say I'm due over £500 in interest and late payment fines. I say I'm not as it was their cock-up. I'm now dealing with Cumbernauld, Edinburgh, Stirling and Merseyside - all over the same damned thing.
  10. Cheers Guys - I should point out that Clark Autolease are nothing at all to do with Arnold Clark. They are a subsiduary of Clark Commercials, an Aberdeen based firm owned by one Graham Clark. Don't want folk thinking old Arnold was behind this!
  11. This is a wierd one and I may well be thought clueless, but what the hell - there are obviously some very knowledgable people here and any advice would be gratefully accepted... Are we all sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin... For almost the entire time I've had a car, it's always been a company car. With the change in company car tax to emissions based, it was costing me a fortune and I decided to opt out and take the alternative car allowance. Last July the company car lease expired so I was free to take the allowance and do what I wanted. One thought was in mind - WRX I shopped around looking at various options and eventually went with Personal Contract Purchase through Clark Autolease in Dunfermline (who shall hereafter be called "those f***ing cowboys"). Monthly payments for three years no problem and a balloon that should have some residual left. When I sent off my letter with my deposit cheque (over £1500) there were some caveats attached indicating that if they cashed the cheque then they accepted them. Amongst those caveats were "The vehicle will be to UK spec", "the vehicle will be delivered on the day specified" etc etc. The Scooby turned up, albeit a day late and even then with no road tax. I got some excuse about it being taxed and the disc being lost in the post, but given I park on private land and was desperate to get my hands on the Scoob I took the chance. The tax disc did turn up, but was dated after those f***ing cowboys said it was and I had to drive to their office in Dunfermline to collect it. All this, however, is irrelevant compared to the bigger picture. When the Scoob turned up there was NO documentation. No manual, no service book. Nothing. I was told these would follow in a week or so. A month or so later I phoned them to say it was nearing 1000 miles and to ask if it needed an initial 1000 mile service. I was categorically told "Those days are gone - it's 10,000 miles for the initial service these days". I did think that strange for a performance car, but hey - they supplied it. They should know (this is the bit I feel a bit ignorant on ) I drove on, still thinking it was strange, but taking their advice. After much chasing I eventually got the manual and service book. On looking at the service book I found the car was an import from Cyprus and as such not eligible for the free servicing offer from Subaru that I expected. The service intervals were in kilometers so I phoned Subaru to find out that yes, an initial service should have been carried out at 1000 miles. Uh oh. I was now at 6000 miles. Invalid warranty. I went straight back to those f***ing cowboys at Managing Director level and actually have a letter from him admitting I should not have been told it was 10,000 miles - i.e. admitting liability. They said I should send the service book back and they would have it stamped as though the service had been carried out. I know it wasn't. I see this as falsifying information and feel that if I were to sell the car on then it would be tantamount to fraud to claim it had a full service history when I know it hasn't. BTW, the service book was sent back to them in November 2004, the 10,000 service was carried out by Town and County in Aberdeen and 6 months later I'm still waiting for the service book to be returned.... Sorry for such a long story, but as a newbie to a Scooby (poetry!) I'm looking for some guidance. Is an import from Cyprus "UK spec" for starters. Is giving me false advice that legally invalidated the warranty grounds to reject the car and insist on a replacement. Should I be talking to a solicitor - well yes, but that's bloody expensive so I thought I'd pick your brains first
  12. The Web is a funny old thing. Brings out the best in folk in communities such as this, but also brings the w*****s out of the woodwork. The motivation for doing so is beyond me, but it happens nonetheless. Spince - I'm in your area and cover the whole of Scotland in my job. It's a pretty distinctive car and I've kept my eyes open for it so I don't think you did wrong in posting here. The more eyes out for it, the better.
  13. Contact David Bullock - email: david AT sewingcentre.co.uk - he's done a lot of work for me in the past and does a great job at a good price. Tell him Andy from TC sent you. Also for anybody looking for custom sticker work, Andy Rothwell (that's not me, BTW!) at graffics.co.uk is highly recommended by the users of my website and again, say Andy from TC passed you on and he'll do a good deal.
  14. << i was gonna be a cop..but i got a good job instead >> I've always liked (but never had the balls to use) "I applied to join the Police, but they knocked me back when they found out my parents were married" Dedicated to Fat Bike Cop who radioed ahead to his mates in Fort Will last May saying I'd been drinking at the Inn At Ardgour "all day" who subsequently pulled and breathalysed me. Sorry mate, one pint of lager shandy ain't "all day" and certainly ain't gonna put anyone over the limit.
  15. I've been 17 years (jeez) in IT support. What's the problem?
  16. I think I said elsewhere, but I do a lot of bike photography - mostly Trials (in fact 99% Trials). Always fancied shooting a rally. Where's, whens and best places to shoot would be good.
  17. It was fun, but I got over-cocky. I grew up there and learned to drive up there when we had REAL winters so snow doesn't bother me. I got out the road (a mile) and back with foot plus of drifts. It was wild, but fun. To go out again and come back a few hours later and expect to get through 2-3 feet of drifts was stupid. Even if I'd cleared the straight section ahead of me it was up to 5 feet deep afterwards and even my folks Jeep failed that task. Hurt a lot to leave my baby in the middle of nowhere against the elements though Fortunately the only indignity was being hauled out arse first by the local farmer who commented "Isn't that supposed to be 4WD?" and my front number plate being ripped off by a snowdrift.
  18. and she handled it with ease. I gave her 9 inches and she took that too. I gave her 18 inches and she said WTF? Was at my folks this weekend. One mile private farm track. Never had so much fun in the snow. She flew until I got too bold and bellied her. There is NO dignity in having your Scooby hauled out arse-first by a tractor Grip wasn't a problem and I was well impressed with her first real trial in snow. I was flying in and out the road earlier to try and keep it open and she went through 2 foot drifts no problem. Any vehicle will belly out given enough underneath and that's what happened. See attachments for loss of dignity! Jeez these forums are bloody hard to upload photos. Uploaded inages appear as page not found so have to delete post and re-post. What happened to tags??
  19. Cheers. This is my first venture into Scoobyland having had the WRX since July '04. Was going to go for it in 01, but the Toyota Corolla look killed it for me so filled my time with a Galant 2.6 V6 Sport (company car allowance didn't run to the VR4!) - tank of a car that was loadsa fun and loadsa looks Not looked back since getting the WRX though. All sorts of hassles with the supplier that I'll probably reveal seperately purely to embarrass the incompetent tw@ts....
  20. Recent lurker, first time poster. WRX driver based in Kincardine. Special hello to the STi driver I keep seeing round here who regularly flashes and waves. Do a helluva lot of motorsport photography (99% bikes) but got some great shots at the Glenvarigil track day at Knockhill last year and now I know you've got a day on 5th March I may well appear with camera.
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