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Everything posted by andy

  1. << Yes....fine for your usual max power accessory online shop trying there luck, but & its a big 1 - Subaru is hardly Joe Bloggs!! They have already contributed enough by building us these marvellous cars, now its apparent they are selling off old stock at ridiculously discounted prices - how else are we to know unless someone on the inside posts about it on here!! >> Simple - take out advertising on the SIDC site. Get their banner up there and support the SIDC instead of trying to do it the free and easy way. The guy is an enthusiast, no doubt about that, but there's far more credibility to be gained and more customer loyalty back to them in the long term by investing a little in the club. I've had this fight so many times in the sport I deal with and win every time. Eventually they see the light.
  2. << just doing us a favour really , cant see the problem myself after all its us lot thats scoring >> Scenario - You run a website and have paying advertisers who help pay towards the running costs of that website either reducing the costs to members or keeping it free altogether for them. Joe Bloggs comes along who doesn't contribute a penny towards the site, but wants to tout his wares. Seems like a good deal, but your advertisers get p***ed off because Joe is suddenly competing with their offerings, but is not making the contribution they are. They pull out, the site has no alternative but to either impose subscription or to up rates if already subscription-based. I've been there, done that and it's not nice. It might look like a good deal, but if you want to support the site, click on the banners and see what they have to offer before you take up an offer from somebody who is offering zero in return to the SIDC. Here endeth the sermon
  3. Good point Wilky. I don't allow non-advertisers to use my forums to punt their wares. Why should they get free advertising?
  4. Call Richard Gere - he'll have it.
  5. I'm suspecting (and I hope I'm wrong) a case of Evo-itis. Not just the post on the subject, but I witnessed him drooling over one at Eden a few weeks back It's either that or an S204 is on the cards...
  6. I'll be the first of many I'm sure to say - WHY?
  7. << Andy do you have yours in the car yet ? How did you find them !!! >> Came across them looking at these
  8. << Andy, did you spot the Corsa just off the A876 at the BP station? How the hell do you flip a car off an almost straight road!?!?! >> Yup, just caught it out of the corner of my eye. No idea how the hell that ended up there.
  9. I was on the Monday morning conf call. Mind you, I tend not to hoof it on the M9 these days anyway. Too many un-marked Skodas and other odd marques. You were a bit off your patch weren't you? Collecting your posh clothes for your special day tomorrow?
  10. << that sounds like your asking santa to use employ the skills of a clever IT consultant? >> Nah - I already offered to improve the Scottish Scoobies presence on the web and st3ph3n offered to help too. The response was considerably colder than a polar bear's left testicle.
  11. I've had a wee offline chat with Billy about putting together another photovid, this time for the 2005 Santa Cruise. We both think it's a good idea if for no other reason than when newcomers in the run-up to next Xmas ask what it's all about (as I and many others did this year) then there is something to point them to that covers and conveys the spirit of the event. I'd like to get this finished in the next few days so if you haven't uploaded photos yet please do so if you want them included. If anybody has and does NOT want their photos included, please PM me. Otherwise - watch this space!
  12. << you know gumball - he's probably named the title something random thats got nowt to do with the content! >> You have him well sussed!
  13. Eagles and Jim fer sure. Went on the recommendations of the guys here and was not disappointed. 4 fitted for £356. That was cheaper than I could buy them on mytyres or Black Circles even with SIDC discount.
  14. Getting well sick of runtime errors and anything up to 2 mins to load a page on here so...
  15. Been a long time since I listened to Northsound, but this sounds like their kind of stunt. Funny stuff. Clicky link
  16. << Not all are like that mind!i was pulled last weekend for over talking in 60 into 30 zone.the officer very nicely said 2 watch my driving in a built up area,i stated that i was within the legal limit,indicated,and didn't coz anyone to brake or put any-other motorist at risk.he just looked at me, smiled and said "we'll just leave it at that" before walking back 2 his motor. >> Was he on his own? If so, he can't do you under Scots law without corroboration. They can in Engerland, but not in God's country. If he was on his own then he satisfied his ego trip and went on his way.
  17. For The Personal Attention of The Chief Fire Officer, Central Scotland Fire Service. Sir, I write with regard to an incident tonight involving not one, but two near collisions between a Central Scotland Fire Service Vehicle and my car due to dangerous, inconsiderate, selfish, ILLEGAL and, frankly, moronic driving by a member of your personnel. The incident happened around 17:15hrs at the Bowtrees Roundabout. I had travelled up the A905 and, in heavy traffic, was sitting waiting in the outside lane at the roundabout, clearly indicating my intention to turn right onto the A876 towards Kincardine. Obviously not wanting to waste time in the queue of traffic also wishing to turn right, a white transit van highly liveried in Central Scotland Fire Service decals, registration number Y116 BMS came up the inside lane (which is clearly marked left turn and straight ahead only). He attempted on the roundabout to swerve across into the outside lane and cut me up, almost colliding with the side of my vehicle. I sounded my horn to let him know I was in the outside lane of the roundabout (where I should have been) and he pulled away only to repeat the process seconds later, this time forcing his way into the outside lane to turn right. This highly dangerous manoeuvre when he knew fully I was alongside him not only caused him to almost collide with me again, but forced me to brake sharply to avoid collision and very nearly caused the car behind me to collide with me also. This is TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE from a representative of the Emergency Services. Be it officer or civilian driver, whilst in a liveried Fire Service vehicle they are representing Central Scotland Fire Service and at very least should show an example to other road users. Just because he was in a white van, it does not give him an excuse to drive like a white van delivery driver. He can consider himself very lucky I am not reporting this matter to the Police. I trust you will have suitable words. While you're at it you may also like to advise him that if he's going to drive like a moron then at least do it in something a bit less conspicuous. Regards etc... My mate says I'm being too hard. I say he deserves it for driving like a f***wit and almost causing not one, but two accidents. you decide.
  18. S*** - I hope/think I know him well enough to get away with this! Contains swearing so not in front of the kids... Clicky Link No offence mate!
  19. << keith michaels were also cheapest for me. just joined up with them this week. >> I'd look into them, but from what I've seen on the forums, it's easier to gain access to Fort Knox than it is to the members forums on this site to actually get the details. Something to do with this "new software" that I've heard mentioned time and time again as coming soon to a PC near you for months and months and months ad infinitum - yet in the words of Del Amitri - Nothing Ever Happens.
  20. I had a mate who's mum had a parrot. Not kept in a cage - had free reign. Didn't bite, just did low level "s*** on you" passes.
  21. Give A-Plan a buzz. Don't worry that their site doesn't list an office close to you. Mine was done through their Swindon branch. They got me a good deal with Norwich Union Direct that couldn't be beaten by anybody online.
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