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Everything posted by andy

  1. << I have been assured that it will not be long now >> I'd support this 100% if i actually saw anything happening! Who are your beta testers who are going to make sure this works properly when it goes live? If nobody then I'll volunteer.
  2. << Get ignored .................... Really We have a new server and the new software is in the final stages of implementation >> Sorry, but.... Ignored Ignored Having a new server means nothing. Unless you're using co-location with access to decent bandwidth, somebody is hosting this at the end of a crappy line and no matter how fast the server is, nothing will improve. Like your Scoob it's only as fast as the slowest part - in this case the connection out to the Interweb. I've pretty much given up on this site due to constant errors, crap speeds and unfulfilled promises of improvement. PS. Who are your beta-testers for this almost implemented software and what is their feedback????
  3. Yeah - they're s***, but don't ask about the "new software" - those topics get ignored
  4. << Also noticed the use of "breaks all round" instead of brakes. Nice car, just wish i could find whoever wrote/performed that song so I could rip their eyes out with rusty nails, and pour salt into their bleeding eye sockets. Then use a hammer on each of their toes, then their knee-caps......hey, you can see where i am going with this. >> Wierd Al Yankovic There was even a video
  6. It's always sad when these things happen. All the more so at this time of year and when there are kids left behind. My thoughts go out to friends and family.
  7. Happy new year. Top tip for 2006: Do not get pished, fall over a very large invisible rock and try to open someone's front door with your face. Yours sincerely. In pain. Kincardine.
  8. With hmmmm 24 minutes to go, in the traditional North-east way - Here's tae us, whau's like us? Damned few and they're a' deid. Have a good one folks.
  9. When I got my insurance from A-Plan I asked about a tracker as I was happily prepared to have one fitted if it reduced my costs, but as I was insured through Norwich Onion, A-Plan said it wouldn't make any difference to my payments unless the car was worth more than 30K. Seemed stupid to me.
  10. As one of the typers of "pish" I'd say stop the fannying aboot and give us the bloody site upgrade that's been promised for almost a year. Give us an off-topic forum (that works) where we can type our pish! I enjoy reading the technical threads - even though most of them go whooshing over my head, but enjoy the banter more. I totally understand the frustrations of sorting the wheat from the chaff, but nothing will change until there's an alternative.
  11. << you should see andy to shrink that down to avatar size for you >> Who do you think put him onto it in the first place? Unfortunately it's written in Flash and that's outta my league.
  12. << Goodie Goodie! My fave. >> My fave is Big Daz's Charlotte Church jiggly boobies avatar. Hypnotic to say the least, but he doesn't post nearly enough for my liking
  13. Monkey resized to meet SIDC forum avatar rules
  14. << ah thats cool im goin to try that tomorrow if theres any snow left andy you said i could have that lovely lady for my crimbo gumball says you might be able to shrink his chimp with the glock for me as you are a bit of a whizz when it comes to things like that, he can shrink it but it stops firing >> More Alizee the better IMO I'll take a look at the chimp
  15. << whats a centre diff spin >> We can't both have the same avatar so I'm going back to Alizee Mk I.
  16. << I went over to Hillington Ind Est and gave it some WRC stylee drifts and donuts Burned 3/4 of a tank in an area 100ft by 80ft >> Now that I would have liked to see Finally started snowing here.
  17. None in Kincardine. I want snow Have a joke instead. Made me laugh, but probably isn't worth startnig a new thread for it. Donald Rumsfeld is giving the president his daily briefing. He concludes by saying: "Yesterday, 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed." "OH NO!" Bush exclaims. "That's terrible!" His staff sit stunned at this display of emotion, nervously watching as the President sits, head in hands. Finally, Bush looks up and asks, "How many is a brazillion?"
  18. << It was the big one at Rothsey House, next to the multi-story car park. The one with loads of circles in it now! >> Why doesn't that surprise me
  19. << Can we not make a citizens arrest if we see any driving like a$$holes? >> Love to, but without calibration on speedos or witnesses we're shagged and they know it, but hey - at least you responded. Thanks.
  20. The press has been full of it today. Coppers speeding unlawfully and not being done. From today's Scotsman: POLICE officers were accused yesterday of believing they have "carte blanche" to break the speed limit as figures revealed only a tiny fraction of officers caught are brought to book. Thousands of officers in Scotland trigger speed cameras every year - yet only a handful are fined or face tougher action. In Lothian and Borders, 2,272 marked cars triggered speed cameras last year but no action was taken against any officer. Of 78 unmarked cars which broke the limit, three were given £60 fixed penalties, with nine further cases outstanding. Lothian and Borders had the fourth-highest rate of officers caught speeding across the United Kingdom, with 0.82 incidents per officer. The force was behind Essex, with 3.26 incidents per officer, Bedfordshire (2.04) and Staffordshire (0.91), and tied with the Metropolitan Police, according to the figures obtained by Press Association under freedom of information legislation. Motoring organisations, however, voiced alarm at the figures. The RAC Foundation said the results showed some forces police were over-using the exemption powers. The group's head of traffic and road safety, Kevin Delaney, who was a policeman for 30 years, said: "The exemption rules are widely misunderstood by rank-and-file officers as giving them a carte blanche exemption from the speed limit when driving a police vehicle. "That is clearly wrong and suggests that something is wrong with police driver training. Forces with the lowest number of camera triggers and higher proportions of officers refused an exemption have clearly taken a stand on this." From yesterday's Aberdeen Evening Express More than 300 Grampian police officers were caught speeding while on duty. But the force won't tell the public if they were on emergency calls. (The P&J carried a big story on this today, but it's not on their website) From today's Daily Record JUST two per cent of police caught by speed cameras are prosecuted, it has been revealed. Across the UK, cameras nabbed officers 45,741 times. But just 934 incidents led to a penalty ticket, court hearing or prosecution. Police in Lothian and Borders topped the Scots league with2350offences. Most officers caught were answering a999 call. Police released the figures under the Freedom of Information Act There are loads more - Express carried one too and it REALLY pisses me off. One set of rules for them and another for everybody else. end of rant
  21. My combined Brithday/Crimbo from me folks was SatNav. Went for TomTom300 (Comet again) and downloaded the FREE speed camera database from here.. Piece of cake to install.
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