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Everything posted by andy

  1. Don't get me wrong. I'm all for it - even as a smoker. I've not smoked in a restaurant for at least 5 years as I hate it when others do it when I'm eating. Always go outside. I've been out in Dublin since they implemented it and it didn't bother me at all. Just had a good laugh with the pub/club bouncers and the other smokers when we did go outside to smoke. My local isn't the most exciting. High point of the week is when the student cops at Tulliallan get their night out on a Thursday and think they can sing karaoke. It is, however, the end of an era and one last visit was called for. I had one pint, two fags and home again.
  2. ...I'm off to the pub for a final smoke. Enjoy a new era tomorrow of smelling folks feet and body odour down your local! []
  3. I read about this on one of the news sites and thought at the time "bet somebody in the SIDC knows him". Absolute nightmare. One of those freak accidents that sadly happen.
  4. It wasn't magnetic. They were on a roof-rack type frame. Looked pretty crap to be honest, but cool in a "Get out of my way you tw@t" kind of way. []
  5. In Motherwell today. Blue new age with roof-mounted blue flashers. No other markings. Guy driving it was in uniform, but only got a glimpse and couldn't tell which service.
  6. I spotted MY04 WRX for sale the other day. It was an "I WANT! I WANT!" situation, but common sense prevailed. I'm not going to pay 2 grand for a plate.
  7. Mate went out onto the drive at the weekend and spotted his three-year-old. "What are you doing?" "Washing Mummy's car" He was indeed "Washing mummy's car" except instead of a bucket of water and sponge he was using.... a handful of gravel off the drive...
  8. Count me in for twenty quid. Might seem a bit high for a donation, but my old man had a serious stroke last year so this is a VERY good and worthwhile cause IMO. I pass close by Dunc's regularly so will drop in past. PS. Abseiling down the bridge would probably have me in NEED of CHSS! []
  9. When's the next run to Pete's? [] Pete - if you want to re-instate the photo shoot/print offer as part of your raffle then feel free to do so. It's for a damned good cause. I appreciate my place at your night has gone, but I might just turn up and take pics anyway. I'll grab a takeaway - know any good local ones? [] BTW, for anybody left wondering about my change of heart it was watching the photo vid I did that sealed it. [:|] PS. Gummy - you''re still a faggot []
  10. I left these forums due to dissatisfaction with the "great new forums" being offered by the management that turned out to be even worse than those previous. I swore I wouldn't do the revolving door bit and re-appear within hours of leaving. However, having had over a month of time out to reflect, I realised there was more to what I enjoyed with the Scottish Subaru Community than the blatant mis-management of this website. I missed the banter I saw on here from forum members and I missed being part of what I see as, overall, a great Scottish Scoobies community. From sorting Squirrel's wireless to being made welcome at Pete's restaurant to having a great day with the Fife guys. I missed that kind of thing. Is it an addiction? Yeah, it probably is. In saying that, I still absolutely believe the SIDC website is totally crap. The forums are no better now than they were and the mindset of the management is totally wrong - "it's free so it must be good". However, if we all took my original attitude to just walk away then it would continue to be crap forever. That, in retrospect, is the wrong attitude to take. Change can only come from within and I intend to change things - no matter how many of the inner circle I piss off.
  11. I typed a lengthy reply to this, but all I got was "We are currently unable to serve your request We apologize, but an error occurred and your request could not be completed. This error has been logged. If you have additional information that you believe may have caused this error please report the problem here." Cool forum software, this. Streets ahead of the previous junk...
  12. P1 SUB - you have NO idea how many times I've wanted to post that picture on these forums, but haven't had the balls! []
  13. EBay/Paypal's dispute service is pretty good. I've used them and they don't hang about. May be worth considering
  14. On the other hand, if it's deleted then how are they ever going to know they've screwed up unless you write to them personally? Even then if you do then it's just another letter. I posted here that I was less than delighted with my first experience with Grieves at Camelon and only because I did, they picked up on it and set out to sort things out. If you have a legitimate complaint (which you did) then it should stand undeleted. If they don't contact you to sort things then it's their loss, but we should all have the right to know when a Scooby driver is unsatisfied with a dealer.
  15. My first experience with Grieve's in Camelon wasn't totally positive, but they did come back and try to rectify that. The business is there for the taking - just look at the Halley's topic (or not - as it's been pulled for some reason - even though it had justifiably reason for complaint). Employing an SIDC member on the parts/service front is a good start - it just needs to be built on and build a reputation. I wasn't going to go back after my 30k experience, but having an enthusiastic SIDC member in a position like that should, hopefully(!) lead to better service (and ensure correct discounts first time round!) so, on the basis everybdy is entitled to one mistake, I'll come back for the 40k (which is looming way faster than anticipated) I take my coffee white with one []
  16. What was the job again? Parts? Service? Both? I know you said, but I'm too much of a lazy tw@t to go searching.
  17. Congratulations! Now....about that company car.... []
  18. I worry about what you must type into Google to find these things! []
  19. Pre-Scoob motor. 2.6 V6 Sport. God I loved that car. []
  20. A blind man wanders into a l esbian biker bar by mistake. He finds his way to a bar stool and orders a drink. After sitting there for a while, he yells to the bartender, "Hey, you wanna hear a blonde joke?" The bar immediately falls absolutely quiet. In a very deep, husky voice, the woman next to him says, "Before you tell that joke, sir, I think it is only fair -- given that you are blind * that you should know five things: 1. The bartender is a blonde girl with a baseball bat. 2. The bouncer is a blonde girl. 3. I'm a 6 foot tall, 175 lb. blonde woman with a black belt in karate. 4. The woman sitting next to me is blonde and a professional weightlifter. 5. The lady to your right is blonde and a professional wrestler. "Now, think about it seriously, mister. Do you still wanna tell that joke?" The blind man thinks for a second, shakes his head, and mutters, "Nah... not if I'm gonna have to explain it five times."
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