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Everything posted by andy

  1. 06 STi? Blimey, that's a helluva Xmas present to yourself! Not that I'm jealous or owt [seethe seethe] Welcome, you lucky sod!
  2. << Well, my advice on going to the pub at 3 is don't start drinking a shot as well as your beer for each round after about 3:30!!! Especially when your a light weight that only drinks about 3-4 times a year, was in ma bed for about 10:30 pretty wasted, great night though and i now have a week and a half off, magic!! >> I did that once and woke up in my bed at 2:30am cuddling a still wrapped fish supper....
  3. Okay I'm talking to myself, but I'm used to it on this forum. Sober Santa is fun too.
  4. This is fun though the yodelling gets on yer tits.
  5. << jeez i hope she doesn't see this pregnant women can be extremely volitile >> Aye, but it does mean a free chauffeur for the duration.
  6. << From her i get a barrel load of grief, so she's getting told to take a flying f*ck >> I just had a "beer meets monitor" moment!
  7. Blimey - longest URL ever! Clicky 1 or clicky 2
  8. Not going to be around much over the next couple of weeks, but best of luck in the new job. You were the only Scottish Scooby I saw regularly. Gonna miss the waves.
  9. << r clark autolease still in business,can recall reading somewhere a disclaimer saying that thee ar...d clark had no links with this company,but it wasnt regarding a subaru case >> Clark Autolease are nothing at all to do with Arnold Clark and never have been. They're run by one Graham Clark and are a subsiduary of Clark Commercials based in Aberdeen.
  10. The story is somewhere in the archives here, but I took a three year PCP with a bunch of losers called Clark Autolease in Dunfermline with what I worked out to be a good final balloon payment. First move from hmmmm.....15 years of company cars. My order, in writing, was an Impreza WRX and clearly stated it would be "to UK Specification." Car was delivered - loved it. However, no manual or service book. Told they would follow (at this point didn't realise it was an import). At 800 miles I phoned them, advised I still had no service book, and asked if the car needed a 1000 mile service. I was told no, those days are long gone. The first service was due at 10,000. Passed 1000, still no book. Excuses galore from them. Got concerned as I used to work in the motor trade, albeit in IT, but had lots of demonstrators and all needed that 1000 mile service - even the lowly Skodas. Couldn't understand why such a high performance car didn't so phoned Subaru direct and was put right. Stroppy letters ensued threatening legal action as the car was not to the specification I ordered and, without a leg to stand on, they paid to bring it to UK Spec and offered unlimited warranty on it. Long story cut short.
  11. Wheeee. You do what I did and put your order for a "UK specification" vehicle in writing at the time of order. You then screw the supplier to make it to UK spec as per your order (Cat 1 Thatcham, extra underseal etc) as they didn't meet your order spec. Then when they also f*** up on warranty book/details you screw them to provide a private warranty - for as long as I have the car. 40k, 60k, 80k, 100k. As long as I have the car I'm covered.
  12. Have a good one mate. Gay image edited back in at Gumball's request as it makes him hawt!
  13. It IS quiet tonight. I have a used Alizee avatar you could have - St3ph3n certainly seems to like it However, it's slightly soiled!
  14. << did you get mine mate? e-mailed earlier this evening!?> >> See my edited post above
  15. Last call for pics for the photo video of this. Looking to get it done for publication on Xmas Eve. Either post pics to the forums, the Photobucket account mentioned or email to andy AT trialscentral.com. PS. Cheers Gus - got yours.
  16. Happy humbug. Anybody want to do my Xmas shopping? Will pay.
  17. "i refer to Duncan @ hypertech,you post thereafter and following threads included telephone numbers,prices products etc not to mention the services he offers.........pot.........kettle........black you see!" The above was throw at me as an accusation tonight. Can anybody offer evidence of these accusations because I sure as hell can't! I've used Duncan once because my local dealership couldn't deliver! I went on recommendation from guys on these forms and have no regrets.
  18. << BTW work with a Dave Russell, sound guy >> He does call himself Dave so probably my cousin. Sound bloke. Small world.
  19. Okay - I back down. Daz has the coolest Avatar going. Churchie's boobies are hypnotic to say the least. Shame he don't post more often because it's always a pleasure to see
  20. << Two points here: 1. working for Grampian Fire and Rescue service >> 90% of my Mum's side of the family are or were in Grampian Fire Service. Charlie McKenzie, Charles McKenzie, Ted Rose, David Russell - and more. It's a family tradition. Utmost respect for them as I've heard the stories of what they have to handle. This guy, however was a twat!
  21. Unfortunately turned 21, got married, had a kid and disappeared from public, but still fwaptastic Not that I'm obsessed or owt, but... Video Linky 1 (hottttttt!) Video Linky 2 (not as hot!)
  22. Oh okay - since you insist. New Alizee avatar
  23. Thank you for making the Service aware of your concerns. Your complaint of 12th December, 2005 has been investigated and the driver of the vehicle identified. The individual has been reminded of the rules of the road and of the necessity of courtesy and respect to other road users. I concour with your comments about the "acceptability" of such conduct and trust that you will not have cause to raise such concerns in the future. Yours sincerely MALCOLM WILSON HEAD OF CORPORATE PLANNING AND PERFORMANCE
  24. Forum moderator on any forum is one of the crappiest jobs going as you can never please everybody all of the time. Awra best.
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