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Everything posted by andy

  1. Buggers made me go to Sh1tland..... errr, sorry, I mean Shetland this week. Squirrel, still happy to sort this out if services required.
  2. << Blew up mothers PC last Tues and the damage is great enough to warrent a new tower unit for her and a new fangly lap top for me I need someone suitably qualified to set-up a network between the PC and Laptop to access the same Broadband connection I will reward them for thier work and pay any travelling costs incurred in getting to Paisley Ideally want a set-up of totally wireless access for the PC, Laptop, X-Box 360 and PSP Xbox 360, Laptop and PSP are all Wi-Fi enabled but need someone to help me to purchase the proper items and to install/configure the purchased items. Please help Grant Posting on johnny dial up the now with limited access but will check in again soon to see if thier is any nice peeps out there willing to help a stuck Squirrel. HINT HINT Fastscooby as i hear you are a bit of a whizz >> I'll give Fastscooby first shout as your "preferred vendor" as we call it in the It trade, but if he can't help then 4 years Sysadmin for John Menzies, 4 years Network Manager for the John Martin Group and more years than I care to mention in Data Availability and I'm yours for a feed-up at Pete's
  3. I woulda thought a simple "SIDC Forum username (if applicable)" on the application for membership would make this process dead simple. Or am I being stupid?
  4. Good evening Winston. I represent HM Immigration and we'd like a few words with you.
  5. Good on you. Few things I find help: Loads of water. Lollipops A chart of how much your saving - it bloody mounts up. And top tip: DONT GET PISSED! I'm fine when I stop till I have a drink then it goes out the bloody window
  6. Gumball - you're a nutter! lol.
  7. << PMSL - canny stop laughing at winston, he's class >> Winston is cool - and I'm impressed by Gummy's drawing skills. He's obviously au fait with the sight of naked black men
  8. << You're supposed to get it as a member. I asked for it ages ago but didn't get it, and I can't be fooked asking again. >> Member, don't have that and don't have access to the uber-secret forum either. I guess I'll survive.
  9. << It was him, it was here. And here it is. >> Missed that thread first time round. Awesome.
  10. Came across this vid yesterday. Not rallying, but certainly made me jump... Click me
  11. Only watched the first one so far, but coooooooooool PS. Love the Blackadder sig.
  12. I used to drink in a pub down near Holyrood called the Paraffin Lamp. Was demolished yonks ago. Dodgy establishment to say the least. Stopped going after playing pool with a local and getting the "This is pool, no snooker. You snooker me again, I'll smash ma f***in' cue ower yer f***in' heid"
  13. Only one thing to do with the Hoff...
  14. I'm sat moderating a forum tonight watching f***wits post and thinking what I think, but not being able to say what I think. See it as a release of pent up tension from the Dougster. I far prefer him this way to the reserved dougster. Good on him.
  15. After meeting and having a great day with the Fifers I'd probably come along to any meet, work permitting.
  16. << Why don't we get this linked on the Scottishscoobies home page? >> Blimey - that was well back in the archives! It's not linked because of copyright issues with the soundtrack. Can understand that.
  17. Those of the same era as myself will no doubt remember the classic Speccy game. Many an hour of mis-spent youth was spent jumping over toilets and other such strange items Now you can re-live that with the Windows version. It's just as frustrating as it always was
  18. << None have been kerbed. >> That won't be the case when Mrs. Robbo gets her hands on them
  19. << Group buy??? >> I'd be up for that.
  20. I'm buying a lottery ticket
  21. << We do have to remember that they are volunteers and have day jobs. Building a reliable application is no easy task even if you have £££ and resources to throw at it (Just ask Micro$oft, or my employers ) >> That's cool, but promises of "soon" have been going on for yonks. I promised my users I'd relaunch the biggest motorbike Trials website on the net on 1st Jan. 30th Jan I was still fannying about. 31st myself and my assistant worked 18 hours then 1st Jan we worked 11 hours to make sure it happened. If you make promises then you gotta fulfill them or else folk go elsewhere. BTW, after we finished we got completely and totally w***ered.
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