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Everything posted by andy

  1. Bumping this to try and find out who these guys are. White classic spotted at several sections including Fersit and green classic spotted at various sections - I gave the green classic a flash and a wave on the run out round Moidart. Both were sporting scoobyworld stickers. I had a couple of flyers with me that I got with my membership renewal, but being a bit of a numpty left them in the hotel otherwise I'd have done my wee bit to spread the word.
  2. Uber publicity for Mrs Gus and a birthday on the same day! All the best []
  3. I didn't say the Corries version WAS tacky, I said it was considered tacky. It's one of the perils of having such a popular song. Not long after Roy died I saw Ronnie perform the song solo at Murrayfield in front of a full house. That took real guts - one guy and an acoustic guitar in front of tens of thousands. Mucho respect.
  4. I can say in all honesty that is the best version of Flower of Scotland I've heard. The Corries version is considered tacky, a couple of the links I posted are decent, but none kept time with the original. Your version is absolutely spot on and what a voice. Whether she likes it or not, Mrs Bus is damned talented!
  5. It's awesome. The production is fantastic. I've heard many tacky versions of that song - i.e. most of the links I published earlier! That is absolutely spot on. I'm listening to it again and again and still not getting tired of it.
  6. Shame - with a voice like that and such good production they could have been another Capercaille or Runrig. Still listening to it!
  7. You mention available on CD? I want to hear more as that is fantastic. Where do I buy said CD?
  8. Only just noticed you said to post a seperate thread. It's in this one and am sure it will be listened to plenty. Can't stop listening to it! My last photovid wasn't on the main site for copyright reasons on the soundtrack. If I do another Scottish Scoobies one and can get permission to use that then it would be a great backing track and could be published on the site.
  9. Mrs Gus The Bus It's a 6MB download, but believe me, it is WELL worth it. Prepare for a patriotic spine-tingling experience! Disclaimer: If you are english you may not experience any tingling of the spine, but you'll be too obsessed right now by the false belief spread by the media that you can actually win the World Cup to notice. []
  10. Occasionally you hear a song that sends a shudder up your spine and makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. I just heard it. Blimey - that is totally awesome mate. Way over and above any of the links I posted - and they're professionals. Do I have your permission to host this and post a link to it? It really is too good to keep hidden away.
  11. Gus, let's hear it. I can host file if needed. Always up for a good voice.
  12. If this had been two weeks ago, I'd have said nowt and turned up in the kilt and the Scottish Scoobies Fleece and watched your jaw drop. I was out there for a conference. That would have been a priceless moment [] Anyway, to help a fellow "loon", I have various versions I <cough> acquired a year or so ago for a video soundtrack. I've temporarily uploaded them to my webserver. Take your pick: http://www.trialscentral.com/andy/2006/craig_mac/Braveheart_Flower_Of_Scotland.mp3'>Edited to remove copyright material - the man's found his song! All the best for your big day. Drop a reply when/if you've found the one you want and I'll delete/edit this post to remove the links.
  13. Stand up with your speech and open it with "Well....This is the second time today I've stood up with a moist piece of paper in my hand" [] I used that line as best man for a mate and it got a fantastic laugh and broke the barriers and fear on my part! His mother wasn't impressed, but sod it [] All the best, it'll be a day to remember, fer sure.
  14. Run at the end of the month? Oooh - when?Looked in events forum and don't see owt. Last Fife run I went on was a top day out. I'm not around much at the mo, but if it's "end of month" as in 27th or 28th May then I'm in []
  15. Not really a footy fan, but that was bloody good []
  16. I guess with the better weather, folk have their motors out and more important things to do and the RB run has very much been the focus of attention (and rightly so) lately. It does seem kinda "stale" though. A few smoking goats wouldn't go amiss [] I'm pretty sure it'll pick up again though.
  17. Sat in a training room in Reading where I can't even see outside []
  18. Good pics. Did the local constabulary have anything to say or were they just curious?
  19. Blimey - can't believe that's been dug up from the depths again! I did say I'd be happy to put another together with pics from the RB run but needed photos to do it. If Willie's appeal to get them all together in one gallery works then it'll make my job easier![]
  20. The more I read of what's gone on this weekend the more jealous I get. [:'(] Glad everything seems to have gone smoothly and loving the various reports and photos coming in. []
  21. Does he end up with a thin wee line of hair down his bonnet then? []
  22. Noticed that myself. I'm originally from that neck of the woods and am up there regularly. I see far more Scoobs there than in any other part of Scotland.
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