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Everything posted by andy

  1. Can't wait to hear Sheep's explanation []
  2. Coz it wouldn't let me use **** []
  3. Nice one! I expect this photo to go viral and to receive it in my inbox within days! []
  4. Saw this topic this afty browsing from work and couldn't reply as I have no idea of me password. What struck me in the description was "gear nob". Nob indeed! []
  5. Even more Hoff - he really is the king of tacky! Click me But then he is the King Of The Internet [][][][]
  6. Went out and about last Thursday night. Ended up at the Pleasance - about 20 different shows on at any one time. We went to see The Comedy Zone, but it wasn't that good tbh and they threatened to kick us out for heckling. I mean what's that all about? It's not MY fault the guy looked like Screech from Saved By The Bell [] There is however plenty going on up there and loads to choose from.
  7. I've been looking into installing CCTV on my property partly to protect my motor due to finding footsteps right round it in the snow last year that weren't mine so obviously somebody casing it, but also due to some tw@t letting their dog regularly s*** all over the lane I live on. It's a bleeding nightmare due to civil laws, data protection etc. Can't do this, can't do that. This country has totally gone to rats***. Can't take reasonable steps to protect your own property in case it offends someone. I give up.
  8. I've been running Eagle F1s for the past 13,000 miles and am more than happy with them. Nomally when you hit heavy water - as happens on my regular route on the M9 due to crap motorway design - you get a bit of resistance. Not been the case with the F1s. They just sail through anything I've had thrown at me. The Bridgestone Potenzas I had on previously, although they lasted longer, were crap in serious wet conditions. Jim Dickson in Cumbernauld was the guy for me after recommendations on here. I'll be going back to him as he does a seriously good deal and a good job - beat Black Circles by a fair amount.
  9. Even then, if you are detected, you have to PROVE that it was a bounced signal or that there were posssible problems with the detection equipment. That is virtually impossible. I've never been done for speeding, but am a paid-up member of PePiPoo purely because I'm sick of drivers being milked as a cash cow revenue generator for these so-called "Safety Camera Partnerships" Despite the gay sounding name it is an awesome resource for drivers done by Scameras. Check out the forums for a wealth of knowledge.
  10. Nothing more on this then? Intrigued of Kincardine...
  11. Shoulda said you were going. I'd have been down there like a shot. Boring night doing webby crap and a top nosh at Pete's would have done the job nicely. I shall now sulk. A lot. []
  12. It may be some time before st3ph3n replies. He's off down the doughnut shop []
  13. Problem is, if it's laser at a site that's not already in it's database to forewarn you of approach, by the time the Angel detects the laser, you're already done and it's another £60 in the Scamerati's pockets and three nice shiny new points on your licence. [] Spotted this on another forum. Dunno if it's true, but it's amusing anyway: Two members of the traffic police were out on a coastal road with a radar gun recently, happily engaged in apprehending speeding motorists, when their equipment suddenly locked-up completely with an unexpected reading of well over 400 mph. The mystery was explained seconds later as a low flying Tornado hurtled over their heads. The boys in blue, upset at the damage to their radar gun, put in a complaint to the RAF, but were somewhat chastened when the RAF pointed out that the damage might well have been more severe. The Tornado's target-seeking threat system had locked on to the 'enemy' radar and triggered an automatic retaliatory air-to-surface missile attack. (Un)Luckily, the Tornado was operating unarmed.
  14. Don't give up the day job... []
  15. Cooooool pic - one masterpiece of engineering meets another [] If, as was mentioned, you are in Fife then meet up with the guys. I've only had time to go on one run with them due to work commitments, but it was great fun and they're a good bunch. If work ever eases off then I'll be back.
  16. Mostly American stuff, but the intro to Dukes of Hazzard where Daisy Duke appeared gave me a funny feeling in my peepee. I'm sure Gumball experienced the same watching the intro to CHiPS []
  17. Must be discounts going on Passats as Cumbria have a nice silver one I saw pulled over on Sunday.
  18. If I'd a penny for every time the Gummybear left these forums I'd have bought his motor off him [] I'll oil the revolving door... []
  19. I'm totally with Oobster on this one. Black ice was the cause, NOT defective tyres - plus as has been correctly pointed out he has to live with this for the rest of his life. Years back a relative who was a serving in the emergency services at the time and dedicated his life to saving lives hit a cyclist and killed him after the cyclist swerved in front of him. The post mortem determined the cyclist had been stung in the eye by a wasp. Relative totally blameless, but he couldn't handle it. Turned to the drink and life went downhill pretty fast from there.
  20. Do the SIDC condone the publication of copyright material on their forums? I know I struggled to get my "I've Been Playing" photo vid a permanent place on the site, despite it's popularity, because I didn't have rights to the backing soundtrack. Don't get me wrong. I like your stuff and have downloaded a few, but to be honest, I've not seen you make much of a contribution to the community other than to tout your mixes so I can understand folk getting pissed off.
  21. Apologies for not crediting all the photo contributors. I just took what I could get as a lot of the photo links were already dead [] Hopefully folk are happy for their photos to be featured.
  22. You already know you got my backing!
  23. After my "I've been playing" photo vid that went down well and keeps popping back up I did kind of promise I'd do one for the Richard Burns run. I've been busy with real-life job lately, but tonight finally got time to spend on this. The Flash video is 4.7MB so may take a while to load on broadband. If you'e on dial-up then download the .exe file. It's an executable, but since my real life job is working for the biggest internet security company in the world I'd say you're pretty safe [] Online viewing Offline Viewing
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