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Everything posted by andy

  1. He failed to mention then that he couldn't do her because he was on his own. Unlike Engerland, you need two cops in Scotland for corroboration.
  2. Thanks guys. I've checked my nuts and they seem tight (and so do the ones on the car [] ) I'll give Dunc a call tomorrow and get it booked in.
  3. Probably the first thing I should have checked and never did. I'm a klewbie who, until the Scoob has driven company cars all his life. I'll check in the morning.
  4. Cheers guys. I'll book it into Duncan.
  5. In 2 1/2 years of having my Scoob this is the first time I've ever had to ask a problem question on here. Recently when braking, even gently, I'm getting a very noticeable judder in the steering wheel. Any ideas of possible causes of this? Pads were replaced about a month ago, but... where I would normally have gone back to Hypertech, I knew the pads were VERY low and as I was doing a long journey the day after, I went to Kwik-Fit in Alloa [:$] I've since found out from a mate they're not the most professional of oufits (not KF in general, just the Alloa mob in his experience). Happy to go back to Duncan and get their stuff ripped out and replaced with decent gear, but could it be something more sinister than just pish pads and/or work?
  6. Your sheep is black. That is prejudiced against all non-black sheep []
  7. Errr, why? Front fogs in the wet are probably the worst time to use them. They reflect off the wet road and can dazzle oncoming drivers as much as approaching them with full beam on. This is particularly bad with Scoobies as the front fogs are more powerful than most cars. The Highway Code states: You MUST NOT use any lights in a way which would dazzle or cause discomfort to other road users use front or rear fog lights unless visibility is seriously reduced. You MUST switch them off when visibility improves to avoid dazzling other road users. Wet roads don't reduce visibility sufficiently to justify the use of front fogs. Rear fogs maybe if spray is extremely bad, but not front ones. If your visibility to the front is affected so much that you need to use fogs then you're affected by the spray by the car in front of you and therefore too close to it. Sorry, but unneccessary use of front fogs is a pet hate of mine I thought was restricted to BMW drivers...
  8. In this day and age I absolutely insisted on an alarm with anti hi-jack. With hi-jackings at traffic lights, junctions etc becoming more common I'd rather be safe from that and take my chances in an accident.
  9. Rarely look at the stickies so missed this - stick me down for 25 quids worth. Will pay on the night.
  10. There are other ways to get to meet folk too. You often see posts from someone looking for help in a specific area - joiner, tiler, plumber etc. In my case it was computers. Didn't know The Squirrel, but offered to help out. Top bloke and through him met Imy, Pete (fai 17) and a few others and sampled some top chinese cuisine as a bonus. Not had nearly as much time to get involved as I would have liked this year, but looking forward to Pete's in two weeks []
  11. I've not had time this year, but went on one of the Fife runs last year. It was the first time I'd met a lot of them and was made to feel very welcome. Had a great day out.
  12. It was probably doughnut time - and NOTHING gets in the way of doughnut time (either that or his Chinese takeway was getting cold) [:@] That's the difference between coppers and cameras. Coppers have discretion.
  13. I've seen this in Hamilton and posted on here about it previously. The replies said it was a fire officer.
  14. Ask and thou shalt receive Screensaver Soundtrack removed from screensaver. As cool as She Sells Sanctuary is, it would get on yer t1ts after a while [] Also removed some of the plain slides to reduce file size a bit. Again a .exe file, but again fully virus scanned etc.
  15. Blimey... Apologies if posted before. Couldn't be a***ed going back through the topic to check [:$]
  16. Blimey that must have been a pretty strong pint if you didn't realise the two had entirely different backing music! []
  17. Wierd the offline plays upside down??? Nothing appearing wierd here, but I'll check again in the morning. Pooped and off to bed.
  18. Back in October 2005 I was a relative n00b to the Scottish Scoobies scene and posted this topic which was a photo montage of members cars. Feedback on it and interest was way beyond what I expected. Since I'm now not such a n00b and DanTerzo's recent topic prompted some fresh photos, I'm pleased to present the 2006 version Click here for Flash online video Note I'm having routing problems with my web server at the moment so things may be slow. There is an offline playable version available for download. Click here This is an executable file, but as I work for the world's largest computer security company I'd reckon you're pretty safe []
  19. Watch for the Scameras.you'll be passing through some pretty dangerous territory... [:@]
  20. Tomorrow will be one year since the Glenshee run. What a cracking day that was. [] Some memories for those who were there and an insight for the newcomers since then Clicky link
  21. I'm leaving mine on the coffee table in the living room. Not where they can get at them through the letter box, but I'd rather they came in took the keys and car than bust into my bedroom scaring the s*** out of me and kicking lumps out of me till I told them where the keys were. As much as I love my Scoob, it's only a car.
  22. Colleague of mine had his brand new Audi Q7 nicked the other morning along with his wife's car. Lives Eaglesham way. There's a 14 month waiting list for this car so looks like it's been stolen to order. Not sure if he'd been followed home previously or if it's inside info. Happened about 5am while he was in the shower getting ready to go to work. Jemmied the front door. In and out in a few mins as he had his keys, laptop (which they took too) and wallet all sitting by the front door ready to leave. Police have said forget it, there's no way he'll see it again. Probably in a container en route abroad by now.
  23. Got it in one. A lot of my driving is motorways or dual carriageways. A Scoob is no different to any other car on them and no more fun to drive. However, when I'm heading for my folks and get off the A90 and onto the Banchory/Fettercairn THEN I can have some fun, but again as you say, know the dangers.
  24. I drive mine responsibly and according to the road conditions. Do I speed? Yes. Do I drive hard for the sake of doing so? No.
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