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Everything posted by andy

  1. Blimey. That's incredible. It looks like it was done with Windows Movie Maker and it's still awesome. God knows what the Squizz could do if he got a pro editing package. Brave choice on using The Chain as it's so synonymous with F1, but it fitted perfectly. Top job - not much more I can say.
  2. That did, of course, happen on part of the route that passed through private property and at no point did you exceed the speed limit on a public road... There seems to be a bit of boasting going on in this topic and given that the Polis are known to frequent these forums and we all have the good of the Club at heart, perhaps a bit of discretion may be required...
  3. Glad you lot had a good day out. I was really looking forward to this, but my folks are in the process of moving house. The emails from my Mum with regular updates as to decorating etc starting with "I'm not having a go, but..." (no surer sign that she actually is having a go!) combined with the Mothers Day thing meant family came first. My folks won't be around forever and there'll be other runs. []
  4. Photos reproduced inline. Gorgeous car, but spellchecker needed big time! []
  5. Thanks for that - been ages since we saw extensive photo coverage of your cars [8-)]
  6. Ditto. I mentioned I'd been recommended by SIDC members when I phoned, but prices were so good a specific SIDC discount wasn't necessary. They just said "Great. We'll have the kettle on" - and they did. It was Nescafe and not a Grande Latte as I'd have liked, but then it is Cumbernauld They come highly recommended - from me anyway. For ref, Eagle F1's on all four corners were £360 supplied and fitted.
  7. Ach I had it coming back from the Motorsport Show on Saturday. Traffic quite heavy, 5 series sat up my ar5e the whole way back to the M74 on what is a nasty twisty road. Naturally he had his front fogs on - in daylight. I've given up on seeing any kind of decent driving standards in the UK. They've descended beyond redemption.
  8. Vids are edited with clips from morning and afternoon sessions so unless I'm sure I've not said who's driving as they swapped about Apologies for the fecking balloons. I was ready to pop them with a cigarette ( did type F A G but the crap swear filter doesn't allow that), but my mate wouldn't let me []
  9. Photos from the rally stage - clicky linky Sorting out video now. Great day out. Shame the access to the Trials stuff was terrible, but that's just my biased opinion []
  10. I think the lack of responses shows the opinion of the SIDC Community - "Road Racers Beware" is not in fitting with the Club or it's members. Roads are not for racing and very few members on here, if any, would condone it. They might just have been playing cat and mouse - couple of Scoobs on a hard drive and having a bit of fun that might have been misinterpreted as racing by the boys in blue, but from your topic title they were deliberately racing and, as such, bringing a bad reputation to us all. In my opinion, if that's what they were up to, then they got justifiably busted.
  11. Gorgeus looking car. I'd love a classic as a second motor but a) can't afford to run two cars and have nowhere to park the bugger.
  12. Out of interest - what colour is your motor? The reason I ask is a few years ago I was working for a chain of motor dealers. We all had company cars. There was one day I was told "You better get your f****** car cleaned before the boss sees it". Car was spotless when I got to work so I was WTF? Turned out two of us, the ONLY two driving green cars had been totally bombarded by seagulls in the space of a couple of hours. They didn't go near any other car - only the two green ones out of a dozen or so parked in a row and believe me, they fecking plastered them with seagull poop. Fortunately the other one was the financial directors car so I had a get-out, but it was a wierd experience.
  13. I wave at all. Get about a 50% response, but I don't care. In today's "everybody for themselves" society I think it's pretty cool to swap the wave with a total stranger. Makes me smile anyway and hope it does likewise to them.
  14. Every time you lot have said that before I've gone outside and there's been nowt. [] Just gone out now and we have SNOW in Kincardine. WOOHOO! Not a lot yet, but it's lying.
  15. I can imagine nothing more fun than having a Scoob on the western isles - distinct lack of coppers and Scamera vans and quiet roads - apart from the sheep. Only downside I can see is the lack of V-Power.
  16. I'll volunteer to drive alongside with a megaphone shouting encouragement
  17. I was £360 for full set of F1's, fitted. Tel: 01236 720205
  18. Blue newage STI, tinted rear windows, gold wheels. I was in the middle of presenting a software solution to a certain well-known Aberdeen construction company. Their boardroom overlooks the Alford road. Heard the burble and couldn't resist a look. Completely threw me off my pitch [:$] PS. Can't believe how many Scoobs I see every time I'm back in my hame toon. Way more than I see anywhwere else. Phil - get Town & County some fliers!
  19. TBH, I wouldn't read anything into the 65,500 members. I run a busy forum and less than 2% of my registered members are actually active regularly. Many register, but only lurk so they can take advantage of the cookie thing where read posts are remembered etc and many have registered once as it seemed like a good idea then never or rarely come back. Of those 65,500 members I reckon you'd be lucky to find 700 who were posting with any degree of regularity - and, having seen the quality of posts on SN, I have doubts you'd even want to read most of them. [8-)] I won't argue with you on the forum layout on here though.
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