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Everything posted by andy

  1. Well done to all involved in this. [] I'm very keen, as is St3ph3n, to see reports and photos of events such as this as news stories on the front page of the new website. I don't think we utilise that asset nearly enough at the moment. It's the first place newcomers will arrive at and we need to make more of it to show what the Club is about and the sort of events that go on with regular updates to keep people coming back. Forum threads are fine, but they're not the easiest to find, don't really give the outside world a view into things and soon disappear into the archives. If somebody can get a story and a few pics from this to either St3ph3n or myself by Wednesday then I'll guarantee front page coverage when the new site goes live []
  2. Right Scoobyholics, I'm looking for a bit of help. I'm building the "garage" for the new website and although I've got make/model drop-down lists sorted out, I want to do one for "variants", but have no idea where to start (I only got 1 right in Squirrel's quiz so that shows how much I know...) There have been so many Impreza special/limited editions over the years. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to build me a list of all of them between you. []
  3. Doubt it! They've yet to be educated in the fine art of touching goats and will just think I'm some kind of animal molesting pervo. Regardless, I'm now officially sh****ng myself over this website migration and maintaining a sense of humour is the only way I see myself getting through it so goat jokes are totally acceptable. []
  4. I wondered if anybody would spot that []
  5. Looks great. Having not had a black motor for a while and now being back in one i forgot how s*** they are to keep looking good. I think i may have need of this man's services...
  6. You'll be able to set it to same, different, whatever you want [] It's just because they're encrypted we can't carry them across.
  7. Can you all make sure your email addy on the forums is up to date as per this topic Thanks Andy
  8. Can you all make sure your email addy on the forums is up to date as per this topic Thanks Andy
  9. Can you all make sure your email addy on the forums is up to date as per this topic Thanks Andy
  10. Can you all make sure your email addy on the forums is up to date as per this topic Thanks Andy
  11. I was expecting a message about a GB270 so this came as a bit of a surprise! Congrats to both of you []
  12. Arghhhhh FSCKING SCROLLBARS [:@]
  13. Doug - I thought you were trying to give up chasing sailors? []
  14. I see you're getting some great feedback on the MLR Forums. Nice one! [H]
  15. andy

    SIDC v2.0

    Trust me, it will. I don't do failure. [] I'm not being arrogant, but I think the future looks more than bright. Don't want to say too much right now as walls have ears [:#]
  16. Nice looking Forester. Never driven one myself, but got a mate who swears by his. Absolutely loves it.
  17. andy

    SIDC v2.0

    It's not so much "worthless posts" as stuff that doesn't really add value to the forums and will slow down the migration. The less there is to migrate, the less time the site will be down. Stuff like Word Association games, Last Letter games - they can be HUGE topics, but don't really add any value. By getting rid of stuff like that along with things like I touch goats threads now, I can cut down on the amount of time the site is offline - which is only good for all of us. As Phil said, post ranking will still be available after the migration, but I'm a firm believer in QUALITY, not quantity. Posting for the sake of increasing post count doesn't add anything in terms of value to the forums so post count will only be available by looking at a users profile. Virtually everybody will see a reduction in post count after the migration due to the current purge that's taking place.
  18. When we move to the new site in a couple of weeks the avatar/membership issue will disappear. Non-SIDC members will be allowed an avatar too and there'll be no need to contact Phil as it will all be automated. However, we'll be indicating those who support the Club in other ways rather than just having the ability to have an Avatar and also allowing them additional member benefits on the forums. [] Step-by-step tutorials on inserting images into posts will be made available to both SIDC members and to non-members when we go live with the new website. []
  19. Sounds like the LTI 20:20. One of these: They're not known as the "Dodgyscope" for nothing. They've been proven to track a wall moving at 58mph... Yes, a wall - of the sort that holds roofs up!
  20. The joys of living in a police state. Really feel for you, but what can we do? Bliar and his cronies have destroyed this country.
  21. I was away over the weekend and missed this thread. Blimey. However, as Gus says, criminal proceedings are a certainty - especially if they know who he is. Bet the little s*** is crapping himself. Not surprised he's gone to ground. He's looking at dangerous/careless/wreckless driving, leaving the scene of an accident and theft at a very minimum. Add in a potential driving without insurance which is highly likely and there's a good chance they'll throw the book at him. Wouldn't rate his sphincter much chance of survival after a few days in Polmont Young Offenders...
  22. Guy I worked with had a Classic Scoob, took me out in it and that was it. I wanted one! Was going to get one in 2001, but it was just at the time Subaru came out with the bugeye and I hated it so went with a Mitsu Galant instead. Along came the blobeye which still wasn't as sexy as the classic look, but a lot better, IMO so I took the plunge. Totally fell in love with the car. Hated the hawkeye when it first appeared on the scene, but I was in Ian Grieves having the blobeye serviced, saw a hawkeye in black and thought it looked well smart in the flesh. That was it. Now the very happy owner of an 07 black hawkeye and not stopped smiling since I got it [] However, this will probably be my last as I'm not at all impressed with the route Subaru are going down. []
  23. Guys, be careful about how much personal info you give out on here... [:#]
  24. I couldn't possibly say []
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