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Everything posted by andy

  1. It indicates how much of a post wh0re you are. Tends not to matter in Scottish Scoobies, but over in General there's a "coolness" attached to being a top poster. Don't ask why. [:^)]
  2. Even St3ph3n contacted me to say he couldn't sign in. If the Uber-est of the SIDC Ubergeeks couldn't do it, the rest of us have liitle hope []
  3. Clear your cookies then log in and it will work.
  4. Thanks Guys. I said that because I thought some of the replies (unintentionally) were geared a bit more towards the photo-vid thing than towards the REAL people behind the whole Santa Cruise thing. I didn't want to be seen to be taking any credit from what they had achieved as they were the real workers behind it. Anyway, if you liked the soundtrack to the Photo vid thing, I came across this tonight. Same band - the Trans-Siberian Orchestra, but sounds so much better and more their "style".A band well worh checking out IMO. - Well worth it as Jennifer Cella is hawt []and for the sloppy gits like me who want to see the orginal version... Clicky Linky
  5. You're not talking pap - and I spotted that one myself when I was typing my reply. Amber does indeed mean stop unless it may be dangerous to do so. Then, reading the original message, the OP said "it had also been raining". That would mean it could quite easily have been less dangerous to proceed than to try and stop.
  6. Firstly - be calm and don't panic (Mr Manwaring!) Your word against two cops on a pull can be hard to fight - even with a witness on your side, but is not impossible - especially if you know you are in the right and are prepared to put up a fight. Personally, I don't believe coppers have "targets" (Scameras Pratnerships yes, but your average Coppers, no) However, from your description they may not have had a good enough view to make a call. Firstly, go back in daylight and take photos from the position they say they were sitting (if necessary, go into the garage and ask exactly where they were sitting). Do not use a digital camera as images from them are easily edited and manipulated. Buy a disposible film camera if necessary. Do this as soon as possible. It could be vital if you want to fight this and if you need to ask garage staff, the sooner you do it, the more likely they are to remember. No matter what a couple of folk on here may say, PePiPoo has a good depth and breadth of knowledge and a good track record. Other than taking photos which I know the folk there would advise you to do, they are far better placed to advise you than I am. Go over, register on the forums, but read the stickies at the top first so you know what information you're expected to provide then start a topic with your case - note though that stuff like the NIP Wizard doesn't apply to Red Light cases. You will be asked if you were given a verbal NIP, what paperwork you were provided with, what the police said etc. Have all that information to hand and if you can then scan and "wash" (i.e. remove any personal details and reference numbers) from the paperwork and post the images of them.
  7. They're pretty cool. Not seen anything like that before.As for me... Trials Central and Trialsphotos.com Take up WAY more of my life than they should. [8-|]
  8. I'd be up for a black sunstrip with white lettering. The sun driving down the M9 in the mornings in winter always seems to fall in that little gap between the rear-view mirror and the visor and is a bloody nightmare.
  9. This appears to have backfired somewhat. I never wanted any thanks or credit for this. I did it to recognise the achievements of all those who made it happen in the first place. Without those who gave up serious amounts of their time and put in hours of effort there would have been no Santa Cruises and no photos for me to create this. I just joined the photos together and stuck some music to them. Thank them, but please don't thank me.
  10. Hairdrier on them should loosen the glue enough to peel them off - or use a new stanley blade.
  11. Thanks guys. [] Just wanted to do my little thanks to those who put in so much effort into making these things happen (the alternative was going Xmas shopping - blech!) - plus when a newcomer asks what this Santa Cruise stuff is all about we can now just point them to that - though they may struggle with having Pachabel as a soundtrack [] For the Aberdeen guys, although yours wasn't "officially" a Santa Cruise, it doesn't matter. I included a pic of what you did for that lad. One person or a hundred people, it doesn't make any odds - you still made a difference [] Oh - I think I managed to credit everybody I took photos from. If I missed anybody, let me know and I'll correct it.
  12. My little tribute to those who made them happen: Online Version Downloadable self-executing version Online version may stutter first time round until it's downloaded. Disclaimer: I accept no responsibility for this making the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end or you getting shudders down your spine as happened to me many times whilst creating it...
  13. Well done guys - looks like a successful day and lucky with the weather too! More pics please []
  14. Something I mentioned to the guys today was the possibility of providing Grieves with a photo quality print of the run that you might want to hang in the dealership to give the Club a bit of publicity. Since then I've thought maybe a bigger frame with a montage of photos from the various SIDC events in Scotland would be better as it's about more than just the Central Santa Cruise and things happen year-round. If you'd be willing to do this then let me know as I'm sure I could find the photos from various folk to put it together. I have a photo quality printer so no hassles there and would be happy to put things together.
  15. 11 responses. 11 positive. Your hit rate is pretty good so far []
  16. Fastest colour mate [] Did actually think that myself today as I turned up to be greeted by only blue Scoobs and all those arriving after me were the same. It did add to the "noticability" factor though - except to the knobhead in the red Audi who got pee'd off at us all trying to leave the meeting place together. It was the first time I've been to a Santa Cruise and the pleasure created amongst the kids, their families and the staff at Aberlour was incredible - I felt quite humbled by the whole thing. I was at the funeral of a friends wee boy yesterday. It was a tough day and I didn't know if I could really face this, but I am SO glad I went. It is an awesome reflection of the Club and it's members and I'm determined to make the time to get involved in fundraising next year.
  17. I like. Always liked the look of the Celica and those wheels fit well with the body colour, IMO. Good call. [Y]
  18. Not sure how it works when you're contributing towards the car, but watch you don't fall foul of company car tax. It can be a fair whack these days. That's why I opted out and took an allowance instead.
  19. Is this a case of them giving you a car allowance each month and you then choose what you drive and source it yourself or do you tell them what you want and they get and pay for the car?
  20. Pics from this morning's Central Santa Cruise. Clicky here Well done to Paul and all those involved in organising this. It was more than apparent kids, parents and Aberlour staff loved it. [] Well done also to Santa - I think he was enjoying himself more than the kids [] Finally, thanks to Scott for sorting out breakfast []
  21. Oh FFS. You want law? Here it is - Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988. "( within fourteen days of the commission of the offence a summons (or, in Scotland, a complaint) for the offence was served on him..." The precedent is Nicholson Vs Tapp. Google for it because, frankly, I can't be ar5ed explaining any more. Duncan - over to you...
  22. Reminded me nicely to go put the camera on charge. See you tomorrow []
  23. I will argue it because you are totally wrong and are misleading people the same as the Scamerati do. I've taken Central Scotland Scamera Pratnership as an example here, but all Pratnership websites say the same sort of thing: That is a DIRECT screen capture from their website. No editing, no bulls***. If you know people who have fallen foul of this fact it's either because they were not the first NIP in the chain, they lied (not a good idea as it's perverting the course of justice and can see you sharing the soap in the showers with Bubba at Her Majesty's pleasure) or they were correct, but were not credible witnesses in court. The fact remains the law states 14 days service. End of story. God knows where you got your "guidelines" theory from. Note: They actually lie in the above screenshot. The law states the NIP must be SERVED (ie delivered) within 14 days, not "sent". This is just one example of how these people tell lies in order to gain their £60 of your hard-earned...
  24. I can feel a wee andywrx photovid coming on to mark the sterling efforts of those involved in the various Santa Cruise events taking place. We've already got photos from the Glasgow one and the presentation the Aberdonian lads did. I'll be taking photos at the Central one and hopefully others will too.If I can get pics from the Lothian one then we're sorted and I can put something together. Our counterparts south of the border dropped the ball this year, but we've proved even thus far that no matter what they say about tight Scotsmen, the Scottish Scoobies are simply the best []
  25. Interesting point. I can't find anywhere on the Highway Code website where it states 20mph limits are enforcable. The Association of British Drivers Website covers it. However, in my experience, where they are in place it is for good reason - around schools, residential areas etc and I'm happy to stick with it.
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