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Everything posted by andy

  1. Cheers mate, but no problemo. She wouldn't turn over last night, but set the alarm for 6 this morning, gave her a couple of hours on charge and she was fine. BTW, why do we naturally refer to cars in the female context? Is it because they're stubborn, give constant problems and cost us loads or (awwwww) because we love them [:$]
  2. Cheers guys. I'll get it checked, but probably get a new one regardless. She's been left for 2 weeks previously with no problems.
  3. Question for the technical bods. 04 WRX. Had no issues with this till Nov despite regularly working from home and not touching the car from one weekend till the next. Back in Nov went out to start her after 4 days working from home to go into the office and the battery was as flat as Keira Knightley's chest. Charged it up and no problem. Since then been out at least a couple of times a week so regular charge until last week. Not driven her since last Monday, but planned on popping into the office tomorrow so thought I'd turn her over. Same again. Not even enough charge to de-activate the central locking. Had the car from new. Cat 1 Toad Alarm fitted just after I got it (Euro import) with no issues until November so can't see it's the alarm draining the battery. Is it likely it's just the battery is fecked? (and yes - I've checked that daft little switch on top of the steering wheel!) There's nothing to explain the drain.
  4. It wasn't this p***k by any chance, was it? who did this to me in the long-stay NCP at Edinburgh Airport Sounds like the sort of thing that 'tard would do. [:@] Edit: Just spotted the V40 Estate bit so obviously not the same Vulva driver as mine, but I'll not miss the opportunity to re-post and shame. []
  5. That can't possibly be true. No Aberdonian would see a sheep abused in such a way - especially not a young tender one just ripe for the taking! [] Andy * *who is an exiled-Aberdonian himself and gets more that his fair share of p***-taking before anybody starts []
  6. 30 months old 49,800 miles = 1660 miles per month 55.3 miles per day 2.31 mph Largely due to work use and a massive amount of travelling up and down to Aberdeen after my old fella had his stroke.
  7. Works and totally readable. Proud to have been there []
  8. Good idea - and about time our SIDC Web Editor did something to earn his keep []
  9. " the box will be raped with heat rap" - blimey![:S]
  10. I love the smell of sarcasm in the morning! []
  11. This shopping Scoobs is a piece of p***. I don't know why everybody makes such a big deal of it. See? []
  12. That's not quite true. You also do a pretty good job of revamping Filipino houses /nosey barsteward []
  13. Funny as hell. Amazing how one little comment can turn a thread into something absolutely bloody hilarious []
  14. I'm really disappointed my article on the art of touching goats didn't make it. Oh well, maybe next issue.
  15. Gee Toto. I don't think we're in Kansas any more.
  16. <insert Twighlight Zone Theme here >
  17. I used to be paranoid, but now I KNOW they're out to get me []
  18. Cheers Alan - and thanks for the bump [] This has not been forgotten. The SIDC own www.santacruise.co.uk - although it's currently unused (but plans are afoot to change that (hidden agenda alert!)). I've already mentioned to Phil that I intend approaching the band management for their permission to use the soundtrack. If I can get that then it can be used as promotion for the SIDC without fear of breach of copyright. If I fail to get permission for the soundtrack use then replacing it with non-copyrighted traditional songs is a possibility - although not as effective.
  19. It costs extra to do the sports news y'know! []
  20. Hmmmm. Well okay then.... There was a coach crash on the M4/M25 Interchange. Two people were killed and several injured. The driver was later arrested on suspicion of causing death by dangerous driving. Eight Pitbulls were seized by Police on Merseyside. This story perturbs me somewhat as it's taken the death of a little girl for the Police to finally take action. Probably too busy sitting on Motorway flyovers with their LTI 20:20 Dodgyscopes scamming motorists. There's a bit of trouble brewing over our Forces personnel having to live in outdated, sub-standard housing - many of which are pre-fab (though not of the sprout variety - I don't think) houses built by the US Army in the 1950s. The founder of Amazon has been showing off his rocket designed to take the public into space. Personally, I found the Squirrel's Rice Rocket far more interesting. The Little Chef restaurants on the A90 near Brechin and on the A80 at Cumbernauld have shut down. Do you just want headlines or should I go more in-depth?
  21. The traffic dropping thing is one man's opinion and, sorry Squizzel, but unproven - though it wouldn't suprise me if it was the case as the online list seems to consistenly show less people online than pre-upgrade. The only people who know what traffic is doing are the Admins. Either way - we must remember the people behind the site are volunteers. I've been more than vocal myself in the past [:$] but it is the festive season so cut them some slack.
  22. By your greyed-out avatar, you don't appear to be an SIDC Member. If that is the case then you have no right to criticize, demand or ask for anything.
  23. Always seen the STi Forester as a "Stealth Scoob". Looks harmless, but bloody hell..... []
  24. Copy of a topic I posted in General for those who don't look there... Since the upgrade today, I've done some testing with another user and whilst Personal Messages are being delivered, we are NOT getting notifications about them - either by email or otherwise. Several have been sent back and fore and not one email notification has been received. If you are sending or expecting PM's then you'll have to post on the forums to the person that you've sent one and receivers have to check them manually.I love CS[8-)]
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