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Everything posted by andy

  1. lol. Excellent. Looks like it was a cracking night for a run down a fantastic road. []
  2. I want one of them now. Any left in white?
  3. Fitted last Thursday and had a pretty much permanent grin since [] There was a crowd of us camping at the weekend and a good number commented on how sweet it was sounding. Not too loud, but just right to bring out the burble []
  4. Friday morning....hmmm. I left the house about 06:45 to head for the British Round of the World Trials Championship down in Shropshire. I was half asleep myself and as I'd a big party arranged down there the car was loaded with stuff and I was doing the mental "I'm sure I've forgotten something" thing. I did wave at a Scoob just over the bridge and got no return, but didn't think it was you. I usually recognise your motor as I see it around the village regularly. []
  5. andy


    Fitted - FOC by the nice people at Grieves [] And I LOVE IT [] I know it's not much compared to what some of you do to your motors, but I'm a happy bunny. Couldn't stop smiling coming home. Love that sound []
  6. Oooh - now I do like those. Images resized to see the entire car in all it's glory without having to scroll:
  7. When I was a kid I stayed next door to John Hewitt. Any Aberdonian who remembers the glory of Gothenburg will know that name well [] The flats on Cairncry Road. He was out on the green from sun-up till sunset with his football - along with his brother (David?) I also went to school with that Ffyona Campbell - the daft tart who claimed to be the first woman to walk round the world but was later found to be a fraud. She was always a nutter - though my mate got a pubescent knee-trembler off her [] Oh - and I also had a dirty weekend with that Geordie lass from Girls Aloud* *This may not be strictly true.
  8. You have a crow problem? Try this Irish Scarecrow. I know it's old, but always makes me laugh []
  9. I don't know if anybody's familiar with MAME but it's an emulator that lets you play ROM dumps of the original arcade games on your PC. These are the original games, not clones. The dumps used to be freely available on t'internet, but a clamp-down by the original writers saw a lot of them disappear - not, however, before I grabbed shedloads of them [] I *might* be able to make a few of the classics available online for download - strictly for nostalgic purposes and outwith the SIDC. I've 154 games such as 1942, anteater, arkanoid, asteroids (original Atari), bombjack, commando, defender, frogger, galaxian, gauntlet, millipede, pacman, paperboy, seawolf, spyhunter, tank battle, tapper, zaxxon and my favourite of all - Moon Cresta []
  10. Thanks guys. Seevers - I live in Kincardine. I don't have exact sizes right now, but will measure and PM. I don't know how to send photos by PM, but what I have is: Back Gate: You can see the wall to the left is lower than that to the right. The wall to the right is approx 6' high. I'm also looking to get the wall to the left raised to the same height as the right, the damage repaired, roughcast and capping stones put on both so if anybody out there can do that then that's another possible homer! Gate would be solid and at least 6' high. Side Gate: Again about 6' high. Under Steps: My house is kinda wierd in that it has a set of stone steps running up the front and you enter on the top floor. Under the steps is a storage area. I need a new door for that too. The one that's on it is in a pretty poor state and the frame is pretty shageroonied too.. Probably be a phased approach to this as I doubt I can afford to get it all done at once. Strictly cash in hand.
  11. We seem to have just about every trade represented on here so, does anybody make (or know someone who makes) wooden garden gates? I need to have two made to order. All I can seem to find is standard sizes. I'd prefer someone local to Central Scotland if anybody knows anybody.
  12. andy


    What? That gummy bear is a fiddler of bearded farmyard animals? [] Anyway......wooo. Roll on Thursday. Dead excitipated.
  13. Having been quiet for some time due to work commitments (but still lurking on here) I'm dead chuffed to have picked up a Hayward & Scott backbox from ex-Scoob owner and forum member Robbo that I can't wait to get fitted to me motor. Even with the standard twin pea-shooters I loved that burble. This will make me do a sex wee. [] Trying to get the car into Ian Grieve for it's 40k this week and to get it fitted then. Scoobyseller - I touch goats. []
  14. And you found this how exactly? []
  15. I wave to all and probably get about 50% waves back. I also have a special one-fingered wave for BMW drivers []
  16. Can anybody else smell scampi fries? []
  17. Awwwwwww All the best you goat-smoker and BTW.... []
  18. What I did on my summer holiday By Theo Walcott Esq aged 8 1/2 I went to a place called Germany with my Uncle Sven and some other grown up's. It is a country in Europe where a bad man called Adolf used to live with his nazties, he does not live there anymore, Uncle Owen does live there, and the grown up's say I cant talk about the bad man as it will make Uncle Owen cry if I do. In Germany there are lots of castles and some mountains. We are staying in a place called Baden Baden that's a silly name, Uncle Frank has the same name as his dad, that's silly too, his mum must get their underpants mixed up all the time. On the aeroplane Uncle Sol sat next to me, he got me some toffee and wants to be my friend, he works at the place where I do my YTS, so does Uncle Freddy but him and Uncle Sol are not best friends anymore. Uncle Owen met us at the airport, he talks foreign, Uncle Wayne, Uncle Steven and Uncle David also talk funny, my mum says Uncle David talks like Orville, he is a duck, Uncle Sol say's uncle David wears dresses and knickers, and asked me if I had ever worn them. Uncle Sol got me some pop. In Germany the grown ups are going to play football, my grandad says we beat them in the olden days before my mum was born. That is a long time ago. While the grown up's went to play football so I went shopping with Auntie Vicky and some other girls she bought me a big ice cream and got herself a little one but she said she was full before she had eaten any and threw it away. She bought lots of shoes and handbags and let me play with Brooklyn. She say's she used to be in a pop band and sang me one of her songs, I think she was telling fibs. I told Uncle Sol about my day out with Vicky and he sulked, then he bought me an even bigger ice cream with lots of hundred's & thousands on it. All the other grown up's have a girlfriend except Uncle Sol so he plays with me while they go out. Uncle Sven says I must keep Uncle Sol happy, that's why I got taken on holiday. The grown up's went to play Football against somebody called Sweden, Uncle Sol was crying as Uncle Freddy played for them and would not talk to him. Uncle Sol bought me lots of toffee today and some crisps. Uncle Sven is from Sweden and I heard him on the phone to their boss last night. Uncle Michael hurt his knee and had to go home to his mum for a plaster. Uncle Peter is a giant, a proper giant like you see in books, he is rubbish at football though. Uncle Wayne had a sore toe at the start of out holiday but it got better so they let him play football. Uncle Sol got me a present but I do not like it. He says all Germans wear leather underpants and I should while we are here, they are too tight for me. All the grown up's started to call Uncle Wayne a potato head who stood on somebodys spuds. He got shouted at by the referee. They are all saying that we have to go home now. Uncle Sol was crying again and I had to sit on his knee to make him stop. He had his mobile phone in his pocket, I think.
  19. I remember when I was not much older than that getting hold of my cousin's lipstick- she was about 14 at the time - and writing "poop" on the wall with it. That was the worst sweary word I knew at the time. By christ, did I get a hiding...
  20. Which would you do?!!!! Now I know why I don't have kids...
  21. Good to see I'm not the only one that does that [] I no longer come off the M876 junction of the M9 to get home due to the all-too-frequent queues. I now come off the Falkirk junction and up through Grangemouth and Skinflats and stick religiously to the 30mph limits. Everybody speeds through there and it irritates the s*** out of them to be stuck behind me - tailgating, flashing - allsorts, but as soon as we exit the 30 limit, it's pop into third and bye-bye a**hole []
  22. I'm impressed with how my fleece has lasted. Often these things are done on the cheap, but this is quality gear. []
  23. With the whole "Engerland" thing in the football, it brought to mind a comedy show where a Scotsman rode up to the English border on a pushbike, crossed over, shouted "POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOFS" then crossed back and rode away. Bit of webby research threw up "Absolutely" as the programme. Some class clips here (Real Player) And here (wmv) - "Mc Glashan - We even invented the English" is funny as f*** And here (DivX) - This has the classic McGlashan crossing the English border and reading the news. Sheer class. []
  24. I want an explanation of: "I got bigger discount for being a special friend lol" []
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