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Everything posted by andy

  1. That'a a real s***er. I have a mate who was to be taking part - Iain Shankie
  2. Next few days?! Blimey! That's come round fast! Best wishes to you and Dawn. Hope everything goes smoothly and look forward to you boring us with baby stories for the next year - NOT!
  3. These subjects are covered in the Tutorials in the FAQ Forum.
  4. Funny you should mention that - that is exactly the model I've been considering! I'm no video guru, but for web publication that meets my needs at a price that fits that is spot on. Maybe someone more clued up on the video side of things might add comment?
  5. Any camcorder will do the job as the Hague suction mount comes with a standard fitment that will take any camcorder or camera. That camcorder was a JVC job. Cost me, I think, about £250 two years ago, but it's broken now (coz I dropped it on too many rocks!) and I've not got round to replacing it. Looked recently as I need a new one for 2008 and you can get WAY better than that camcorder for less than £200. They're also mostly hard disk recording jobbies nowadays so no need for tape any more. Tapes for that camcorder I used were a tenner each so instant savings.
  6. This is the only camera grip worth having IMO. As used on Top Gear etc and by a few on here. Don't bother going for a kit that has camera included as it will be pish quality. Go for a decent camcorder and a good grip. Made this video with the Hague grip stuck inside the windscreen and a reasonable, but not expensive JVC camcorder. Clicky link. Totally stable and even testing it mounted outside the motor it was fine - I just wussed out on mounting my camcorder externally That kit will cost you £329.99. The Hague mount will cost you £78.95 which leaves you a couple of hundred quid plus to spend on a decent video camera. You can get a good Hard disk video camera for under £200 now and you can use it for other things. Their bullet camera is pretty restricted in its abilities.
  7. Both points taken on board and both added to the article. I never expected it to be the final thing from the word go as Imy is based in Glasgow so doesn't see it all and I'm just a website geek, but I am happy to add other things to it.
  8. After a PM from Imy to help me on my way, I've put this article on the front page of the website tonight http://www.sidc.co.uk/index.php?option=com...95&Itemid=1 I've basically taken the topics she pointed me to and padded them out with editorial content. Personally, I think it's a great advert for the Scottish scene and not something we've seen before, but Imy & I may have missed some notable events that are worthy of mention. Feel free to point them out if we have or feedback if what you think I've written is bollocks!
  9. Without doubt - the addition of headlamp washers. Last year I couldn't do the run from home to my folks in winter (125 miles) in my blobeye without having to stop two or three times to clean the headlamps because I couldn't see f*** all. I've been up and back to Aberdeen twice in the past 5 days in the dark every time and not had to stop once. Quick scoosh and I can see again. Probably the last thing Subaru did right before going to the dogs
  10. I looked into this and searched Forums as I'd like them on my hawkeye. The Prodrive ones seem to be the bollocks in terms of looks, but bloody expensive. Others do black/darker ones or ones with a less-fine mesh finish, but not as nice as the Prodrive steel finish, IMO. I did see somebody suggest a DIY job and going to B&Q for chicken wire.
  11. What you mean is you went out last night, torched a car and then retreated to a safe distance to take photos ;) Nice pics there. Must get round to trying some of that kinda stuff sometime.
  12. This is how my day went before meeting up with the guys. I've put it as an entry on my Blog rather then a reply here as it's more relevant to the online diary thing. It is kind of amusing and 100% true - Tinseltown In The Frost
  13. That works both ways. I'd have liked to join you guys for something to eat, but I knew the press were going to be there and my Mum gets the P&J daily. If she saw me in it and I hadn't dropped in past my life wouldn't be worth living! I'd pre-arranged to go to my folks for lunch before heading back down the road. I'm sure there will be other opportunities though. I wanted to go to your casino night, but had to miss it this year because I was at a Trials event overseas, however I get the feeling you might have some more events next year I might be able to make I'll also sign up to the AS Forums and keep an eye on the Aberdeen scene here as if you guys do runs and I could tie that in with a visit to my folks it gives me a better reason to get off my ass and head up. I do miss Aberdeen. Big grin driving down Union Street today. :biggrinsanta:
  14. Not long home. Gents, it was an honour and a privilege to take part in your event. Apart from replacing the stolen Wii AND giving them another one, the mountain of other gifts is not done justice by any photo. Given that this was your first year at this you should, rightly, be very proud of yourselves. God knows what you're going to be capable of next year now you've got the bit between your teeth, but it might be advisable to book Shore Porters now! :biggrinsanta: My photos are here - clicky linky Apologies to all who got the little guided tour of Berryden Road. I was left at the head of the queue at the top of George Street, jumped out at the lights and shouted to Arthur which way? He said left so I went left! (Might actually have gone left anyway - there's only so many times you can listen to Shakin' Stevens :kerstsmiley:) Soon realised we were on the wrong track, but a quick phone call to Dale got us back on the right route again (though he did panic when I got my George Street and King Street muddled and said we'd just turned onto King Street - well I did leave Aberdeen 18 years ago :biggrinsanta: . Thank God we swapped phone numbers! Again - well done loons (and quines). :rudolph:
  15. Count me in for this. I really fancied being part of this, but had concerns that whilst I'd contributed to Central and Glasgow I hadn't contributed financially anything to my home town. Dale has put my mind at rest on that front though and I'll be making the journey up to take part in an EXCELLENT job by the northern contingent on their first attempt. Be good to meet you guys and share a few "Fit likes?" instead of just being names on a screen. However, it only takes place if we can play on the big chutes in the Duthie Park while we wait for others to arrive. Expect photos!
  16. Just email them pointing them to this topic. Easy. Must be costing them shedloads when it's totally unnecessary.
  17. I had a parcel I sent that was returned last week. Little card said "Collect from Clackmannan sorting office" - wherever the hell that is.
  18. Well done guys. Can I just single out Fastone Dale here. That's twice in a matter of weeks he's made the journey down from Aberdeen to support firstly the Glasgow charity meal at Peters and then again to support the Edinburgh Santa Cruise. That's dedication for you. Nice one mate BTW, the "can we have our homeless guy back" comment was funny as ****
  19. I have no excuse for not turning up to either this or the Edinburgh one other than beers were consumed Saturday night and I'm paranoid about the morning after affect. My licence is more important to me. Very well done to all.
  20. Oh - I didn't know it was a quarterly thing
  21. I won a subscription to this for the Clubman of the year thing. Not claimed it yet, but I'm not sure I can be a***d with it if it's recorded delivery and I have to constantly go collecting it because I'm not home when the postie comes.
  22. This thread is FAR too gay! Mind you, if I'd known about it I'd have bought one and put it into the Santa Cruise raffle as a prize. It would have been worth the tenner just to see the reaction of whoever won it
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