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Everything posted by andy

  1. Woah!!!! Stickers are absolutely not limited for this event! God knows where you got that from, but it is totally untrue. Phil had limited supplies, but supplies overall are definitely not limited. As JD says - it was a bit of a last minute thing as sticker sales only went live on Friday night. We never had a chance to publicise it properly. Phil volunteered to take some to sell so we naturally said yes. We initially had no idea of what demand was going to be like for this event so ordered 500 stickers up front. The shop stock on the Gathering website didn't start at 500 (deliberately) so the levels of stock shown are below what we actually have in reserve. We're already working on further order as, due to demand and people wanting more than one sticker, they're selling faster than we thought (which is great news for the charities!) but we have, and will have plenty stocks right up to just before the event. I can absolutely guarantee NO legitimate Subaru driver and Colin McRae enthusiast will have any problems getting their stickers for this event well in advance and get access to Prodrive for what is sure to be a fantastic weekend and a fitting tribute. We've been planning this for months and are well geared up to meed demand, but remember we're all just normal people with real life jobs and this is new to us - but we're learning fast just how powerful and generous the Subaru community is Even if you don't have PayPal, once we get over the initial surge of orders we'll be taking them by cheque.
  2. You lot crease me. You've sat and bitched about this, but not one of you has thought about contacting an Administrator to see why this was put in place. Instead you've just assumed it was put in place because of you when that's not the case. It's nothing to do with you or anything you do or say. It's to do with preventing spammers. Because Forums now have features that prevent spam robots from registering, like complicated images where you have to pick out the letters, the spammers are paying cheap labour in Russia and the Balkan States to hit Forums with their crap. We can prevent computer robots from registering, but we cannot prevent humans from doing likewise. By implementing flood control we carry out damage limitation. If a spammer does get past our measures then they'll only post one or maybe two messages before they get fed up and move on to another Forum that doesn't have the feature enabled where they can spam far more - and get paid more. There is only one Scottish Administrator of this site and that is me so I take Ed's comments as a personal attack. I not only revamped this site and improved it vastly for no reward (how soon you forget, eh?!), but also built and maintain the website for the McRae Gathering which is eating more of my life than I'd care to mention right now. I do it all out of love - though sometimes I question my sanity. You'd do well to remember that before you start moaning about the fact you can't post for a few seconds and go blaming it all on your Scottish Administrator.
  3. There should be no "logging in" problems. It automatically creates an account for you when you fill in your details to order.
  4. For those not signed up to the mailing list on the Official site, we've added Forums for folk to arrange to hook up and ask questions, and more importantly, the official stickers are now on sale online! www.mcrae-gathering.co.uk
  5. Nae worries - Just planned on popping over for a looky at the motor. Now the good weather's here I'm sure I'll see you about
  6. You were parked up outside the Chinese when I went to the shop on Sunday. Was going to come over for a looky and a blether, but you'd burbled past by the time I got my milk!
  7. It wasn't L555, but the Legacy was there. Robbie Allan brought it up (and moaning he had to insure it!) Jimmy couldn't make the presentation as he broke a couple of ribs recently. The big sign was signed by all the riders and auctioned at the presentation last night raising £700 for Make-A-Wish.
  8. This is another shamess bump. The lads set off at 7:30am this morning. Also found out that Jimmy McRae will be presenting the awards at the awards ceremony on Saturday night.
  9. I've touched your goat <giggle>. The PH Ad has a "Report to Administrator" link up at the top right. I'd report the Ad and have it stopped if I were you.
  10. Have you phoned him on the number given on the Pistonheads advert?
  11. Some of you know I do a lot of promotion, journalism and photography of the sport of Motorcycle Trials. One of the toughest events in the world takes place next week in Fort William in the Scottish Highlands - the Scottish Six Days Trial. 275 riders will take on the Scottish Highland terrain and elements over six days. This is a VERY tough event with routes of up to 100-plus miles per day (on a bike with no seat!) plus 30 "observed sections" where the riders have to ride over rocks and up gullies etc and get penalised every time they put their feet down. Competing in this event in aid of the Colin McRae Vision Foundation are four Scottish riders. Colin rode Trials in his youth and it was in his plans to one day ride the Scottish Six Days Trial. Unfortunately, that will never now be fulfilled, but these guys will ensure his memory in the sport lives on. They have set a target of £5000 - I want them to smash that target. Please, please consider donating. Even if it's just a pound. Every little helps and if you are a UK taxpayer, they can reclaim the tax on your donation. Full details of the team, the event and how to donate can be found on their website at www.trialsvision.com Feel free to spam this link as much as you like I'll be at the event all week and will be happy to report back on their progress
  12. Dresses - Anne Summers Shoes - Spearmint Rhino Goosebumps - Knockhill
  13. I just spotted this topic too (Admin with his finger on the pulse, eh?!) I love reading this kind of thing. Couldn't ever even dream of attempting anything like it myself, but I do like reading about other's ventures. Keep it coming and plenty pics - I likes pics. It makes the techie stuff semi-understandable to a muppet like me
  14. Deleted at the request of the topic starter.
  15. Depends on the camera. Truvelo are type-approved for forward facing photos. Gatso's aren't.
  16. I've followed this thread with interest and was going to post my own point of view, but Duncan has pretty much beat me to it. I agree 100% with what he says. My first meet was the Glenshee photoshoot run a few years back. That was a big event and when we met, strangely enough at AWD (even though they weren't open or there) it was very daunting. All these blokes with their heads under bonnets talking techie stuff that went way over my head. Although I enjoyed the run, in retrospect it was probably a mistake to make my first meet such a big one. I only knew, at the time, Gumball and he was hardly the best influence in the world! Not long after that I went to a Fife meet - WAYYYYYY better. Small group - maybe a dozen tops. Out for a run, bit of food - far easier to get to know people and WAY less intimidating. While the OP may have gone about his post the wrong way, I can understand to an extent his disappointment. It DID seem cliquey to me to start off and I did, as a totally mechanically clueless muppet find it hard to get involved and even now anything mechanical goes totally over my head. However, I don't agree with some of the posts in reply especially those made by representatives of AWD. I used to work in sales and one thing I was told that has stuck is "The customer is not always right, but he's never wrong." Read into that what you like. I've never used AWD, but based on their reaction to this topic I have no desire to. I should point out that my opinion is based purely on me as a Scooby owner and driver and is not an official SIDC opinion. Ignore the Admin badge. I'd like to think I'm still entitled to a personal opinion... To the OP - there are some great guys in this Club. I'm pretty close to Stirling, as is Wilky. If you want to head to the OSIDC (Pete's restaurant in Paisley) some Saturday night, meet some good SIDC blokes where there is top banter and more than a fair share of piss-taking and where you'll be made more than welcome then PM me.
  17. The Scamera van markings are only "guidelines" which are abused daily. Brunstrom - the Mad Mullah of the Traffic Taliban - has taken it to a whole new level. Click for video of how low they'll stoop to get your £60 And they tell us it's not about making money and wonder why we have no confidence in the Police...
  18. Sounds like ANPR rather than speed checks. They'll use the Scamera Pratnership for speeding stuff and not waste resource on that scale. Most likely looking for unlicensed/uninsured motors which I have absolutely no objection to and wish they did more of.
  19. I'm with the other guys on this one! If it hadn't been the bumper that took the bend it would have been your body and you might be in hospital right now. I'd buy a lottery ticket if I were you!
  20. Joined November 04 and only just made your second post. That's some major lurkage! Welcome.
  21. The ability to upload photos to the SIDC Server is available to paid members only. As a non-member, you'll need a Photobucket (or suchlike) account - alternately you could join the Club as it really does pay for itself in terms of discounts etc Tutorial on posting pics can be found in the FAQ Forum here
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