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Everything posted by andy

  1. A tough looking group of bikers were riding when they saw a girl about to jump off a bridge so they stop. The leader, a big burly man, gets off his bike and says, "What are you doing?" "I'm going to commit suicide," she says. While he did not want to appear insensitive, he didn't want to miss an opportunity he asked "Well, before you jump, why don't you give me a kiss?" So, she does and it was a long, deep lingering kiss. After she's finished, the biker says, "Wow! That was the best kiss I have ever had. That's a real talent you are wasting. Why on earth are you committing suicide?" "My parents don't like me dressing up like a girl......"
  2. Yay for SW anarchy!! Let's make every night night! As part of the Forum re-vamp we are looking at having a forum which is far less restricted, but access to it will be members only so you'll need to join up.
  3. Stu is 100% correct is everything he says. You had a new person post in this forum yesterday introducing himself. How the hell do you think some of the stuff posted in this topic appears to him? Likely to make him want to stick around or likely to make him think "Jesus, what is this place and who are the clowns posting here?" There are a lot of changes going on behind the scenes and a real desire to rebuild this Club. There is a straight choice - you (this isn't aimed at anyone specific) can either embrace those changes and be part of the Club moving forward or you can leave. It really is that simple, but things cannot go on the way they have and we will not allow them to go on the way they have. No other regional forum has the trouble and levels of paranoia that exists here and as Stu says it's the same minority of troublemakers time and time again. Either weed them out or just ignore them and leave them to their sad, paranoid little lives as they're really not doing anyone any good. BTW, "Mr Prowler" - I think you'll find your post regarding Andy Murray wasn't deleted. It's still in the topic you posted it in, however that topic was closed thanks to the actions of a certain individual. For the record, he may be a fellow Scotsman, but I think Andy Murray is a knob.
  4. Be careful out there. I did that a couple of weeks ago and had a few close ones with some serious friggin' potholes
  5. I did it while you went swanning off Dereliction of duty, so it is.
  6. Upgrade should be instant if you've used the same details as your forum account. Please open a support ticket and either Kim or myself will sort http://www.sidc.co.uk/helpdesk/
  7. "Preview" edition on Twatbook is 34 pages. Is that right? Seems an awful lot for a preview. Other digital mag previews I've seen are 3-4 pages at most.
  8. A heads-up as there will no doubt be bleating about this, but it has already been agreed the For Sale/Wanted forums will be changing to Members ONLY. Non-members will be able to reply, but not create new topics i.e. place Ads. We're also agreed, following user requests, on allowing a forum that is more "adult" in nature (NOT PORN!!!!!) Unfortunately the swear filter is a global setting and can't be switched off on a per-forum basis, but some users may have noticed it has been relaxed recently. The obvious words are still in there, but other less offensive words have been removed.
  9. As part of the plans for the Club moving forward, there will be a restructuring and consolidation of the SIDC Forums taking place. There are a number of under-used and redundant forums and a large degree of fragmentation across the board. The Committee have come up with several ideas, but I thought I'd seek input from users too prior to making any changes as there maybe ideas out there we've not thought of. There's no guarantee individual thoughts/opinions will be implemented, but everything will be considered. Reply here with any thoughts/ideas.
  10. G27 Wheel in stock here for £251 with an extra £5 off using code PIXJAN10UK5 at checkout
  11. GT5 Nurburgring Reality Check
  12. I moved it. I was about to add a reply saying why I moved it, but the phone went and I got sidetracked. The reasons for moving it are pretty much as you've already sussed. We've seen a downturn in traffic recently and to any newcomer arriving here the forums look pretty dead. They're actually not, it's just that an awful lot of what is posted is hidden away in the SS section and not immediately obvious. The committee and myself have been talking for some time about restructuring the forums, not in any drastic way, but there are a number of forums that aren't used much, if at all and some sort of consolidation is needed. They'll be dealt with separately. In terms of the Scottish Forums, my thinking right now is to move everything from SS Off-topic to the General Off-Topic forum and change the SS Off-Topic so it is a link to the General Off-Topic. To SS Users it would still appear as though it was within SS, but it's actually redirecting you to the main Off-Topic forum. I can't see any real need for Scotland to have it's own Off-topic forum and can't think why I created it in the first place! I'll post separately in SS General regarding this, but ask users within SS forums to post Subaru/car related topics that are not Scottish specific in the General forum and to ask moderators to move topics posted in SS General that aren't Scottish specific to the main General Forum (leaving the link that says "Moved" so the user knows their topic hasn't just been deleted). There would be no other changes to SS General and the forum itself would not change. It's a bit of a change of mindset, but we really need your help with this to firstly show that the forums aren't dead and secondly to encourage users from across the UK and beyond to participate.
  13. Been looking onto this myself and problem is everywhere is sold out of the Logitech wheel right now, probably because of GT5
  14. I have a portable HDD that came with a Y-Piece cable with two USB sockets on one end going to just a single socket at the HDD end for use with laptops. I don't know if you can buy them separately, but that's the easiest solution.
  15. Seriously, post your case details anonymously on pepipoo. There are a lot of guys there conversant on Scottish law who can possibly help. There's a huge thread for starters on a guy challenging the legality of the SPECS cameras on the A80. Returning the NIP unsigned is still a get out for speeding cases in Scotland, but sounds like your case is either more serious than that or you've gone beyond the time limit for going unsigned. At very least, if you post clear (anonymous of course) details on pepipoo they'll tell you whether you're wasting your time/money or if you have a potential case to fight.
  16. Pepipoo is a good place to start if you haven't already: http://forums.pepipoo.com
  17. As things stand, I'm afraid you can't. The forum software automatically detects mobile devices and applies a lightweight "skin" to reduce bandwidth use. There is a free App for the iPhone for use with these forums - search the App Store for "IPB". It still uses the lightweight skin, but does allow you to do almost everything you'd want to - read, reply, manage PM's etc etc I use the IPB App for day-to-day use, but for any admin stuff I need to do on the move I've installed Atomic Web Browser (free) and set it to Firefox compatibility mode so it displays the site using the full skin.
  18. They've all been "moved" to the same Forum - General. How can you see one but not the rest?
  19. I moved some topics that should be read by the wider community, but set them so they left links within the Scottish Scoobies Section. Click on the link it takes you to the topic as though it was within Scottish Scoobies, but the topics have actually been moved to General so the wider community can also have input. It's totally transparent to everyone so there is absolutely no issue in me doing so. I'm REALLY concerned about SIDC becoming too Scottish orientated in light of recent events and this just helps spread things out a bit, makes the forums more active and encourages input from outside of the Scottish community.
  20. If you want Gestapo then Herr Obergruppenfuhrer Andy is reporting for duty! Robert is in a no-win situation here. He kills the topic, folk will see it as censorship and continue to complain as they believe Karyn has a genuine grievance. He doesn't kill the topic and it will go on for ages, not really getting anywhere, but continuing to be a negative thing dragging the Club down in what should be a time of a fresh start. He can't win no matter what he does. For the record, I voted for Karyn to continue in her role. My personal opinion is that the role can't be split between two people and I've expressed my concerns about that on more than one occasion, but the members have voted - whether that was fair or not - and we have to make the best of the situation we are now in. Having had a bit of insight as to what goes on I'll give it three months before they're begging Karyn to take it on again and won't blame her if she tells them to stuff it However, in the meantime - re-starting closed topics and dragging things on isn't productive for anybody. I've "un-lurked" to help Robert and the new Committee as much as I can. We should all be doing the same. Anyone who doesn't is off to ze Russian Front!
  21. If you lot could see the topic I've just posted in the Committee Forum it raises EXACTLY that issue... BTW, why is this in "Scottish Scoobies"? This is a topic, as are many that get hidden away in here, that should be in the General Forum for the entire community to add to, not just those north of the border. With the situation of having a largely Scottish based committee now, it is more important than ever that the Scottish section diversifies into other areas of the forums and website or it WILL become the Scottish Impreza Drivers Club and that's not a good thing.
  22. That direct number is for SIDC Members only. It shouldn't be given out to non-members.
  23. From that original leap of faith in trusting me to re-vamp the site back in 2007 to everything that has happened since, Phil has been the perfect gentleman and an absolute pleasure to work with. One of the nicest guys you could ever hope to meet and a true ambassador for the marque.
  24. SIDC Members have a dedicated number to get through to Gary so will always get faster service than non-members. That's why you'll see so many members recommend him My one dealing with A-Plan involved a lengthy conversation with a computer then eventually talking to someone who didn't have a clue what I wanted and said they'd put me on to someone who could help. After 20 minutes of listening to cheesy 70's elevator music I gave up and stuck with KM.
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