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Everything posted by andy

  1. This is incredibly sad. You guys have a fantastic community up there. I know it can be easy for things to get out of hand on forums when it's just words on a screen, but as a community you have so much going for you and achieved a helluva lot in a very short period of time. Hope to see you back online soon If you want a temporary dedicated Forum created on here till you sort things out then not a problem. We've done it for other Clubs in the past who've had technical difficulties.
  2. SIDC Stickered white hawkeye STi parked up there this morning spotted on my little trip to the emergency dentist
  3. Hmmm. Video piracy being discussed on SIDC. I, erm, think there's a topic over in General discussion I need to go moderate
  4. Aha! The truth will out. We KNEW he was dealing from it
  5. Thanks It does appear to have been one of my smarter ideas in life... Traffic is building nicely and hopefully this is leaving the technophobic Squiggle to get on with more important organisation stuff without spending his life posting the same thing on umpteen dozen forums (that time is now replaced by me constantly hassling him for info )
  6. Phil is having a word. The banner advertising and supporters announcements are fine as they are paying advertisers, but the spamming deserves a single shot from a Luger to the back of the skull
  7. Thank you Senor Karps. Added to page
  8. Yup, I got it to my hotmail address. Given that I only use my hotmail address for MSN, these twats have harvested our MSN contacts topic and used it to spam us.
  9. The official site at www.mcrae-gathering.co.uk has had accommodation pages added for both Lanark and Banbury. Any other recommendations are welcome so I can add them - email andy AT mcrae-gathering.co.uk
  10. Thanks Mark - duly added. I'm open to other suggestions to add to the page from anybody
  11. Friday night accommodation information added to website.
  12. Pinging the Lanarkshire guys - we have a large contingent of Scooby drivers from all over the UK who want to be part of the whole event. If you're Lanarkshire-based or have a knowledge of the area and can help with accomodation recommendations, please email me details - andy AT mcrae-gathering.co.uk and I'll put them on the website. This is going to go WAY beyond a Scottish event and we, as the friendliest nation in the world, need to help by using our local knowledge to set these folk up with digs and make them feel welcome.
  13. Never done anything so quickly before, but had to strike while the iron was hot so to speak. Thanks to Neil - 4Hero for his support in sorting out the banner logo mucho pronto. The site will still undergo mucho tweaking, but we now have a central presence we can grow from.
  14. Official FAQ answer: If you put a couple of sheep from your farm in the back to provide entertainment for the Aberdeen contingent during the overnight stop-over then you will be very welcome"
  15. Awww - yer kidding. Just finishing the McRae Gathering website and there's a FAQ Section. I literally said to Grant 10 minutes ago we MUST put in "Will I be able to take my pimped out Forester that makes me look like a drug dealer?" You've spoiled the wind-up now
  16. I should be in the position to put the website for this live tomorrow. It will undergo continuous work after that and will have new features added to it as we go on and think of more things! However, I want to get it up and running while this is still fresh in everyone's minds. It will have a mailing list you can subscribe to to get the latest news direct to your Inbox. There will also be an online shop where stickers and maybe some other things are available once details on them are finalised.
  17. I'm sorted and it won't be in a tent. As much as I enjoy camping, after a 500-odd mile drive I'm gonna want a comfy bed, clean sheets, a proper shower and a nice meal
  18. Don't bet on it. I'm not quite sure what I've bitten off here...
  19. Okay, Grant knows his Scoobies and there's no doubting his love and loyalty to the Maestro, but he is a total technophobe when it comes to websites so, despite saying I'm never taking on another website project again after SIDC, it's once more into the breach, dear friends. I'll grab the bull by the horns and sort the geek side out. The OFFICIAL website for this event will be www.mcrae-gathering.co.uk For now there is only a holding page, but this website will contain all news, registration details and info as and when it becomes available. This will give individual clubs and people a central source they can then pass out to their members, will ensure a central site for registration and will ensure we make this an event to remember as is only befitting. The website is registered and paid for by me personally and is hosted using my web resources. It is not affiliated to any Club or organisation. I'm really hoping any bad feeling that has existed between factions of the Subaru community can be put aside for what is sure to be a once in a lifetime celebration.
  20. I've registered the domain mcrae-gathering.co.uk - I'll knock together a database-driven site for central registration, central point of info etc. Get sites to point folk to that when the time comes and it's all nicely held in a database in one location. I'll set it up so it asks name, Website/Club, which days attending etc etc
  21. It's had a makeover with a load of new information and future plans. Clicky linky
  22. Great minds etc.... Timeline ran: Enthusiastic Enthusiastic Enthusiastic Enthusiastic Enthusiastic Enthusiastic Enthusiastic Found a Burd Enthusiastic Not on Forums so much Not on Forums nearly so much Not on MSN so much Not on MSN nearly so much Always "Away" on MSN Spotted in John Lewis choosing soft furnishings
  23. Stephen was a fantastic help to me over the 18 months that it took to develop the new website with many, many ideas being bounced around over many late night MSN conversations. I've said thanks before, but would like to do so again. He will be staying on as Moderator and retains his full admin permissions. I'll be interviewing for a new apprentice website editor in due course
  24. 10,000? - I think you're mistaken (Absolute power corrupts absolutely and once you've had your coronary, I'll reset it!)
  25. I've given this thread a bit of a tidy and got rid of the troll posts and replies to the troll posts in case you're wondering why stuff has been removed. As you were, gentlemen
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