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Everything posted by thewelsho

  1. yeah, I'd like to drive a Scoob with standard suspension again, just to be reminded how bad it is!
  2. Yeah we noticed. You're last attendance was the BBQ - poor show my friend
  3. Wooo nice one, enjoy getting your eyeballs rattled about! Ha! Was doing a spot of sprited driving today on a farm road and nearly shattered every one of my lower vertebrae. But, I'd still rather have my COs as not have them
  4. I can't understand this silly practice that we have started where someone is miffed at someone else's wrong doing and then feel the need to make it public. There is not a single person on here or anywhere who is not guilty of one wrong doing or another, so what gives anyone the right to point fingers and take the moral high ground? Saying, "I'm not as bad as you" doesn't absolve you from your wrong doing, so, when you see someone act irresponsibly, take them aside and have a word with them in private if possible. Failing that, keep it your yourself. ANDYJDMSTI's post, in my opinion, was the best contribution to this debate.
  5. Yeah I know, but if I had an STi, I wouldn't have gubbed a piston and the box wouldn't need replacing. I asking the missus to buy herself an STi so that I can strip all the good bits for myself She's not in the slightest bit interested
  6. ouch! Where have I seen that before...? Oh yeah, my box, nasty! Hope you get it sorted out soon mate.
  7. Me too, and the whole car, looks fantastic!
  8. Eyelids look cool on standard Bugeye lights, so I'd keep them for sure.
  9. Cant believe I´m readinf this!!! 08, while not as bad as a first thought, is still not for me, honest, I think ... Who knows! ARGH!
  10. Good news! I´m in Spain at the mo and VPower sells for 94c per litre! Still a lot cheaper than we pay, but good that the price has come down some.
  11. Trust me, that is the very least of your worries. I have been sitting here with a set of DEFIs for months and can't get them fitted
  12. Must try this, gear shifts are like stirring boulders for me...
  13. Flatten swing and release the wrists... I'd try that if I knew that that meant! Tried all that mate, no joy LOL!
  14. I'm right-handed and the ball goes up the middle the goes well right. I have to set up left of target which is ok, unless I hit it straight! ARGH!
  15. well maybe you can gimme a few tips starting with a cure for the awful slice I get from the driver. Practice doesn't make perfect, but what it does do is make PERMANENT. So, if I continue doing things the way I do, I will never break the habit
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