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Everything posted by thewelsho

  1. Not fitted the new seat yet mate... the cable is jsut sitting on the floor - seat is in the kitchen LOL!
  2. Hi Everyone! As per usual, nothing is simple for me when doing stuff on the car. Got the subframes I need and they fit (not tried them with the seats though). Anyway, after taking out the front passenger seat, and disconnecting the big lead underneath (with great difficulty), the "AIRBAG" light was dispalyed on the dash. I can't understand that, as I can't see any airbags on the seat - but that is besides the point... HOW do I have to do to get the light out? Thanks JW
  3. Firstly, the vinyls they used were not intended for outdoor use or for cars. They were intended for indoor use. That meant that they faded in he sun and before long, they were mostly white! Also, when it came to removing them, they also removed the laquer on two other cars who had them fitted, thankfully, I was able to get mine off without this happening. I never bothered to complain and even went back to him for another design that I did. I had to go to him in Ayr to have the car measured up (£25 for petrol); he also has no premises to fit them, so I had to organise that too, but the clincher came when he stuck £80 on top of the original asking price. I complained about this to him, hoping to have some come and go and he simply mailed me back and said, "I'll just leave it". Nice of him, dont you think? Hence the reason I wont ever use his services again - ever ever ever!!!
  4. How about some nice orance go-faster stripes I got mine done with a company called Underground graphics but I would never use this guy again, so if you come across him, don't!
  5. Scoobies are unlucky - not just the red ones
  6. oops no - looking now... Doh! Sorry mate. Thanks for the effort though. I never checked it much, cause I never post on SN, so it was out of desperation. If my current solution falls through, I'll give it a try
  7. They did seem a bit ignorant TBH. I never got much response on SN - waste of time that was, ha!
  8. Righto, going to take the plunge! Will let you know how it goes. Thanks for the help EDIT: Got them direct from their website which was £40 cheaper than their eBay site. I hope they work.
  9. Cheers Peter. Now that I know theframes will fit the chassis all I need to find out now is if the frames will fit the seats. Just frustrating why. Everything has to be so complicated .
  10. Tired loads of places Dunc, can't get them anywhere! Not posted in General, might try that. How did you get a phone number for them? There isn't a number on their site. Have you got the number handy?
  11. Hi Folks I am trying to find myself some subframes so that I can enjoy my newly purchased bucket seats, however, this is proving to be a thorough pain in my a$$! I have been pointed to an eBay company who supply OMP frames. I have mailed them twice asking them to confirm if the parts would fit MY06 models - no reply. The company is called YBRACING and have their own website (www.ybracing.co.uk). I sent them a couple of e-mails; but trying to get info from them is like pulling teeth. I have given them all the details and they say "the frames will fit your chassis" but don't specify part numbers and didn't confirm if the frames would fit the freaking seats! I'm completely ignorant: do the frames (OMP) fit any seat and I therefore need only worry about the car? they advised me to use the search facility, but it only goes as high as MY02 - mines is MY06. Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I would have thought that if I made a request, they would actually find the part numbers for me to make my purchase easy. There are no phone numbers that would allow me to call them either! So, would you buy from this company?
  12. Tried SportSeats4U - Demon Tweeks and a couple of other sites. I got a link to an eBay shop that does them, but I have mailed the guy twice to ensure that the ones he is selling are the right ones but he hasn't bothered to reply. Just don't wanna buy the wrong thing and be stuck with them. Any help would be much appreciated
  13. Don't give away man, at the very least break it if you're not willing to keep it. That way you will get something for it.
  14. Well you're a lucky ba$$ Still no reply from the eBayers who are selling the frames at £130 - A$$es!
  15. Washed mine today, didn't dry it off - two hours later - covered in ice - DOH!
  16. Cool! I did a search to see if they did subframes, but they don't!
  17. <Speechless> </Speechless>
  18. Modify them... hmmm. That sounds like the sort of thing I'd try, bugger up the frames and then have no seat to drive the car. I think I tried DT with no joy and the ones on eBay are £130... Jimser got them from the same guy for £80. I eMailed him and asked him if they were 100% the right ones, but he hasn't bothered his a$$ getting back to me, so I'm reluctant to buy them when can't answer a simple query.
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