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Everything posted by thewelsho

  1. Cheers Mark, PM'd him. Thanks Grieg, if I decide to go for these seats, I might take you up on your offer of a wee seat in it! But since you already have it, what do you think of it? Cheers Craig, its for road and occasional track use.
  2. I work in Paisley, live pretty near Blantyre so all is good if your up for it
  3. You and me both mate... I'll be watching this thread very closely!
  4. Yes, it does, thanks. So I'm looking for a set of seats with runners, not rails. At least I know were I going with that part of it These any good? http://www.demon-tweeks.co.uk/products/Pro...p;pcode=S/S823B OR http://www.demon-tweeks.co.uk/products/Pro...ode=COBMNP-S-BK
  5. That, or open them up in a graphics package and resize them.
  6. Yeah, I thought that, but looking at the prices of some of these I was rather hopeing it was for a pair!
  7. Are these prices for one seat or the pair?
  8. Thanks Colin, I'll have a look on the Demon Tweaks website to see what they have.
  9. Hi Folks I was thinking about treating myself to some bucket seats for my Hawkeye WRX, but as with most things to do with cars, I am clueless about this. I hear people talking about "rails" and stuff and I have no idea what that means. I have no idea what to look for, where to look or how much I should pay. Any help/advice would be much appreciated I had a quick look on eBay and found these: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/COBRA-monaco-bucket-...A1%7C240%3A1318 Are then any good? THANKS!
  10. Dunno nuttin about any of the cars you are looking at mate, but I'd heartily recommend an STi over the WRX any day of the week. If I had known more about the marque and where I would take it (or were he bad people on here tempted me to take it ), I would never have touched a WRX - but you live and learn
  11. With my new box on the WRX its the same.
  12. Agree with that = car looks fantastic! It just keeps getting better and better.
  13. Awesome! Though, clearly all the best bits edited together. Watch it again and you can see the externally mounted cameras changing position on the car. Oh and the yellow mirrors - MMMMMMMM!
  14. What a shame, wheels looked fantastic. I'm surprised you got rubbing though, must unusual I'm sure Buffalo Bill will snap them up!
  15. Glad to be of help my friend, now, I'm off to look at the pics Nice! especially of the blue car with the orange racing stripes
  16. Not a huge fan of Top Gear as the show has far too much novelty factor. I prefer listening to proper car-reviews. That said, Clarkston is very witty and very intelligent and having read a couple of his books, he cuts close to the bone. I never saw the incident in question, but I saw a 10 second clip on YouTube and it seemed to me a bit much. I'm agreeing with StrikE, "poor show". Not that I would complain and want him sacked, but he just has to be a bit more sensitive. My tuppence worth.
  17. Absolute disgrace man, who would do that!? Idiots! Hopefully, when he gets his car back, he'll take the wardrobe out of the garage and put the car in it instead.
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