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Everything posted by thewelsho

  1. LOL! You must have missed my comment on the other thread... I have already fitted a front splitter - so I can do that too! Ha! Sadly, the spliter came to sad end on a speed hump and have since not replaced it
  2. Keira, Pull off the surround around the gear lever, pull off the facia that has the heating knobs etc. then you will see four sizeable philips screws. Undo those and the stereo comes out. Pull out the connector, and place old stereo to the side (bin). Ensure that you but a block connector for your new stereo/car type (available from Halfrauds) into the back of the stereo and connect to the feed in the car. Make sure you attach the arial connector into the back of the stereo and put everything back together HTH JW
  3. Nice to hear... thought you were selling mate? JW
  4. You're a braver man than me! I'm sure it was a thrill - but no thanks! Enjoy Saturday!
  5. thanks for the support Peter - a genuine fellow Scooby owner... unlike that other pair of swines!
  6. Nice one mate, I even understood a lot of it, ha! Amazing thing is, the more money you spend the more money you have to spend I have already out-modded stuff. So, if I add a bigger turbo, I'm looking at a gearbox and clutch on top of the price of the turbo, plus an oil cooler and most likely injectors, pffff puts me out of the running for a while! Hope you get all your niggles sorted and have your car in tip-top running order The only thing you never mentioned was a 2.5 upgrade... tempted? JW
  7. LOL! Sorry to dissapoint Dave but I already have fitted one and it broke! so I binned it. All the holes I drilled are still there so its a bolt on job! Ha! As for you and your little jibe Frank... you disspoint me...
  8. Could I BE anymor jealous! sounds like a great project - good luck! I must not look... I must not look... I MUST NOT look.. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
  9. GRRRR! Glad he's ok though. hope you get hold of the muppet!
  10. Beautiful machine, the best colour and the best design! Also, some nice little touches - welcome along
  11. Very cool! Oh I really need to get another one of these!
  12. LOL! I loved how you went on a big rant then casaully said, "Merry Christmas to everyone". Sorry to hear about your car though - hope you get it restored to its former glory asap!
  13. Engineeering suppliers... woudln't know were to start! Would a classic bolt fit it you think?
  14. The driver's side is ok. just the passenger's side. Still no joy. Tried the obvious options like B&Q, Homebase and a coupleof local hardware stores. I'm all outta ideas, looks like I'll have to wait til the new year until the stealer gets them in... all this for a freaking bolt!!!! Cheeers!
  15. Thread is ok in the floor - that would have been a real disaster! The hole on the frame is already sloted, but I think your suggestion to file them out a bit more is a good one. I'll do that too. Thanks for the help - really, I am useless!
  16. thanks ma' man. Just wondered if they were some sort of special metal or something
  17. Hi As some of you know, I recently mounted bucket seats in the car. However, I had to take one out to install a seat belt clip. Because the subframes don't line up with the holes properly, the bolts have been damaged and now I can't get the seat back in. I tried the dealers but can't get them till the new year! I was wondering if anyone had these bolts lying around or someone could suggest an alternative...(B&Q perhaps?). Car is WRX MY06. It is the FRONT bolts as the rears are a different size. Thanks! JW
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