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Everything posted by thewelsho

  1. Exactly the sort of thing I would do!
  2. Nice pics, especially the sunset one and the motion one. Dreadful editing-outof number plates though
  3. $36 a barrell! That is STAGGERING! I see that that massive cut is not making its way to the pumps though. Not that i am complaining too much though 93.9 for V Power is pretty damn good! I can't imagine that such low prices will last very long anway, so might as well enjoy it while we can
  4. Yeah, that's only noticeable if your using the brakes. He was getting these symtoms while accelerating from 100 - 120 on the track. Sounds like tyre balancing to me. I get it too at 75 ish
  5. WOW that was weird! thought I fell through a time-hole!
  6. Remove carpets, mats, replace standard seats with bucket seats, remove back seats, remove spare wheel, remove airbags, remove aircon, replace wheels with ligher options, replace some engine components with lighter options like fly wheel and pulleys... Its not where you start, its where do you stop! *** Disclaimer *** Please disregard any advice in this post as my reply is born out of boredom, not expertise
  7. but but but... where's the Scooby!? Nice car - fancy a Beemer masel to be honest
  8. Who would try this? http://www.frozensolid.co.uk/ A method of strengthening gearboxes, engine blocks, brake discs etc, by deep freezing the components. Most likely a load of baloney, especially since the website looks like it was designed by a 5-year old blindfolded, but jsut wondered if anyone had ever heard of this.
  9. Probably can't fund another venture into WRC becasue they don't have the money due to no one buying their crappy hatchback design. Reap what you sow!
  10. Serve your right for blowing all my tinsel away with your stupid exhaust!
  11. I had already ordered when you posted that up, plus, I can't imagine the cost of those things given that I paid £120 for the ones I got. Maybe once my sore neck/back clears up, it wont be so bad... that's if it clears up - been giving me grief since September Thanks make Cheecky git! I know who's ass will be getting a kicking next time I see them!
  12. Nice one. Was just thinking that the torque is pretty high. Enjoy it!
  13. It would need to a HUGE chib since its the very top of the seat; I spose you could say the back of the head rest So less o yer cheek or ye'll see my chib ya ba$$ - LOL The got ripped when we were taking them out of storage, ho hum! I really dunno if I am going to keep them, my upper back has a stabbing pain in it at preset due to a prolapsed disc, and sitting in the position that those seats have, it really aggrivates it. I can feel tingling and pain when driving, not much use. If I could find a way of tilting them back, it would be perfect, but ...
  14. Soem people might have a heart-attack at this suggestion Stevie, but I used some Cif on a peice of raf, and gently rubbed brake dust off. I take it that other stuff didn't do the job?
  15. Woo, it looks better in that 2nd set of pics... I WANT ONE!
  16. Aye... so much for the new 2008 model that everyone was raving about.
  17. Thanks mate, I'll drop by during the hols
  18. Hi There is a little gash about 1.5 inches long in one of the bucket seats I just installed. Does anyone know of someone who is able to repair this without grannies darning or a silly patch etc. The fabric is quite delicate and will likely get worse if I don't sort it out now. I'll post pictures when I get home from work. Thanks
  19. I thought that too mate! Maybe we both have fuddled eyes! I think the spoiler looks ok, hard to say really from the pics, I'd like to see it in the metal. But, good on yea for doing something to alter the car to appease your own tastes... after all, that is what its all about, isn't it? EDIT: The pics are no longer showing up...
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