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Everything posted by oobster

  1. Mrs oobster was down at Tesco Bathgate tonight and tells me that they are now doing the 99ron stuff 89.9p apparently. I'm going to nip down there the morra and fill up.
  2. Auction 1 4X4 Off Road Course at Knockhill for TWO people driving one of Weir's Jeep Cherokee's Mrs Mako ...... £10 imy....................£20 keap_scooby ....£30 imy.....................£40 Gus....................£50 mrs keap_scooby ........£60 oobster..............£75 Auction 2 4 Wheel Digital Alignment at Hypertech Bonnybridge stephen............. £20 Bandit .............. £30 Gus, Jimser and keap Scooby £40 Gus................... £50
  3. Like I am afraid of a stone chip & like there is a traffic dobber round every corner.
  4. The view of my street is very up to date - neighbour only recently done their driveway and it shows up. Unfortunately no cars showing in my driveway though []
  5. Billyboy emailed these over to me as he doesn't know how to post pics on the forum
  6. Duncan - it was indeed up there at the top as a recent post - i spotted it before anyone had replied.
  7. GLASGOW ST. ROLLOX EXTRA Cobden Road ST. Rollox Business Park Central G21 1YL
  8. This stuff might work out a big cheaper. http://www.noisekiller.co.uk/sound_proofing_vehicles_04.php
  9. Martin - here's a link to my setup. Sounds fine to me without dynomat. 17cm in front doors, 13cm in rears http://www.oob315.freeserve.co.uk/ICEsetup_new_24-05-06.pdf
  10. Here was I, quiet Sunday morning, lovely big fry-up, relaxing day ahead - watch some footy on Sky, maybe the Rally if it's on somewhere, maybe, MAYBE just push myself to give the car a wee hoover out. And BAM! Car needs washed now. Then chamois dried. WHY couldn't it be left dirty [:'(]
  11. If there is a scratch someone dies today [6]
  12. [:$] I'm going to have to wash it now, aren't i?
  13. John, i think it's a rear bumper for a dark-blue metallic bugeye
  14. This one is down south but might be able to help - they've posted a couple of bits up to me (interior right enough, nothing as large as a bumper) http://www.cityautosalvage.co.uk/Others/brk_subaru.htm
  15. LOL.... i like the OOB sheep peeking over the wall []
  16. Very nice Col, but that not how you spell galleries @ the bottom of the main page
  17. Ooooo.....i'm SO looking forward to seeing the video of everyone going down st3ph3n's tunnel []
  18. Dougie, hope your hospital stay is short & your home soon, but I also hope the quality of the female nurses is top notch and your managing to keep the sheets off your legs bud!
  19. D'oh. Didn't notice that. Must get more sleep.
  20. Do the websites http://www.asptrading.co.uk/acatalog/BRAKES.html & http://www.asperformance.com both belong to the same company?
  21. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/6069784.stm
  22. 01506 633471 for Stevie Walker [Y]
  23. Cheers Cal [Y] Got the goodridge hoses fitted last week but the Mrs Peugeot 206 1.4 Automatic feels like it's got better brakes than mine [:S]
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