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Everything posted by oobster

  1. Damn thats a shame mate. I got some damage on my n/s/f door last winter from a gritter and I remember how pi$$ed off I was. Hope you get the council to pay for it but I reckon your in for a fight there. Good luck though [Y]
  2. Is that Gumball's Orange ST? [] People wanting to legalise drugs should have a look at threads like this.
  3. I just did a sex wee, and I wasn't even there on Sunday [] Awesome video Grant [Y]
  4. Very nice car Craig [Y] Definitely needs a larger rear spoiler though
  5. Just finished watching the 2nd part on the Sky+ Jeez - some weird decisions were made there. A wire coming away from the starter motor while in service which was fixed, only to come back off again when they were at the start line (not allowed to open the bonnet so car was disqualified) Putting a gearbox which was known to be faulty back into the car to replace a gearbox that was working fine, only for the faulty one to develop the same fault it had originally! Mis-reading the data coming back from the 1st gearbox meant Petter put it into safe mode on a road section heading towards service (incurring a time penalty) when there was no need! The Japanese fellow (manufacturers prinicpal) wasn't happy was he? Still, a good series and as they director said himself - over 150 years experience of rallying (collectively) and they had never had a weekend ever before where so much had went wrong.
  6. Stephen http://sldentrepair.co.uk/contact.html Highly recommended. Andy
  7. We had a guy at our place, Ken. Big hairy bloke. Looked like he could grow a full beard in a week, that type. Heard that after he got paid off he then became Shirley. Apparently had the op - the lot. Heard he got thrown out of local for using the ladies loo. Haven't ever seen him since he left our company but would hate to see what kind of state he is now. He canny be that bonnie.
  8. I've decided to keep the blobeye for a wee while more. Maybe get some stone-chip damage tidied up soon Many thanks to Gav for his help over the phone and to Gus for the advice offered, as well as everyone else who contributed to this thread - much appreciated. [Y]
  9. Also didn't go (name was never on the list). Mother day, CIS Cup Final, Aussie GP plus a combination of other things (including the forecast of snow) meant I wasn't going to make this one. Looking forward to seeing the pics though.
  10. [] Really sorry to see that damage Kerry - I only hope whoever did it suffers some long term pain. Ar$eholes.
  11. Nice car [y] Welcome to the club []
  12. Very nice Col. Very nice indeed [Y]
  13. I think Stevie Walker might be handing me a fair-sized bill in the next few weeks. Maybe. Maybe not. Mind still not made up.
  14. Nice on Gus - canny beat a wee bit of modding [y]
  15. So when is yours arriving stephen []
  16. Thanks for the opinions folks. My car has nothing 'wrong' with it - the reason I want to go from a WRX to another WRX is that the lure of the STI has never appealed to me - i'm not the type of bloke who likes hammering their car along B roads or at Knockhill (but fair play to those that do) - for me the Subaru is about decent performance if I need it (plus the occasional bit of fun on organised runs etc) but also, and slightly more importantly, about the looks. I like to spend money on my car, clean it, polish it, see it's reflection in shop windows and say "Hey, thats smart, thats mine". So there would be no point going to an STI. The only problem with my car is the stone chips - which could be sorted, granted. BUT - I don't want to mod the car any further. There is honestly nothing out there that I would like to buy and stick onto the car. So modding the blobeye further isn't going to happen. The thought of a new 'project' to mod is quite appealing - I got a certain thrill out of modding (mostly cosmetic) the blobeye and i'm looking forward to doing it again. The thought keeps running through my head that i'd only be doing the same mods to a newer, slightly different shape car. JohnS - I don't really corner hard often and being a big lad I don't think i'd slide about much.
  17. Gus Dawn is 50/50 on it too - you know the situation re: kids, so she is trying to be sensible too, but at the same time deal with what we know today and worry about/deal with tomorrow when it comes. I think to extend the warranty on the blob for another year (5th) was something like £845.00 My car is sitting at 42K miles.
  18. Here is a pic of the possible new purchase...
  19. Folks, I'd appreciate opinions & thoughts on the following: 2005 '55'-plate 2.5 WRX SL (Sunroof & Leather) in Red. It's done 12K miles and is totally standard. Haven't seen the car yet though. I'm considering trading my blobeye in against this. Plus points: 1) A new 'Project' to get my teeth into 2) It's a 2.5 3) It's 2-and-a-half years newer than mine 4) It will still have roughly 1-and-a-half years warranty left on it (the warranty on mine runs out at the end of March) 5) It's an SL (the blobeye I own just now isn't) 6) No nagging from Dawn about spending the money buying it or modding it (she isn't bothered) Neg points: 1) Nothing MAJOR wrong with mine - few stone chips on the front 2) To mod the hawkeye to a similar level as the blob would cost me between £2.5 & £3K 3) Means going into debt for the next 3 years - current bank loan for the blob only has 1 year left 4) Possibility (hopefully) of kids in the next 12-15 months 5) Company I work for is currently being sold to another company - no idea what the new owner will do with all the employees + what their company car policy is (the blob is mine, but I get an allowance every month on top of my wages & I am then allowed to buy whatever I like). Been here for over 13 years so fairly decent redundancy package if they decided I was out the door so any car I owned wouldn't need to be sold immediately after redundancy. So - ladies and gents - do I go pure mad mental and get the SL, mod it to the limit of my credit card & worry about the future (kids, job) when & if they happen? Or, do I take the sensible route - keep what I have to be mindful of what the next 12 months might bring? The reason for asking is that right now i'm split 50/50 - I can't make my mind up. If you can think of a 3rd option then let's hear it too. BUT - to buy the hawkeye and not mod it to my liking is NOT an option - i couldn't bear to leave it standard. Thanks in advance of all (sensible) comments received. Andy
  20. Greig http://forums.sidc.co.uk/forums/thread/893133.aspx [Y]
  21. Kev Rich @ Polished Bliss is probably a good person to ask - have a look at his site at http://www.polishedbliss.co.uk He also sponsors the car care section over on ScoobyNet. He's from up your way too - Inverurie I think. Andy
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