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Everything posted by oobster

  1. There is a Shell that sells V-Power at Arkleston (Paisley Road) in Renfrew. There is also a Shell at Low Glencairn in Kilmarnock If you go onto the Shell website there is a station finder - type your postcode in and it'll tell you your nearest station.
  2. Happy Birthday Imy [^] Lovely day for Grant to take you out for a lovely meal in the countryside!
  3. Looks a very clean & tidy car you got there [Y]
  4. Nice one Noel [Y] - when are you getting it?
  5. There's one of those airwolf helmets on eBay for a Buy-It-Now of £580.00 [] http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/REPLICA-AIRWOLF-HELM...ZViewItem
  6. Hi Les, welcome to the forum - nice car you got there? Is the person washing the car in the background a relation?
  7. As above - i've had a scratch on my drivers side window (front) since I got the car and i'd been investigating ways of getting it sorted. First I priced up a new piece of glass from Subaru - something like £157 [] Then I found a breakers down in Willenhall that assured me they had a drivers window that was unmarked. Sadly when it arrived & i'd removed it from the packaging it was probably in worse condition that my own window. So that got sent back & I tried a few glass specialist companies around Edinburgh & Glasgow. One of them gave a company name called GlasWeld. SO I gave them a phone & the guy (Robin Mockett) came out on Friday to have a look - no problem sir, i'll be round on Tuesday afternoon to get that out. He arrived abour 3pm today, covered over the whole drivers side of the car, the roof, bonnet and boot lid too then set to work with whatever the stuff is he uses. An hour and a half later the scratch is gone (well I can't see it anymore anyway) - £40 for the first hour then £15 for every hour after. Inc. VAT I think it was about £64 something. So if you want some scratches removed from glass then give the amusingly-named Robin Mockett a call on 07957 856687. (http://www.glaswelduk.com) oobster P.S. This didn't appear to be a vertical scratch like one that would be created by dirt in the window rubber scratching the glass when the window goes up and down - this was like a sort of Z-shape.
  8. Now that just isn't nice. BUT... how many people were saying that when the first shots of the bugeye started showing up? Then the blob? Then the hawk? Still, I don't think an 08 will ever be sitting on my drive.
  9. Aye I might do that. Don't want to risk trying to get budget approval for too many things at once, especially with the forthcoming trip into Mr. Walkers! We'll see what the summer brings.
  10. Welcome to the forum tichy [Y] There always seems to be more newbies in the spring than at any other time of the year!
  11. Wee bit too rich for me just now unfortunately, maybe later in the year. Cheers for letting me know tho [Y]
  12. Neil - how much did that lot set you back if you don't mind me asking?
  13. Boo Hoo [:'(] All these folk getting new cars and i'm stuck with a new kitchen instead [:'(] Get some pictures up on the fourm when you've got the car [] [Y]
  14. Agreed. But with the firefox add-on & the script that bloke made, it does make the pictures a BIT easier to view.
  15. Fan-dabi-dozi Marc [Y] Also, not ideal but you could install the firefox browser, then a wee add-on called Greasemonkey. Then, buried somewhere in Off-topic, is a script that self-installs which removes the banner down the right - the rest of the forum should then stretch out to make pictures viewable. As I say, not ideal, bit of faffing about, but it works. Been using Firefox for a week now and it's much better than IE.
  16. How come your not out scooting about it in? Nice clear night, roads will be quiet - get out there man!
  17. Thats a very nice car you have there - very clean. Especially like those wheels [Y]
  18. Nice one Paul - looking forward to seeing it [Y]
  19. Couldn't make the most recent one but had hoped to make the next one - now looks unlikely since Dawn and I are on hols from work for week commencing 28th May (wedding anniversary). Not booked to go away anywhere yet but it's likely we will. Damn. If I was able to make it, Sunday would be my choice.
  20. Kev - just incase you haven't had a chance to have a look round yet: You aren't allowed a wee avatar pic under under your name until your a paid-up member. I think membership is about £35 and you get a regular subaru magazine as well as discounts at lots of places (Subaru dealers - handy for servicing/parts, as well as lots of tuners and after-market suppliers like scoobyworld) Membership also means you get a discount on insurance at Keith Michaels, who are widely used and appreciated on this forum. You don't have to become a member but if your planning on doing anything to your scoob it will probably end up paying for itself!
  21. Hullo there Kev - i'm just up the road from you. Welcome to the forum [Y]
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