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Everything posted by oobster

  1. I agree - keep what you've got. Doesn't look that far off a RB320 anyway. Nice motor by the way [Y]
  2. The guy i use is called Stephen Liddle i think - His number is 07967 488 371. He's always managed to get any dents completely gone from mine + workmates cars - i think he charges £40 per panel.
  3. They don't. Nanaki - I touch goats
  4. Same here, nice motor but not a huge fan of the graphics. However, it takes all kinds to make a world, as long as your happy!
  5. Can I throw a suggestion into the hat? How about we find a place to eat afterwards that's showing the old firm game?
  6. 1. Spooks and Rose 2. Imy and Grant 3. Billyboy 4. scoobyiain + other half 5. Andy & Dawn
  7. Aye cheers to Peter & the staff - another excellent meal and the company wasn't too bad either []
  8. That the one you were telling me about last night Gus? http://bbs.scoobynet.com/styling-36/563463-my-rear-end.html
  9. Nice motor Mark, wish you all the best with this one [Y]
  10. Hope you got plenty of bamboo shoots and water chesnuts in Peter - i lurve them []
  11. MIGHT be able to make it - it's my maw's 60th birthday that day - i'll confirm nearer the time if thats ok
  12. REALLY like those wheels Dave, very nice indeed. [Y]
  13. Here Here. This is a fairly popular internet forum for one make & model of car... more important things happening in the world that causing friction over some sticky's. Build a bridge and get over it.
  14. there's a mob in the north east of england - as performance i think they are called - they do mintex & ferrodo pads. Good prices too.
  15. 1. Higgy and Nikki ...........................................confirmed 2. st3ph3n ------------------------------------- confirmed 3. imy ------------------------------------------ confirmed 4. Gus-------------------------------------------confirmed 5. Craigwrx & Allison 6. Dale(thefastone) & Nici ----------------------confirmed 7. Harvey and Dawn. ---------------------------confirmed 8. oobster & Dawn ---------------------------- confirmed 9. Playsatan and Mrs Playsatan-----------------confirmed 10. STi_Bandit & April ------------------------- confirmed 11. coulty & coultette----------------------------confirmed 12. andywrx ------------------------------------confirmed 13. Des & Maz ----------------------------------confirmed 14. Ally-b----------------------------------------confirmed 15. TheSquirrel-----------------------------------confirmed 16. Terzo Neil------------------------------------confirmed 17. John & Cat-----------------------------------confirmed 18. WRXMANIA and TOTALMANIAC--------confirmed (unless a booking comes in last minute) 19. Blue Thunder P1(Greigor)---------------------confirmed 20. Irish Al & Baby No 2 ------------------------confirmed 21. Jimser-----------------------------------------confirmed Reserve List: 1. Mr & Mrs Spooks 2. Gogsie & Julie 3. Gumball in the reserve
  16. Sorry to hear about this, I hope the car is either recovered undamaged or your insurance pays out without any hassle. I guess every generation says their "time" is worse to live in than the previous generation but it's about time the government of the day done something about people who affect other people's lives negatively. Build more prisons. Prisons without telly's, playstations etc. Harsher sentences. But it ain't going to happen is it?
  17. Excellent pics there Neil.... and the car ain't too shaby either [][Y]
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