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Everything posted by oobster

  1. Sorry to hear that. Hope it doesn't work out to be too hard on the wallet.
  2. John - try the following link for prices for both Ferrodo & Pagid pads. http://www.asptrading.co.uk/acatalog/BRAKES.html
  3. Two Eberdonian SIDC members, Tam and Shughie, are sitting in the bar, drinking beer. Tam turns to Shughie and says, "Ye ken fit? I'm tiredo' gan through life withoot an education. I'morn, I think I'll go doon to the community college and sign up for some classes." Shughie thinks it's a good idea, and the two leave.The next day Tam goes down to the college and meets the Lecturer, who signs him up for the four basic classes: maths, English, history, and logic. "Logic?" Tam says. "Fit's at?" The Lecturer says, "I'll show you. Do you own a Subaru?" "Aye" Then logically because you own a Subaru, I think that you have a Driveway." "That's true, I dee huv a Driveway." "I'm not done," the Lecturer says. "Because you have a Driveway, I think logically that you would have a house." "Aye, I dee huv a hoose." "And because you have a house, I think that you might logically have a family." "I huv a femily." "I'm not done yet. Because you have a family, then logically you must have a wife." "Yer nae wrang!! I dee huv a wife!!" "And because you have a wife, then logically you must be a heterosexual." "I am a heterosexual. That's amazin'!! You were able to find a' that oot, jist 'cos I huv a Subaru." Excited to take the class now, Tam shakes thelecturer's hand and leaves to meet Shughie at the pub. He tells Shughie about his classes, how he is signed up for math, English,history and logic. "Logic?" Shughie says, "Fit's at?" Tam says, "I'll show ye. Do you huv a Subaru?" "No." "Well then, yer a poof."
  4. And remember (re: my recent PM) check the quality of the repair carefully. VERY carefully.
  5. Nice car Iain, but why is the bonnet sitting proud at the windscreen side on nearly every picture? Edit: ignore me, i've just spotted why. D'oh!
  6. We've also got the Tom Tom One and found it to be excellent.
  7. Merry christmas to everyone from Dawn & Andy
  8. I think we should maybe give it a chance - perhaps this is like when the new forum was introduced last time - leave it a couple of weeks to make sure it's working bug-free then start bringing in the 'bling' bits that we had before. But aye, I agree, as it stands at the moment it's definitely a step down from the last version.
  9. John, Used to have a Forester Turbo (Prodrive upgrade) a few years back a hell of a lot of fun tbh.... so know roughly what I'm letting myself in for with the handling etc.... although from what I've heard/read/seen its night and day between the standard turbo and the Sti overall. Thanks for all your comments folks + and - Cheers Gus PS watch this space!!! or the For Sale section[][] oobster it does fit in my garage btw...... the last one did anyway[:S] Fair enough mate.... hope you get a lot of fun out of it. Might even hassle you for a wee shot if you go ahead!
  10. Same for me Gus - not my cup of tea but it's your life & your cash mate. Will it fit in your garage ok?
  11. I just resign myself to plenty of work in the spring to get the car back up to how I like it - there is nothing you can do about a mucky car in the winter & i've learned it's more hassle than it's worth to try to keep it clean. Annoys me when the interior carpets etc are dirty though.
  12. I think Jamie HI SOOB used to have 19's on his bugeye?
  13. Very nice car there - what bodyshop do you use mate?
  14. Bandit in Modification shocker!!! [] Nice one Martin [y]
  15. I collect model cars - mostly 1/18th scale, got nearly 100 now. Not really got room to display them anymore. Pics here - these were taken in the summer and i've got about another 20 since then. Nice tables by the way Geo - very nice. [y]
  16. Neil - i've PM'd you a place in Livi that MIGHT be able to help - they were helpful to me at MOT time last year. Andy
  17. PaulC555 - I touch goats with some rather good news [] [Y]
  18. I'd like to go for a bite to eat, pref. somewhere that's showing the old firm game if possible.
  19. Can someone PM or text me the meet-up details later tonight or tomorrow as Dawn & I won't make the meeting this evening. Ta. [Y]
  20. Your all excited about a can of diet irn bru? I like the stuff myself, but I wouldn't post up on the forum about it![][] I'm confusing myself now [:S]
  21. Dawn had a bump with her 206 & the insurance told her to take it to Vauxhall at Sighthill, Edinburgh. Never again. Absolute cowboys. Car has never been right since, despite being back in to have what they didn't fix or broke repaired.
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