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Everything posted by oobster

  1. Neil (4hero) seems the obvious choice - he's away on holiday at the moment though. He lives in Broxburn. He is a web designer, works from home - his company is called 100 shades of grey - http://www.100shadesofgrey.co.uk
  2. Just booked tickets to go see Rhod Gilbert on Sunday night - will let the original poster know if he was good/bad
  3. What time are you heading up at Gus?
  4. Fraser - i've used them before then. Was maybe about 2 years ago now, they painted the drivers side of my Pug 307 (apple green) - it was a shade out afterwards. They tried a 2nd time (refused to refund me) and it was still a shade out. Again, refused to refund me but did offer to give it another go - they got some rep. in from the paint manufacturer and this time they painted-up shade cards (3 of) which were a huge help - one was spot-on. Turned out that, for Peugeot anyway, there is never just one exact shade - some cars leave the factory with a touch more yellow in them, a touch more orange etc. So the paint manufacturer rep. guy said there was actually 3 paint codes for my car - the one with a drop more yellow was the one that suited my car. So they painted the car with this shade & it was fine. If you go back to them, make sure you get them to ask the paint rep. for ALL the codes for your car, and ask for spray-cards to be made up - this made a big difference in my case. The wee audl guy with the huge beard, to give him his due, could have just washed his hands of it after the 1st attempt but he was determined to get it right - the 2nd & 3rd attempts were both at his own cost. Andy
  5. My ex, my mum, my gran & my sister were all struggling to think of something to get me for my xmas about 6 or 7 years ago, so I asked them to go quarter each on any 3-letter 3-number reggie plate they could get a hold of. The one they got starts OOB, and the guys @ work started called me oobster. I find most of the folk in the club tend to call me oobster than than my real name @ meets etc [:S]
  6. Nice one Dave [Y] Yep, you are in it st3phen, as is Marty in his black STi. Buttercup productions though Dave?
  7. That isn't the place ran out of a portacabin, the guy that runs it is a dead-skinny auld guy with a long ginger & white beard?
  8. My gaffer dropped the alloy off his brand-new Saab convertible last week, onto monoblock. The face is all chipped to buggery. He thought the side-wall of the tyre would mean the alloy wouldn't touch the ground. Wrong!
  9. Did you drop it face-down on the road Graham? Coatech up in Arbroath area if your wanting a repair - 01241 854 911.
  10. Welcome to the forum Darren [Y]
  11. Is Firth the one in Houston Industrial Estate? Stevie Walker is yer man - he's in Bathgate - 01506 633471. http://www.stevewalkerbodyshop.co.uk/ If you use him, tell him Andy with the red Subaru sent you and I might get a wee tenner off next time I visit him. Agree with kart_man though - the original bodyshop should be given the chance to sort the repair properly, or they refund you.
  12. Welcome to the forum Nikki [Y] - enjoy your stay
  13. Top marks awarded to st3ph3n for this week's most amusing post. [Y] Nice pics Col.
  14. Poorboys Wheel Wax is supposed to be the product to use. I've got a tub of it myself, only got it yesterday though so not got around to using it. You can get it for about £11 or thereabouts from www.polishedbliss.co.uk
  15. Is that George Orr Gus? If so, he used to have a nice Suzuki SJ410 jeep, he put an engine out of a Suzuki Swift GTI in it and it didn't half shift. Jeez, that must have been about 15 or 16 years ago. I feel auld now []
  16. Went to see that Radio 2 show with Dara O'Brian last night - was very good. He is doing this same show every Monday night apparently, it was only last night Radio 2 were there recording it. Show was supposed to start at 9pm though, didnt actually start till 9.30. It was due to finish at 10pm and didn't end until 10.45, so that's not so bad. There was Adam Hills (Australian), Ed Byrne (he was rubbish), Rich Hall (American - he was good) and some guy from Wales (didn't catch his name but he was excellent).
  17. Went to see Frankie Boyle last year and he was no bad. Haven't seen Rich Hall yet, but hopefully going to see him tonight - we won tickets on the BBC website to go see a show hosted by Dara O'Brian. Do a search for the assembly rooms - lots of comedy acts on there. Jimmy Carr might be worth a shout if he's up here this year, also Tim Vine was excellent last year. Jim Bowen from Bullseye did a show last year too that had me in hysterics.
  18. Awra best with the labour Wuz, post sum pics of the new member up thr morra!
  19. My car felt like a 1 litre on the way home [] Peter's car is without doubt the fastest accelerating car I have been in. Ever. It's awesome. [Y]
  20. Might nip in there later tonight if i get the time.
  21. Can't stand the format. There is all the dialog between the inventor & the dragons, then that tube Evan or whatever his name is has got do a voiceover 5 seconds later saying exactly what the inventors/dragons have said. Erm..... we know! We do not have the memories of goldfish you know!
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